詹妮弗.希爾 (Jenny Hill), 在2012的大選中成為北澳大利亞最大城市湯斯維爾市市長。在2012年前的十年中, 她已經服務於當地市政多個職位,包括在2007-2008年度出任副市長。
- 中文名:詹尼弗希爾
- 外文名:Jenny Hill
- 出生地:澳大利亞墨爾本
- 畢業院校:拉籌伯大學
(Jennyr Hill), 在2012的大選中成為北澳大利亞最大城市湯斯維爾市市長。在2012年前的十年中, 她已經服務於當地市政多個職位,包括在2007-2008年度出任副市長。
詹尼弗.希爾熱愛東方文化, 讚賞中國近期為推動經濟發展和維護世界和平而做出的努力,他近年來一直積極推動澳大利亞與中國的經濟和文化合作, 並親身投入到中國政府所倡導的21世紀海上絲綢之路的合作項目中。2015年三月, 希爾市長接見了廣東商貿物流代表団,期間大力支持湯斯維港與惠州港締結姊妹港,開通由廣東省物流行業協會所規劃的中澳活畜物流大通道。

Jenny Hill is an Australian politician, currently serving as the Mayor of Townsville,[1] which is the 18th largest local government area in Australia. She was elected to the position during the Queensland Local Government elections held 28 April 2012. Prior to serving as Mayor, Jenny was a city councillor and previously held the position of Deputy Mayor, under the previous pre-amalgamation Townsville City Council in the Labor administration of Tony Mooney between 2007 and 2008.
Hill came to Townsville as the wife of a soldier in 1982, expecting to stay only briefly. She worked as a microbiologist , and later received a Master's degree in Public health. She was first elected to the Townsville City Council in 1997. She is a member of the Labor Party.[2]
Hill also ran as the Labor Party candidate for the federal seat of Herbert in the 2001 federal election. She was defeated by the then incumbent Liberal member, Peter Lindsay.
Cr Hill is dedicated to ensuring that the future of Townsville is prosperous and
She wants to ease the cost of living for residents and focus the council on
services and programs that build a strong community, support business and
employment, and safeguard Townsville’s lifestyle.
Cr Hill is also committed to developing a strong council team to serve the city
over the next four years. Essential to this is ensuring that all councillors work
in the best interests of the city.
Councillor Hill was born and educated in Melbourne, Victoria, and graduated
from LaTrobe University with a Bachelor of Science in 1981. The following
year she moved to Townsville with her fiancé who was enlisted in the
Australian Army.
Cr Hill has 23 years’ experience as a scientist with mining companies, the
Department of Primary Industries, James Cook University and Townsville
Hospital. She has also completed a Masters of Public Health and Tropical
Medicine at James Cook University, which included management, economics
and accounting.
In 1986 she joined the Army Reserve, first serving in the Royal Corps of
Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME), maintaining and
recovering defence vehicles, and then becoming one of the first women in
Australia to complete full infantry training.
Cr Hill has 12 years’ service in local government. In 2012, she was elected
the first female mayor of Townsville.
Family and Interests
Cr Hill is married with two adult children, a 23-year-old daughter and an 18-
year-old son. She is passionate about Townsville and its tropical lifestyle. She
is a car enthusiast and is a keen supporter of junior sporting clubs and school
P&C committees. On the national sporting scene, she supports the Cowboys
NRL team but is still an avid fan of her AFL club, Collingwood. She loves
reading and enjoys strategy games.
Official Title
The official title of the Mayor is Cr Jenny Hill, Mayor of the City of Townsville.
In the second reference, this form of address becomes Cr Hill. If you are
writing to the Mayor, the appropriate salutation is “Dear Cr Hill” or “Dear