





2018.12~至今 浙江大學建築工程學院 教授
2014.08~2015.08 美國馬里蘭大學土木與環境工程系 訪問學者
2012.12~2018.11 浙江大學建築工程學院 副教授
2012.03~2012.11 浙江大學建築工程學院 講師
2009.09~2012.02 浙江大學建築工程學院 博士後
2006.10~2007.01 英國牛津大學土木系 訪問研究生
2004.09~2009.06 浙江大學土木系 博士研究生
2000.09~2004.06 浙江大學土木系 本科生




1. 高等空間結構學(博士生)
2. 建築結構(本科生)




1. 空間鋼結構試驗與監測關鍵技術及工程套用, 浙江省科技進步獎,一等獎,2018,2/13。
2. 浙江省傑出青年基金獲得者,2016。
3. 強涌潮河口曹娥江大閘工程建設關鍵技術研究與實踐大禹水利科學技術獎,特等獎,2013,24/50。
4. 擋潮泄洪雙拱閘門關鍵技術與套用研究,浙江省科技進步獎,一等獎,2010,4/10。



2. 城鎮建築運維安全管控關鍵技術及工程示(2017YFC0806106)(2017.7-2021.7)。十三五國家重點研發計畫課題,子任務負責人。
3. 張拉整體結構的拓撲找形研究(LR17E080001)(2017.01-2020.12)。浙江省自然科學基金傑出青年項目,項目負責人。
4. 自復位鋼連梁體系的試驗研究(2017.01-2018.12)。2017年度浙江大學中央高校基本科研業務費青年科研創新專項,項目負責人。
5. 地震和颱風荷載作用下濱海城市既有建築結構與地基協同大規模計算與安全評價理論(2016YFC0800206)(2016.7-2020.12)。十三五國家重點研發計畫課題,子任務負責人。
6. 高超聲速巡航飛彈輕質結構實現技術研究 (GFJG-513208-E11401)(2014.06-2016.06)。航天支撐技術基金,項目負責人。
7. 索桿張力結構形態控制中的路徑規劃問題研究(51378458)(2014.01-2017.12)。國家自然科學基金,項目負責人。
8. 索桿張力結構運動路徑規劃研究(LY13E080002)(2013.01-2015.12)。浙江省自然科學基金,項目負責人。
9. 高層與大跨建築結構特徵感測及安全物聯網監控技術(2012BAJ07B03)(2012.01-2015.12)。十二五國家科技支撐計畫項目,子項目負責人。
10. 基於張拉整體的智慧型結構研究(51008271)(2010.01-2013.12)。國家自然科學基金青年科學基金,項目負責人。
11. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目(201104737)(2010.9-2012.2)。項目負責人。
12. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目(20090461384)(2010.3-2011.8)。項目負責人。




1. 許賢. 張拉整體結構的形態設計與控制,北京:科學出版社,2017.


  1. Xian Xu, Jiaqi Tu, Guangming Cheng, Yanfeng Zheng, Yaozhi Luo. (2019). Experimental study on self-centering link beams using post-tensioned steel-SMA composite tendons. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 155, 121-128.
  2. Yafeng Wang, Xian Xu (2019), Prestress Design of Tensegrity Structures Using Semidefinite Programming. Advance in Civil Engineering, Article ID 5081463, doi.org/10.1155/2019/5081463.
  3. Yanfeng Zheng, Yaozhi Luo, Xian Xu, et al. (2019). Multi-scale modeling for the stress analysis of acrylic joints in a hybrid structure. International Journal of Steel Structures. 19(4): 1134-1145.
  4. Xian Xu, Yafeng Wang, Yaozhi Luo, Di Hu (2018). Topology optimization of tensegrity structures considering buckling constraints. Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(10): 04018173.
  5. Xian Xu, Yafeng Wang, Yaozhi Luo (2018). Finding member connectivities and nodal positions of tensegrity structures based on force density method and mixed integer nonlinear programming. Engineering Structures. 166: 240-250.
  6. Xian Xu, Yanfeng Zheng, Yaozhi Luo (2018). Self-centering links using post-tensioned composite tendons. Advances in Structural Engineering, 21(9): 1302-1312.
  7. Xian Xu, Guangming Cheng, Junhua Zheng (2018). Tests on pretrained superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy rods towards application in self-centering link beams. Advance in Civil Engineering, Article ID 2037376.
  8. Xian Xu, Yafeng Wang, Yaozhi Luo (2018). An improved multi-objective topology optimization approach for tensegrity structures. Advances in Structural Engineering, 21(1): 59-70.
  9. Xian Xu, Sili Li, Yaozhi Luo (2017). Form-finding of a new kind of tensegrity tori using overlapping modules, Mechanics Research Communications, 84: 1-7.
  10. Xian Xu, Yunfeng Zhang, Yaozhi Luo (2016). Self-centering eccentrically braced frames using shape memory alloy bolts and post-tensioned tendons. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 125(10):190-204.
  11. Xian Xu, Yafeng Wang, Yaozhi Luo (2016). General approach for topology-finding of tensegrity structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(10): 04016061.
  12. Xian Xu, Yunfeng Zhang, Yaozhi Luo (2016). Self-centering modularized link beams with post-tensioned shape memory alloy rods. Engineering Structures, 112: 47-59.
  13. Xian Xu, Yafeng Wang, Yaozhi Luo (2015). Numerical modeling of force-stiffness response of cross-linked actin networks using tensegrity systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, article ID 182918.
  14. Xian Xu, Fengxian Sun, Yaozhi Luo, and Yan Xu (2014). Collision-Free Path Planning of Tensegrity Structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, 140(4): 427-435.
  15. Xian Xu, Yaozhi Luo (2013). Collision free shape control of a plane tensegrity structure using an incremental dynamic relaxation method and a trial-and-error process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 227(2): 263-269.
  16. Yan Xu, Fuling Guan, Xian Xu, Hongjian Wang, and Zheng Yao. Development of a novel double-ring deployable mesh antenna. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, article ID 375463, doi:10.1155/2012/375463, 2012.
  17. Xian Xu, Yaozhi Luo (2011). Multistable tensegrity structures. Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 137(1): 117-123.
  18. Xian Xu, Yaozhi Luo (2010). Force-finding of tensegrity systems using simulated annealing algorithm. Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 136: 1027-1031.
  19. Xian Xu, Yaozhi Luo (2010). Form-finding of nonregular tensegrities using a genetic algorithm. Mechanics Research Communications, 37: 85-91.
  20. Xian Xu, Yaozhi Luo (2009). Non-linear displacement control of prestressed cable structures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 223(7): 0954-4100.
  21. Xian Xu, Yaozhi Luo (2009). Tensegrity structures with buckling members explain nonlinear stiffening and reversible softening of actin networks. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 135(12): 1368-1374.
  22. Yaozhi Luo, Xian Xu, Tanmay Lele, Sanjay Kumar, and Donald E. Ingber(2008). A multimodular tensegrity model of an actin stress fiber. Journal of Biomechanics, 41: 2379-2387.
  23. Xian Xu, Yaozhi Luo (2008). Multiobjective shape control of prestressed structures with genetic algorithms. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 222: 1139-1147.
  24. Yaozhi Luo, Xian Xu, Fang Wu (2007). Accurate stiffness matrix for nonprismatic members. Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 133 (8): 1168-1175.
  25. Yaozhi Luo, Yanbin Shen, Xian Xu (2007). Construction method for cylindrical latticed shells based on expandable mechanisms. ASCE Journal of Constructional Engineering and Management, 133(11): 912-915.
  26. Yaozhi Luo, Xian Xu, Weijie Ji, Shizhi Zhu, Bin Zhang, Xueyi Fu, Lei Gu (2006). Arranging the hinges and improving the strength of steel tubes with tapered ends: analysis and tests. Journal of Constructional Steel Research(9): 885-892.
  27. Yaozhi Luo, Fang Wu, Xian Xu (2006). Element stiffness matrix and modified coefficients for circular tube with tapered ends. Journal of Constructional Steel Research(9): 856-862.


