



  • 中文名:語法語義研究新視野
  • 作者:孟凡茂
  • ISBN:9787209072519
  • 頁數:243頁
  • 定價:35元
  • 出版社:山東人民出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年6月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


There is a close connection between human language and philosophy. The structure of language has metaphysical consequences. Thus, language is the language of philosophy and philosophy is the philosophy of language. The study of philosophical semantics is central to the philosophy oflanguage.


Chapter 1 Considerations about the Natural Language
1.1 Views on the Nature of Language
1.2 The Communicative Function of Language
1.3 Language and Thought
Chapter 2 Semantic Theory
2.1 Points ofSemantic Knowledge
2.2 The form of Semantic Theory
2.3 Theories ofSemantic Knowledge
2.4 The Construction ofSemantic Knowledge
2.5 Representation ofSemantic Knowledge
2.6 The Semantic Value of the Predicate
Chapter 3 The Semantics ofDifferent Uttrances
3.1 The Semantic Values of Attitudes
3.2 The Semantic Values of Referenets
Chapter 4 The Link between Language and Metaphysics
4.1 OntologicaICommitmentsofSemantics
4.2 EmpiricaIStudies
4.3 Indivisible Connection between Ontological Commitment and Semantics
Chapter 5 The Semantics of Tense
5.1 The GrammaticaIEvidence
5.2 DifferentApproachestoTense
5.3 Ubiquitous Metalinguistic Quantiflcation over Times
Chapter 6 Problems of Clarifying SemanticalValues
6.1 TheToken-reflexiveStrategy
6.2 Tokenings of Uttrances with Tense
6.3 Difflcultiesin Evaluating Uttrances
6.4 The Relation between Tense and Semantics
Chapter 7 A BetterWay ofldentifying Semantics
7.1 The Appraisalof the Semantic Theory
7.2 SemanticaIAnalyses with the Theon
7.3 Counterviews on the Theorlr
7.4 Other Linguists' Opinions on the Theory
Chapter 8 AnotherWay of Semantic Research
8.1 Gambit of the Theory
Chapter 9 Further Examinations
Chapterl0 Possible Results
Appendix P1 Is I-Language the Language of Thought?
Appendix P2 LanguageWorldlsomorphism?
Appendix T1 A Basic Quantificational Fragment
Appendix T2 A Quantificational Fragment with Events
Appendix T3 A Fragment withILFs for Propositional Attitudes
Appendix T4 Semantics for LB
Appendix T5 A BasicA-Theory Fragment


