- 中文名:諸葛飛
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:西安交通大學
- 性別:男
- 職稱:研究員
2005年4月赴日本廣島大學(Hiroshima University)從事博士後研究,2005年9月至2007年8月得到日本學術振興會的資助,在廣島大學以JSPS研究員的身份從事科研工作。在Applied Physics Letters,Chemical Physics Letters,Journal of Applied Physics 等期刊發表論文30篇,被SCI引用近300次,申請專利1項。
1. S.S. Peng, F. Zhuge*, X.X. Chen, X.J. Zhu, B.L. Hu, L. Pan, B. Chen, and R.W. Li*, Mechanism for resistive switching in an oxide-based electrochemical metallization memory, Applied Physics Letters
2. B.L. Hu, F. Zhuge*, X.J. Zhu, S.S. Peng, X.X. Chen, L. Pan, Q. Yan, and R. W. Li*, Nonvolatile bistable resistive switching in a new polyimide bearing 9-phenyl-9H-carbazole pendant, Journal of Materials Chemistry
3. F. Zhuge, B.L. Hu, C.L. He, X.F. Zhou, Z.P. Liu, and R.W. Li*, Mechanism of nonvolatile resistive switching in graphene oxide thin films, Carbon
4. F. Zhuge, S.S. Peng, C.L. He, X.J. Zhu, X.X. Chen, Y.W. Liu, R.W. Li*, Improvement of resistive switching in Cu/ZnO/Pt sandwiches by weakening the randomicity of the formation/rupture of Cu filaments, Nanotechnology
5. F. Zhuge, W. Dai, C.L. He, A.Y. Wang, Y.W. Liu, M. Li, P. Cui, and R.W. Li*, Nonvolatile resistive switching memory based on amorphous carbon, Applied Physics Letters