詹喜平,湖北黃岡市人,華盛頓霍華德大學 (Howard University) 醫學院生理學與生物物理學系助理教授。
- 中文名:詹喜平
- 職業:助理教授
- 畢業院校:湖北黃岡師範學院
- 性別:男
詹喜平,湖北黃岡市人。先後就讀或工作於湖北黃岡師範學院 (1983-1986);華東師範大學(1990-1993;1996-1999);國際腦研究組織(IBRO)腦功能研究學校(香港,2000);國際理論物理中心(ICTP)智慧型進化研究班(的里亞斯特,義大利,2001);復旦大學(1999-2001);美國約翰 .霍普金斯大學醫學院(2001-2008),喬治城大學醫學中心(2008-2009),馬里蘭大學醫學院 (2009-2011),華盛頓福臨大學(Washington Adventist University, 2012)。現為華盛頓霍華德大學 (Howard University) 醫學院生理學與生物物理學系助理教授。
1. Sagal Chaim, Xiping Zhan, Jinchong Xu, Jessica Tilghman, Senthilkumar Karuppagounder, Li Chen, Valina L. Dawson, Ted M. Dawson, John Laterra and Mingyao Ying (2014): Proneural transcription factor Atoh1 drives highly efficient differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into dopaminergic neurons. Stem Cells Translational Medicine, June 5, 3(8): 888-898.
2. Xiping Zhan , Pingbo Ying, Thomas Heinbockel (2013): Basal forebrain modulates spontaneous activity of principal cells in the olfactory bulb in anaesthetized Mice, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Sept 03, 7(148):1-10.
3. Xiping Zhan , Werner M. Graf (2012): Harmaline attenuates voltage-sensitive Ca currents in neurons of the inferior olive. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dec 11, 15(5):657-668.
4. Xiping Zhan, David K. Ryugo (2007): Projections of the lateral reticular nucleus to the cochlear nucleus in rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology. Oct 10; 504(5):583-98.
5. Xiping Zhan, Tan Pongstaporn, David K. Ryugo (2006): Projections of the second cervical dorsal root ganglion to the cochlear nucleus in rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology. May 20; 496(3):335-48.
6. Xiping Zhan, Tiande Shou (2002): Anatomical evidence of subcortical contributions to the orientation selectivity and columns of the cat’s primary visual cortex. Neuroscience Letters (Ireland). May 24; 324(3): 247-51.