



  • 軟體名稱:詞問答遊戲
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:48.82MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
詞問答遊戲 推斷出一個詞從4圖片!你為什麼猶豫當它是免費的嗎 免費接收他們,享受他們。 遊戲很簡單,有毒。 這是一個益智遊戲你可以馬上享受無需練習任何操作方法。你可以放縱自己在它甚至不知道時間是路過。 讓我們找出這個單詞與所有的家庭成員。 當,我們所有人,祖父,祖母,父親,母親和兄弟姐妹和我快樂地試圖找出這句話,我們的家庭變得幸福與微笑綻放在我們知道。 它也適合於詞的研究對於孩子。 英語辭彙學習的枯燥乏味。但是,有趣的遊戲,進入我們的記憶的單詞沒有缺點。 Word Quiz Game Infer a word out of the 4 images! Why do you hesitate when it is free Receive them for free and enjoy them. Game that is simple and toxic. It is a quiz game you can enjoy right away without having to practice any operation method. You can indulge yourself in it without even knowing that time is passing by. Let’s figure out the words with all the family members. When, all of us, the grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and sisters and brothers and I joyfully try to figure out the words, our family becomes blossomed happily with smiles before we know. It also suits for the word studies for kids. The boring tedious English word study. But, with the interesting game, the words come into our memory without faults.


