紙書價格: ¥120
電子書價格: ¥36.0
前 言 4
目 錄 5
一、豬的營養與飼料 9
1. Developmental changes of carcass composition, meat quality and organs in the Jinhua pig and Landrace. Miao ZG, Wang LJ, Xu ZR, Huang JF, Wang YR. Animal. 2009, 3(3) :468 - 473 10
2. Effect of dietary betaine supplementation on lipogenic enzyme activities and fatty acid synthase mRNAexpression in finishing pigs. Huang QC, Xu ZR, Han XY, Li WF. Animal Feed Science and Technology.2008, 140(3-4) :365-375 18
3. Effects of chromium nanocomposite supplementation on blood metabolites, endocrine parameters andimmune traits in finishing pigs. Wang MQ, Xu ZR, Zha LY, Lindemann MD. Animal Feed Science andTechnology. 2007, 139(1-2) :69-80 26
4. Postnatal expression pattern of the C /EBP alpha gene in porcine subcutaneous adipose tissue. Jiang JF, Xu ZR, Wang YZ, Han XY. Journal of Animal Feed Sciences. 2006, 15 (1) :61-70 35
5. Effect of HCH contamination of diet on the growth performance and immune and antioxidant ability ingrowing/finishing pigs. Wang F, Xu ZR, Su JH. Veterinary Research Communications. 2006, 30 (6) :645-654 41
6. Effects of cadmium on serum sex hormone levels in pigs. Han XY, Xu ZR, Wang YZ, Du WL. Journalof Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2006, 90 (9-10) :380-384 49
7. Effects of fluorosis on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant systems in young pigs. Zhan XA, Xu ZR, LiJX, Wang M. Fluoride. 2005, 38 (2) :157-161 55
8. Developmental gene expression of antimicrobial peptide PR‐39 and effect of zinc oxide on gene regulationof PR‐39 in piglets. Wang YZ, Xu ZR, Lin WX, Huang HQ, Wang ZQ. Asian‐Australasian Journal ofAnimal Sciences. 2004, 17(12) :1635-1640 59
9. Magnesium‐aluminum mixed oxides (MAO) for alleviating fluorosis in growing‐finishing pigs. Tao X, Xu ZR, Xia MS, Hu CH, Wang YZ. Fluoride. 2004, 37 (4) :291-295 66
10. Effects of feeding aspirin and soybean oil to weanling pigs. Xu ZR, Kornegay ET, Sweet LA, LindemannMD, Veit HP, Watkins BA. Journal of Animal Science. 1990, 68(6) :1639-1647 70
11. 谷氨醯胺對斷奶仔豬肝臟SOD 、GSH-Px 基因表達的影響。許梓榮,鄒曉庭,孫慶宇,張敏,胡彩虹。中國獸醫學報,2008 28(4) :461-464 80
12. 兩歧雙歧桿菌體外抑制斷奶仔豬腸道病原菌的研究及其機理探討。郭彤,許梓榮。畜牧獸醫學報,200435(6) :664-669 84
13. 豬胃腸道黏膜二糖酶的性質。許梓榮,李衛芬,孫建義。動物學報,2002, 48(3) :202-207 90
14. 甜菜鹼對豬肉品質的影響及機理探討。汪以真,許梓榮,馮傑。中國農業科學,2002, 34(6) :662-666 96
二、禽的營養與飼料 101
1. Changes in growth performance, digestive enzyme activities and nutrient digestibility of cherry valleyducks in response to aflatoxin B1 levels. Han XY, Huang QC, Li WF, Jiang JF. Xu ZR. LivestockScience, 2008, 119 :216-220 102
2. Effects of dietary dihydropyridine supplementation on laying performance and fat metabolism of layinghens. Zou XT, Xu ZR, Zhu JL, Fang XJ, Jiang JF. Asian‐Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2007, 20(10) :1606-1611 108
3. Effect of beta‐mannanase (hemicell) on growth performance and immunity of broilers. Zou XT, QiaoXJ, Xu ZR. Poultry Science 2006, 85 :2176-2179 116
4. The effect of betaine and DL‐methionine on growth performance and carcass characteristics in meatducks. Wang YZ, Xu ZR, Feng J. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2004, 116(1-2) :151-159 122
5. Effects of L‐carnitine on growth performance, carcass composition, and metabolism of lipids in malebroilers. Xu ZR, Wang MQ, Mao HX, Zhan XA, Hu CH. Poultry Sciences. 2003, 82(3) :408-413 129
6. Effects of dietary fructooligosaccharide on digestive enzyme activities, intestinal microflora and morphologyof male broilers. Xu ZR, Hu CH, Xia MS, Zhan XA, Wang MQ. Poultry Sciences. 2003, 82(6) :1030-1036 136
7. 無機銅/蒙脫石納米材料對肉雞生長、腸道菌群和細菌酶活的影響。馬玉龍,許梓榮,郭彤,尤萍,馬吉鋒。中國畜牧雜誌,2006 42(11) :28-31 145
8. 二氫吡啶對產蛋雞脂肪轉運的影響。鄒曉庭,朱金孌,許梓榮。中國獸醫學報,2005 25(3) :323 - 325 149
9. 甜菜鹼在肉雞體內供甲基代謝及其節約蛋氨酸效應機制。占秀安,許梓榮。中國糧油學報,2004 19 (3) :78-81 153
10. 添加酵母核酸對肉雞肉質的影響。王友明,許梓榮。浙江大學學報(農業與生命科學版), 2003 29 (5) :569-574 157
11. 甜菜鹼對蛋雞蛋品質影響及機理研究。許梓榮,盧建軍,鄒曉庭。畜牧獸醫學報,2001 32(5) :397-402 162
12. 甜菜鹼對肉鴨體內脂肪代謝的影響。汪以真,許梓榮,陳民利。中國獸醫學報,2000 20(4) :409 - 413 167
13. 高麥麩飼糧中添加β‐葡聚糖酶、木聚糖酶和纖維素酶對肉雞作用效果的研究。許梓榮,錢利純,孫建義。動物營養學報,2000 12(1) :61 172
14. 外源性酶製劑對絲毛烏骨雞蛋白質、胺基酸表觀消化率及內源性消化酶活性的影響。奚剛,許梓榮。動物營養學報,1999 11(2) :64 173
三、水生動物營養與飼料 174
1. Protection of Procambarus clarkii against white spot syndrome virus using inactivated WSSV. Zhu F, Du HH, Miao ZG, Quan, HZ, Xu, ZR. Fish & Sellfish Immunology. 2009, 26(5) :685-690 175
2. Influence of montmorillonite on cadmium accumulation in carp, Carassius auratus. Kim SG, Du HH, Dai W, Zhang XF, Xu ZR. Applied Clay Science. 2009, 43(3-4) :473-476 183
3. Effect of low water temperature on viral replication of white spot syndrome virus in Procambarus clarkii.Du HH, Dai W, Han XY, Li WF, Xu YX, Xu ZR. Aquaculture. 2008, 277( 3 - 4) :149-151 189
4. Effects of waterborne Cd exposure on glutathione metabolism in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) liver.Xu ZR, Bai SJ. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2007, 67 (1) :89-94 194
5. The efficacy of recombinant vaccines against white spot syndrome virus in Procambarus clarkii. Jha RK, Xu ZR, Shen J, Bai SJ, Sun JY, Li YF. Immunology Letters 2006, 105 :68-76 202
6. Crayfish Procambarus clarkii protected against white spot syndrome virus by oral administration of viralproteins expressed in silkworms. Xu ZR, Du HH, Xu YX, Sun JY, Shen J. Aquaculture. 2006, 253 (1-4) :179-183 212
7. Effect of probiotics for common carp (Cy p rinus carpio) based on growth performance and digestive en‐·2 ·許梓榮教授學術論文集zyme activities. Wang YB, Xu ZR. Animal Feed Science and technology. 2006, 127 (3-4) :283-292 6
8. Acute toxicity of nitrite on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus ) at different external chloride concentrations. Wang YB, Zhang WJ, Li WF, Xu ZR. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2006, 32 (1) :49-54 7
9. Protection of Procambarus clarkii against white spot syndrome virus using recombinant subunit injectionvaccine expressed in Pichia pastoris. Jha RK, Xu ZR, Pandey A. Fisheries Science. 2006, 72 (5) :1011-1019 7
10. The effectiveness of commercial probiotics in northern white shrimp Penaeus vannamei ponds. WangYB, Xu ZR, Xia MS. Fisheries Science. 2005, 71 (5) :1036-1041 7
11. 飼料鉛暴露對羅非魚肝胰臟抗氧化防禦系統及顯微結構的影響。戴偉,金成官,傅玲琳,杜華華,許梓榮。浙江大學學報(農業與生命科學版), 2009 35(3) :350-354 7
12. 微生態製劑改善對蝦養殖池塘底質的效果。王彥波,查龍應,許梓榮。套用生態學報,2006 17(9) :1765- 1767 7
13. 克氏原螯蝦口服疫苗免疫對白斑綜合徵病毒人工感染的保護作用。許梓榮,魏克強。中國獸醫學報,2005 25(6) :588-590 7
14. 對蝦白斑綜合徵病毒囊膜蛋白VP28 基因的克隆及序列分析。許梓榮,許雅香,孫建義,李衛芬,呂文平。農業生物技術學報,2003 11(2) :216-217 7
四、飼料添加劑與資源開發利用 218
1. Effects of beta‐glucanase and xylanase supplementation on gastrointestinal digestive enzyme activities ofweaned piglets fed a barley‐based diet. Fan CL, Han XY, Xu, ZR, Wang LJ, Shi LR. Journal of AnimalPhysiology and Animal Nutrition. 2009, 93(2) :271-276 219
2. Oral allergy syndrome and anaphylactic reactions in BALB /c mice caused by soybean glycinin and β‐conglycinin.Liu X, Feng J, Xu ZR., Wang YZ, Liu JX. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 2008, 38(2) :350-356 226
3. Protein secretion pathways in Bacillus subtilis :Implication for optimization of heterologous protein secretion.Fu LL, Xu ZR, Li WF, Jiang B, ShuaiP, Lu C, Xia H. Biotechnology Advance. 2007, 25 (1) :1 -12 233
4. Effect of polysaccharide extracted from Glaciecola polaris on the protection of mouse macrophages fromoxidative injury. Qian GY, Xu ZR. Bioresource Technology. 2007, 98 (1) :202-206 245
5. Effect of betaine on growth hormone pulsatile secretion and serum metabolites in finishing pigs. HuangQC, Xu ZR, Han XY, Li WF. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2007, 1 (3-4) :85- 90 251
6. Changes in hormones, growth factor and lipid metabolism in finishing pigs fed betaine. Huang QC, XuZR, Han XY, Li WF. Livestock Science. 2006, 105 (1-3) :78-85 257
7. Optimization of process parameters for reduction of gossypol levels in cottonseed meal by Candida tropi ‐calis ZD‐3 during solid substrate fermentation. Zhang WJ, Xu ZR, Zhao SH, Jiang JF, Wang YB, YanXH. Toxicon. 2006, 48 (2) :221-226 266
8. In v itro, in v ivo studies of Cu( Ⅱ )‐exchanged montmorillonite for the removal of lead (Pb)。 Yu DY, Xu ZR, Yang XG. Animal Feed Science and technology. 2006, 127 (3-4) :327-335 272
9. Effects of fructooligosaccharide on conversion of L‐tryptophan to skatole and indole by mixed populationsof pig fecal bacteria. Xu ZR, Hu CH, Wang MQ. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. 2002, 48(2) :83-89 279
10. Effects of dietary fructooligosaccharide on digestive enzyme activities, intestinal microflora and morphologyof growing pigs. Xu ZR, Zou XT, Hu CH, Xia MS, Zhan XA, Wang MQ. Asian‐Australa‐sian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2002, 15(12) :1784-1789 286
11. 不同形式鉻對SD ??鼠生長性能、胴體組成和血清生化指標的影響。辜良英,許梓榮,查龍應,王敏奇。動物營養學報,2007, 19(3) :258-263 293
12. 甜菜鹼對生長豬的生長性能和胴體組成的影響(英文)。 余東遊,許梓榮。中國獸醫學報,2004, 24 (5) :490-493 299
13. 地衣芽孢桿菌β‐1, 3‐1, 4 葡聚糖酶基因的克隆和表達。呂文平,許梓榮,杜文理,李衛芬,孫建義。農業生物技術學報,2004, 12(4) :446-449 304
14. 甜菜鹼對豬的抗脂肪肝效應。許梓榮,李衛芬,孫建義。動物學報,2002, 48(3) :358-362 309
五、介觀動物營養專題 314
1. Antibacterial activity of chitosan tripolyphosphate nanoparticles loaded with various metal ions. DuWL, Niu SS, XuYL, Xu ZR, Fan CL. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2009, 75(3) :385-389 315
2. Preparation, Characterization, and Adsorption Properties of Chitosan Microspheres Crosslinked byFormaldehyde for Copper (II) from Aqueous Solution. Du WL, Niu SS, Xu ZR, Xu YL. Journal of AppliedPolymer Science. 2009, 111(6) :2881-2885 322
3. Chromium nanoparticle exhibits higher absorption efficiency than chromium picolinate and chromiumchloride in Caco‐2 cell monolayers. Zha LY, Xu ZR, Wang MQ, Yang YM. Journal of Animal Physiologyand Animal Nutrition. 2008, 92(2) :131-140 328
4. Preparation, characterization and adsorption properties of chitosan nanoparticles for eosin Y as a modelanionic dye. Du WL, Xu ZR, Han XY, Xu YL, Miao ZG. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008, 153(1-2) :152-156 339
5. In v itro adsorption of zearalenone by cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide‐modified montmorillonite nanocomposites.Feng JL, Shan M, Du HH, Han XY, Xu ZR. Microporous and Mesopororous Materials. 2008, 113(1-3) :99-105 345
6. Ribosome‐display technology :applications for directed evolution of functional proteins. Yan XH, XuZR. Drug Discovery Today. 2006, 11 (19-20) :911-916 353
7. In v ivo antitumor activity of chitosan nanoparticles. Qi LF, Xu ZR. Bioorganic & Medical ChemistryLetters. 2006, 16 (16) :4243-4245 361
8. Antibacterial effect of Cu2 + ‐exchanged montmorillonite on A eromonas hy drophila and discussion on itsmechanism. Hu CH, Xu ZR, Xia MS. Veterinary Microbiology. 2005, 109 (1-2) :83-88 365
9. Preparation and antibacterial activity of chitosan nanoparticles. Qi LF, Xu ZR, Jiang X, Hu CH, ZouX. Carbohydrate Research. 2004, 339 (16) :2693-2700 370
10. Lead sorption from aqueous solutions on chitosan nanoparticles. Qi LF, Xu ZR. Colloids and SurfacesA-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2004, 251 (1-3) :183-190 379
11. 蒙脫石載菌的條件最佳化及其影響因素。王彥波,許梓榮。農業生物技術學報,2008 16(1) :158 - 162 388
12. 蒙脫石納米複合物吸附豬日糧中黃麴黴毒素B‐1 效果的研究。史瑩華,許梓榮,孫宇,王成章。動物營養學報,2007 19(6) :742-747 393
13. 超微細菌Glaciecola 多糖的超聲提取工藝研究。錢國英,許梓榮。農業工程學報,2006 22(6) :165-168 399
14. 微粒蒙脫石對豬組織鉛水平、紅細胞生成和肝臟ALA‐D 酶活性及鉛誘導的脂質過氧化的影響(英文)。 余東遊,楊曉剛,許梓榮。中國獸醫學報,2006 26(6) :673-676 404
附:許梓榮教授學術論文全目錄 410