- 中文名:謝南斌
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
1. 基於複雜性科學的高等教育系統管理研究. 管理世界, 2010, 11.
2. Mixed Optimal Algorithm of Resource Allocation in Energy Industry. Energy Procedia, 2011,5(EI收錄).
3. The Mixed Encryption Algorithm Based on MD5 and XOR Transformation . The Second International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society, 2010,3(EI收錄).
4. The Efficiency Evaluation of the College Which Based on DEA.The First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society , 2009,3(EI收錄).
5. Study on Structure Optimization of Energy Industry System Based on Entropy Theory. Management & Engineering,2013,4(CSA收錄).
6. The System Control and Organization Decision-making of University Management Based on Entropy. Management & Engineering,2011,4(CSA收錄).
7. 中古時期阿拉伯教育與東西方文化交融. 現代哲學,2009,2.
8. 適應產業提升的廣東高等職業教育發展研究. 教育與職業, 2010, 9.
9. 高校管理系統的熵值效應與組織決策. 江西師範大學學報:哲學社會科學版,2007,2.
10. 強化公權管理的科學體系——法制、道德與廉政監督. 雲南財貿學院學報:社會科學版,2006,5.
11. The Reserch on Scientific Innovation of Colleges and Universities Based on Fuzzy Integral Evaluation Method. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Education Management Science and Engineering, 2010,3(ISTP收錄).
12. Optimization Search of Higher Vocational Education System Structure Based on the Logistic Model. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation & Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2009,12(ISTP收錄).
13. Research on Management Mechanism Innovation of Vocational College Based on the Theory of Dissipative Structures. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovation & Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2008,12(ISTP收錄).
14. Investment in Education and Regional Economic Growth’s Relations Between the Measurement Model and Analysis of Guangdong. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on System Management. World Academic Press, 2008,5(ISTP收錄).
15. The Research on Optimization of Higher Vocational Education System Based on The Theory of Dissipative Structure. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Public Administration (4 th ). Uestc Press, 2008,9(ISTP收錄).
16.Institutional Civilization and Harmonious Society. Proceedings of the 3th International Conference on Innovation & Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2006,12(ISTP收錄).
17. 基於耗散結構理論的高職院校管理機制創新研究. 廣東技術師範學院學報,2009,2.
18. 基於AHP/DEA的高職教育效率評價研究. 江蘇技術師範學院學報(自然科學版), 2008, 12.
19. 制度變遷與廉政博弈:體制轉型時期廉政建設研究. 行政與法,2007,6.
20. 基於模糊積分評價法的高校科技創新能力評價研究. 人力資源管理,2012,4.
21. 高等教育系統資源配置混合最佳化策略. 人力資源管理,2012,6.
22. 非對稱信息下權力運行與監督制約中的“諾思悖論”. 價值工程,2007,9.
23. 地方優勢產業培育對策研究. 經濟師,2007,2.
24. 廉政機制的效率模式:行政公開與監督制約均衡互動. 中國西部科技,2006,25.
2. Mixed Optimal Algorithm of Resource Allocation in Energy Industry. Energy Procedia, 2011,5(EI收錄).
3. The Mixed Encryption Algorithm Based on MD5 and XOR Transformation . The Second International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society, 2010,3(EI收錄).
4. The Efficiency Evaluation of the College Which Based on DEA.The First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society , 2009,3(EI收錄).
5. Study on Structure Optimization of Energy Industry System Based on Entropy Theory. Management & Engineering,2013,4(CSA收錄).
6. The System Control and Organization Decision-making of University Management Based on Entropy. Management & Engineering,2011,4(CSA收錄).
7. 中古時期阿拉伯教育與東西方文化交融. 現代哲學,2009,2.
8. 適應產業提升的廣東高等職業教育發展研究. 教育與職業, 2010, 9.
9. 高校管理系統的熵值效應與組織決策. 江西師範大學學報:哲學社會科學版,2007,2.
10. 強化公權管理的科學體系——法制、道德與廉政監督. 雲南財貿學院學報:社會科學版,2006,5.
11. The Reserch on Scientific Innovation of Colleges and Universities Based on Fuzzy Integral Evaluation Method. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Education Management Science and Engineering, 2010,3(ISTP收錄).
12. Optimization Search of Higher Vocational Education System Structure Based on the Logistic Model. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation & Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2009,12(ISTP收錄).
13. Research on Management Mechanism Innovation of Vocational College Based on the Theory of Dissipative Structures. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovation & Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2008,12(ISTP收錄).
14. Investment in Education and Regional Economic Growth’s Relations Between the Measurement Model and Analysis of Guangdong. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on System Management. World Academic Press, 2008,5(ISTP收錄).
15. The Research on Optimization of Higher Vocational Education System Based on The Theory of Dissipative Structure. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Public Administration (4 th ). Uestc Press, 2008,9(ISTP收錄).
16.Institutional Civilization and Harmonious Society. Proceedings of the 3th International Conference on Innovation & Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2006,12(ISTP收錄).
17. 基於耗散結構理論的高職院校管理機制創新研究. 廣東技術師範學院學報,2009,2.
18. 基於AHP/DEA的高職教育效率評價研究. 江蘇技術師範學院學報(自然科學版), 2008, 12.
19. 制度變遷與廉政博弈:體制轉型時期廉政建設研究. 行政與法,2007,6.
20. 基於模糊積分評價法的高校科技創新能力評價研究. 人力資源管理,2012,4.
21. 高等教育系統資源配置混合最佳化策略. 人力資源管理,2012,6.
22. 非對稱信息下權力運行與監督制約中的“諾思悖論”. 價值工程,2007,9.
23. 地方優勢產業培育對策研究. 經濟師,2007,2.
24. 廉政機制的效率模式:行政公開與監督制約均衡互動. 中國西部科技,2006,25.
1. 廣東省教育科學“十一五”規劃研究課題《科技推廣與高職教育“二傳手”角色定位研究》(課題編號07JT034,結題證書號200907JT025).
2. 廣東省哲學社會科學“十一五”規劃教育學研究項目《高等職業教育結構最佳化研究》(課題編號09sjyy024,結題證書號:201109JS032).
2. 廣東省哲學社會科學“十一五”規劃教育學研究項目《高等職業教育結構最佳化研究》(課題編號09sjyy024,結題證書號:201109JS032).
1. 2010年獲汕尾市政府科技進步三等獎(2010).
2. 2012年獲第二屆汕尾市科技創新優秀學術論文一等獎(2012).
3. 2012年獲廣東省科協第三屆南粵科技創新優秀學術論文三等獎(2012).
2. 2012年獲第二屆汕尾市科技創新優秀學術論文一等獎(2012).
3. 2012年獲廣東省科協第三屆南粵科技創新優秀學術論文三等獎(2012).