《語言測評:原理與課堂實踐(第2版)》(Language Assessment:Principles and Classroom Practices(2nd Edition))是一部語言測評領域的綜合理論著作,具有很強的實用價值,在全球範圍具有廣泛和深遠的影響力。作者是布朗 (H.Douglas Brown)阿貝維克拉瑪 (Priyanvada Abeywickrama)《語言測評:原理與課堂實踐(第2版)》清晰、全面、系統地闡明了語言測評的基本原理和設計程式,同時提供了一系列科學有效的語言能力評估工具。本次第二版修訂新增了近年語言測評領域的最新課題和成果,如標準化測試和重形式的測試等,並在附錄中新增了辭彙術語列表和列舉了當今主要的國際化商業考試等內容。每章的開始均設有本章學習重點和目標提示,章末設有課後練習,並提供更多相關的閱讀參考建議和推薦。
作者:(美國)布朗(H.Douglas Brown) (美國)阿貝維克拉瑪(Priyanvada Abeywickrama)
Text Credits
Chapter l Assessment Concepts and Issues
Assessment and Testing 3
Measurement and Evaluation 4
Assessment and Learning 5
Informal and Formal Assessment 6
Formative and Summative Assessment 7
Norm.Referenced and Criterion—Referenced Tests 8
Types and Purposes of Assessment 9
Achievement Tests 9
Diagnostic Tests 10
Placement Tests 10
Proficiency Tests 11
Aptitude Tests 11
Issues in Language Assessment:Then and Now 12
Behavioral Influences on Language Testing 13
Integrative Approaches 13
Communicative Language Testing 14
Performance—Based Assessment 16
Current"HOt Topics",in Classroom—Based Assessment 16
Multiple Intelligences 17
Tditional and Alternative Assessment 18
Computer—Based Testing 19
Other Current Issues 21
Exercises 22
For Your Further Reading 24
Chapter 2 Principles of Language Assessment
Practicality 26
Reliability 27
Student—Related Reliability 28
Rater Reliability 28
Test Administration Reliability 28
Test Reliability 29
Validity 29
Content—Related Evidence 30
Criterion—Related Evidence 32
Construct—Related Evidence 33
Consequential Validity ImpacO 34
Face Validity 35
Authenticity 36
Washback 37
Applying Principles to the Evaluation of Classroom Tests 40
1. Are the test procedures practical? 40
2. Is the test itself reliable? 41
3. Can you ensure rater reliability? 41
4. Does the procedure demonstrate content validity? 42
5. Has the impact of the test been carefully accounted for? 43
6. Is the procedure "biased for best"? 44
7. Are the test tasks as authentic as possible? 44
8. Does the test offer beneficial washback to the learner? 46
Exercises 48
For Your Further Reading 51
Chapter 3 Designing Classroom Language Tests
Four Assessment Scenarios 53
Scenario 1: Reading Quiz 54
Scenario 2: Grammar Unit Test 54
Scenario 3: Midterm Essay 54
Scenario 4: Listening/Speaking Final Exam 54
Determining the Purpose of a Test 55
Designing Clear, Unambiguous Objectives 56
Drawing Up Test Specifications 59
Devising Test Items 60
Designing Multiple—Choice Items 67
1. Design each item to measure a single objective. 68
2. State both stem and options as simply and directly as possible. 69
3. Make certain that the intended answer is clearly the only correct one. 70
4. (Optional) Use item indices to accept, discard, or revise items. 70
Administering the Test 78
Scoring, Grading, and Giving Feedback 79
Scoring 79
Grading 79
Giving Feedback 80
Exercises 82
For Your Further Reading 84
Chapter 4 Standards—Based Assessment
The Role of Standards in Standardized Tests 86
Standards—Based Education 87
Designing English Language Standards 88
Standards—Based Assessment 90
Teacher Standards 93
The Consequences of Standards—Based and Standardized Testing 94
Test Bias 96
Test—Driven Learning and Teaching 98
Ethical Issues: Critical Language Testing 98
Exercises 100
For Your Further Reading 101
Chapter 5 Standardized Testing
Advantages and Disadvantages of Standardized Tests 104
Developing a Standardized Test 106
1. Determine the purpose and objectives of the test. 107
2. Design test specifications. 108
3. Design, select, and arrange test tasks/wikis. 110
4. Make appropriate evaluations of different kinds of items. 112
5. Specify scoring procedures and reporting formats. 114
6. Perform ongoing construct validation studies. 117
Standardized Language Proficiency Testing 118
Exercises 120
For Your Further Reading 121
Chapter 6 Beyond Tests: Alternatives in Assessment
The Dilemma of Maximizing Both Practicality and Washback 123
Performance—Based Assessment 126
Rubrics 128
Portfolios 130
Journals 134
Conferences and Interviews 139
Observations 141
Self—and Peer—Assessments 144
Types of Self—and Peer—Assessment 145
Guidelines for Self—and Peer—Assessment 151
A Taxonomy of Self—and Peer—Assessment Tasks 153
Exercises 154
For Your Further Reading 155
Chapter 7 Assessing Listening
Integration of Skills in Language Assessment 157
Assessing Grammar and Vocabulary 158
Observing the Performance of the Four Skills 159
The Importance of Listening 160
Basic Types of Listening 161
Micro— and Macroskills of Listening 162
Designing Assessment Tasks: Intensive Listening 164
Recognizing Phonological and Morphological Elements 164
Paraphrase Recognition 166
Designing Assessment Tasks: Responsive Listening 167
Designing Assessment Tasks: Selective Listening 167
Listening Cloze 168
Information Transfer 169
Sentence Repetition 172
Designing Assessment Tasks: Extensive Listening 172
Dictation 173
Communicative Stimulus—Response Tasks 175
Authentic Listening Tasks 178
Exercises 181
For Your Further Reading 182
Chapter 8 Assessing Speaking
Basic Types of Speaking 184
Micro—and Macroskills of Speaking 185
Designing Assessment Tasks: Imitative Speaking 187
Versant 188
Designing Assessment Tasks: Intensive Speaking 189
Directed Response Tasks 189
Read—Aloud Tasks 189
Sentence/Dialogue Completion Tasks and Oral Questionnaires 192
Picture—Cued Tasks 193
Translation (of Limited Stretches of Discourse) 201
Designing Assessment Tasks: Responsive Speaking 201
Question and Answer 201
Giving Instructions and Directions 203
Chapter 9 Assessing Reading
Chapter 10 Assessing Writing
Chapter 11 Assessing Grammar and Vocabulary
Chapter 12 Grading and Student Evaluation
Appendix: Commercial Tests
Name Index
Subject Index
Text Credits
Chapter l Assessment Concepts and Issues
Assessment and Testing 3
Measurement and Evaluation 4
Assessment and Learning 5
Informal and Formal Assessment 6
Formative and Summative Assessment 7
Norm.Referenced and Criterion—Referenced Tests 8
Types and Purposes of Assessment 9
Achievement Tests 9
Diagnostic Tests 10
Placement Tests 10
Proficiency Tests 11
Aptitude Tests 11
Issues in Language Assessment:Then and Now 12
Behavioral Influences on Language Testing 13
Integrative Approaches 13
Communicative Language Testing 14
Performance—Based Assessment 16
Current"HOt Topics",in Classroom—Based Assessment 16
Multiple Intelligences 17
Tditional and Alternative Assessment 18
Computer—Based Testing 19
Other Current Issues 21
Exercises 22
For Your Further Reading 24
Chapter 2 Principles of Language Assessment
Practicality 26
Reliability 27
Student—Related Reliability 28
Rater Reliability 28
Test Administration Reliability 28
Test Reliability 29
Validity 29
Content—Related Evidence 30
Criterion—Related Evidence 32
Construct—Related Evidence 33
Consequential Validity ImpacO 34
Face Validity 35
Authenticity 36
Washback 37
Applying Principles to the Evaluation of Classroom Tests 40
1. Are the test procedures practical? 40
2. Is the test itself reliable? 41
3. Can you ensure rater reliability? 41
4. Does the procedure demonstrate content validity? 42
5. Has the impact of the test been carefully accounted for? 43
6. Is the procedure "biased for best"? 44
7. Are the test tasks as authentic as possible? 44
8. Does the test offer beneficial washback to the learner? 46
Exercises 48
For Your Further Reading 51
Chapter 3 Designing Classroom Language Tests
Four Assessment Scenarios 53
Scenario 1: Reading Quiz 54
Scenario 2: Grammar Unit Test 54
Scenario 3: Midterm Essay 54
Scenario 4: Listening/Speaking Final Exam 54
Determining the Purpose of a Test 55
Designing Clear, Unambiguous Objectives 56
Drawing Up Test Specifications 59
Devising Test Items 60
Designing Multiple—Choice Items 67
1. Design each item to measure a single objective. 68
2. State both stem and options as simply and directly as possible. 69
3. Make certain that the intended answer is clearly the only correct one. 70
4. (Optional) Use item indices to accept, discard, or revise items. 70
Administering the Test 78
Scoring, Grading, and Giving Feedback 79
Scoring 79
Grading 79
Giving Feedback 80
Exercises 82
For Your Further Reading 84
Chapter 4 Standards—Based Assessment
The Role of Standards in Standardized Tests 86
Standards—Based Education 87
Designing English Language Standards 88
Standards—Based Assessment 90
Teacher Standards 93
The Consequences of Standards—Based and Standardized Testing 94
Test Bias 96
Test—Driven Learning and Teaching 98
Ethical Issues: Critical Language Testing 98
Exercises 100
For Your Further Reading 101
Chapter 5 Standardized Testing
Advantages and Disadvantages of Standardized Tests 104
Developing a Standardized Test 106
1. Determine the purpose and objectives of the test. 107
2. Design test specifications. 108
3. Design, select, and arrange test tasks/wikis. 110
4. Make appropriate evaluations of different kinds of items. 112
5. Specify scoring procedures and reporting formats. 114
6. Perform ongoing construct validation studies. 117
Standardized Language Proficiency Testing 118
Exercises 120
For Your Further Reading 121
Chapter 6 Beyond Tests: Alternatives in Assessment
The Dilemma of Maximizing Both Practicality and Washback 123
Performance—Based Assessment 126
Rubrics 128
Portfolios 130
Journals 134
Conferences and Interviews 139
Observations 141
Self—and Peer—Assessments 144
Types of Self—and Peer—Assessment 145
Guidelines for Self—and Peer—Assessment 151
A Taxonomy of Self—and Peer—Assessment Tasks 153
Exercises 154
For Your Further Reading 155
Chapter 7 Assessing Listening
Integration of Skills in Language Assessment 157
Assessing Grammar and Vocabulary 158
Observing the Performance of the Four Skills 159
The Importance of Listening 160
Basic Types of Listening 161
Micro— and Macroskills of Listening 162
Designing Assessment Tasks: Intensive Listening 164
Recognizing Phonological and Morphological Elements 164
Paraphrase Recognition 166
Designing Assessment Tasks: Responsive Listening 167
Designing Assessment Tasks: Selective Listening 167
Listening Cloze 168
Information Transfer 169
Sentence Repetition 172
Designing Assessment Tasks: Extensive Listening 172
Dictation 173
Communicative Stimulus—Response Tasks 175
Authentic Listening Tasks 178
Exercises 181
For Your Further Reading 182
Chapter 8 Assessing Speaking
Basic Types of Speaking 184
Micro—and Macroskills of Speaking 185
Designing Assessment Tasks: Imitative Speaking 187
Versant 188
Designing Assessment Tasks: Intensive Speaking 189
Directed Response Tasks 189
Read—Aloud Tasks 189
Sentence/Dialogue Completion Tasks and Oral Questionnaires 192
Picture—Cued Tasks 193
Translation (of Limited Stretches of Discourse) 201
Designing Assessment Tasks: Responsive Speaking 201
Question and Answer 201
Giving Instructions and Directions 203
Chapter 9 Assessing Reading
Chapter 10 Assessing Writing
Chapter 11 Assessing Grammar and Vocabulary
Chapter 12 Grading and Student Evaluation
Appendix: Commercial Tests
Name Index
Subject Index