- 中文名:許效華
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:東營
- 畢業院校:加州大學聖地亞哥分校,Scripps海洋研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:地球物理
- 職務:特任教授
2012年 中國科學技術大學獲得本科地球物理學學士學位
2017年 加州大學聖地亞哥分校獲得地球科學博士學位
2017至2021 Scripps海洋研究所任博士後 (postdoctoral researcher)
2021至2022 德州大學奧斯汀分校任副研究員(research associate)
2009 趙九章獎學金
2010 寶鋼獎學金
2020 SRL TOP downloaded paper
2020 SRL TOP cited paper
2021 Outstanding Young Research at UTIG
31. Stephenson, O. L., Liu, Y. K., Yunjun, Z.,Simons, M., Rosen, P., & Xu, X., (2022) The Impact of Plate Motionson Long‐Wavelength InSAR‐Derived Velocity Fields. GeophysicalResearch Letters, e2022GL099835.
30. Yin, H. Z., Xu, X., Haase, J. S., Douilly, R.,Sandwell, D. T., & de Lepinay, B. M. (2022) Surface Deformation Surroundingthe 2021 Mw 7.2 Haiti Earthquake Illuminated by InSAR Observations. Bulletinof the Seismological Society of America.
29. Ward, L., Guns, K., Smith-Konter, B., Xu,X., Bock, Y., Sandwell., D. (2022) Vertical Postseismic Deformation of the2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Journal of Geophysical Research: SolidEarth, e2021JB023331.
28. Guns, K., Xu, X., Bock, Y., Sandwell,D.T., (2022) GNSS-corrected InSAR Displacement Time Series Spanning the 2019Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake. Geophysical Journal International.
27. Tong, X., Xu, X., & Chen, S.(2022). Coseismic Slip Model of the 2021 Maduo Earthquake, China fromSentinel-1 InSAR Observation. Remote Sensing, 14(3),436.
26. Wang, W., Shearer, P. M., Vidale, J. E., Xu,X., Trugman, D. T., & Fialko, Y. (2022). Tidal modulation of seismicityat the Coso geothermal field. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 579,117335.
25. Xu, X., Sandwell, D. T., Klein, E.,& Bock, Y. (2021). Integrated Sentinel‐1 InSAR and GNSS time‐seriesalong the San Andreas fault system. Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth, e2021JB022579.
24. Hu, X., Bürgmann, R., Xu, X., Fielding,E., & Liu, Z. (2021) Machine‐learning characterization oftectonic, hydrological and anthropogenic sources of active ground deformationin California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,e2021JB022373.
23. Golriz, D., Bock, Y., & Xu, X.(2021). Defining the Coseismic Phase of the Crustal Deformation Cycle WithSeismogeodesy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(10),e2021JB022002.
22. Ward, L. A., Smith‐Konter,B. R., Xu, X., & Sandwell, D. T. (2021). Seismic Moment AccumulationResponse to Lateral Crustal Variations of the San Andreas Fault System. Journalof Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(4), e2020JB021208.
21. Xu, X.,Sandwell, D. T., Ward, L. A., Milliner, C.W.D., Smith-Konter, B.R., Fang, P., Bock,Y. (2020) Surface deformation associated with fractures near the 2019Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, Science, 370(6516), 605-608.
20. Melgar, D., Ruiz‐Angulo, A., Pérez‐Campos,X., Crowell, B. W., Xu, X., Cabral‐Cano,E., ... & Rodriguez‐Abreu, L. (2020). Energetic Rupture and Tsunamigenesisduring the 2020 Mw 7.4 La Crucecita, Mexico Earthquake. SeismologicalResearch Letters
19. Ponti, D. J., Blair, J. L., Rosa, C. M.,Thomas, K., Pickering, A. J., Akciz, S., ... Xu, X., ... & Barth, N.(2020). Documentation of Surface Fault Rupture and Ground‐DeformationFeatures Produced by the 4 and 5 July 2019 M w 6.4 and M w 7.1 RidgecrestEarthquake Sequence. Seismological Society of America, 91(5),2942-2959.
18. Goldberg,D. E., Melgar, D., Sahakian, V. J., Thomas, A. M., Xu, X., Crowell, B.W., & Geng, J. (2020). Complex rupture of an immature fault zone: Asimultaneous kinematic model of the 2019 Ridgecrest, CA earthquakes. GeophysicalResearch Letters, 47(3), e2019GL086382.
17. Xu, X.,Sandwell, D. T., & Smith‐Konter, B. (2020). Coseismicdisplacements and surface fractures from Sentinel‐1 InSAR: 2019 Ridgecrestearthquakes. Seismological Research Letters.
16. Williamson, A., Melgar, D.D., Xu, X., Milliner, C.W.D., (2020) The 2018 Palu Tsunami: Coeval Landslide andCoseismic Sources, SeismologicalResearch Letters.
15. Sepúlveda, I., Haase, J. S., Carvajal, M., Xu, X., & Liu, P. L. (2020).Modeling the sources of the 2018 Palu, Indonesia, tsunami using videos fromsocial media. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(3),e2019JB018675.
14. Xu, X.,Sandwell, D.T. (2019). Towards Absolute Phase Recovery with InSAR: Correctingfor Earth Tides, Ionosphere, and Phase Unwrapping Ambiguities, IEEE Transactionson Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
13. Klein, E., Bock, Y., Xu, X., Sandwell, D.T., Golriz, D., Fang, P., Su, L. (2019).Transient deformation in California from two decades of GPS displacements:Implications for a three-dimensional kinematic reference frame, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
12. Tymofyeyeva, E., Fialko, Y., Jiang, J., Xu, X., Sandwell, D. T., Bilham, R.,Rockwell, T. K., Blanton, C., Burkett, F., Gontz, A., Moafipoor, S. (2019).Slow slip event on the southern San Andreas fault triggered by the 2017 Mw 8.2Chiapas (Mexico) earthquake, Journal ofGeophysical Research Solid Earth.
11. Xu, X.,Ward, L., Jiang, J., Smith‐Konter, B., Tymofyeyeva, E.,Lindsey, E. O., ... & Sandwell, D. T. (2018). Surface Creep Rate of theSouthern San Andreas Fault Modulated by Stress Perturbations from Nearby LargeEvents. Geophysical Research Letters.
10. Melgar, D., Ruiz-Angulo, A., Garcia, E. S.,Manea, M., Manea, V. C., Xu, X., Ramirez-Herrera,T., ... & Ramirez-Guzmán, L. (2018). Deep embrittlement and complete rupture of thelithosphere during the Mw8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake. Nature Geoscience.
9. Xu, X.(2017). Earthquake Cycle Study with Geodetic Tools. University ofCalifornia, San Diego.
8. Wang, K., Xu, X., & Fialko, Y. (2017). Improving Burst Alignment in TOPSInterferometry with Bivariate Enhanced Spectral Diversity. IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(12), 2423-2427.
7. Xu, X.,Sandwell, D. T., & Bassett, D. (2017). A spectral expansion approach for geodeticslip inversion: implications for the downdip rupture limits of oceanic andcontinental megathrust earthquakes. Geophysical Journal International, 212(1),400-411.
6. Melgar, D., Riquelme, S., Xu, X., Baez, J. C., Geng, J., &Moreno, M. (2017). The first since 1960: A large event in the Valdivia segmentof the Chilean Subduction Zone, the 2016 M7. 6 Melinka earthquake. Earthand Planetary Science Letters, 474, 68-75.
5. Xu, X.,Sandwell, D. T., Tymofyeyeva, E., González-Ortega, A., & Tong, X. (2017).Tectonic and anthropogenic deformation at the Cerro Prieto geothermal step-overrevealed by Sentinel-1A InSAR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience andRemote Sensing, 55(9), 5284-5292.
4. Feng, W., Lindsey, E., Barbot, S., Samsonov,S., Dai, K., Li, P., ... & Xu, X.(2017). Source characteristics of the 2015 MW 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake andits MW 7.2 aftershock from space geodesy. Tectonophysics, 712,747-758.
3. Xu, X.,Tong, X., Sandwell, D. T., Milliner, C. W., Dolan, J. F., Hollingsworth, J.,... & Ayoub, F. (2016). Refining the shallow slip deficit. GeophysicalJournal International, 204(3), 1867-1886.
2. Galetzka, J., Melgar, D., Genrich, J. F.,Geng, J., Owen, S., Lindsey, E. O., Xu,X., ... & Upreti, B. N. (2015). Slip pulse and resonance of theKathmandu basin during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Science, 349(6252),1091-1095.
1. Lindsey, E. O., Natsuaki, R., Xu, X., Shimada, M., Hashimoto, M.,Melgar, D., & Sandwell, D. T. (2015). Line‐of‐sight displacement from ALOS‐2 interferometry:Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and Mw 7.3 aftershock. Geophysical ResearchLetters, 42(16), 6655-6661.
25. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago or Everywhereon-line, (Invited) “Predicting InSAR deformation with GNSS using machinelearning”
24. SSA Meeting 2022, Bellevue, “A GeodeticConstraint on Seismic Velocity Changes in Fault Damage Zones”
23. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans or Everywhereon-line, “What can we learn from the earthquake inducedfractures mapped by InSAR?”
22. Southern California Earthquake Center AnnualMeeting 2021, On-line, U.S. (Invited) “Mapping faults from space withInSAR: Ridgecrest and beyond”
21. Geodetic Image Data Workshop on EstablishingCommunity Guidelines and Best Practices for Using Remote Sensing Data inEarthquake Mapping Response, 2021, On-line, U.S. (Invited) “Fracturesfrom InSAR: Real or Unreal?”
20. University of Texas at Austin, Institute forGeophysics, 2021, Austin, U.S., (Invited) “Probing Earth’s Shallow Crustwith Space Geodesy”
19. University of Houston, Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering, 2021, Houston, U.S., (Invited) “Understanding Earthquake Cycle with Geodetic Tools”
18. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Everywhere on-line, “Surface fractures nearby the Ridgecrestearthquakes: what can we learn on the regional stress and fault properties?”
17. NanyangTechnological University EOS/Math Seminar 2020, Singapore, (Invited) “What can we learn from the surface fractures nearby the Ridgecrestearthquakes?”
16. University of Science and Technology of China GeophysicsSeminar 2020, Hefei, China, (Invited)“What can we learn from thesurface fractures nearby the Ridgecrest earthquakes?”
15. Zhejiang University Earth Department Seminar2020, Hangzhou, China, (Invited) “What can we learn from the surfacefractures nearby the Ridgecrest earthquakes?”
14. China Earthquake Network Center Seminar 2020,Beijing, China, (Invited) “Imagingsurface deformation with InSAR: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”
13. NASA/JPL North America Surface DisplacementWorkshop 2020, CA, U.S. (Invited) “GNSS integration with InSAR, a product or a service?”
12. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA,U.S., “Surface fractures on nearby faults from theRidgecrest earthquakes revealed by InSAR”.
11. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, U.S.,“Line-of-Sight Deformation Time-series along the San Andreas Fault System fromSentinel-1 InSAR and GPS”.
10. NASA Solid Earth Meeting 2019, San Diego, CA,U.S., (Invited) “Sentinel-1SAR/InSAR: radar for the masses”.
9. ALOS2 PI Meeting 2019, Tokyo, Japan, “InSARdeformation time series of the 2018 Kilauea events”.
8. ALOS2 PI Meeting 2019, Tokyo, Japan, “Towardabsolute deformation time series with InSAR: the southern section of the SanAndreas fault system”.
7. ALOS2 PI Meeting 2018, Tokyo, Japan, “Crustaldeformation along the San Andreas fault system”.
6. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, U.S.,“Crustal deformation along the San Andreas fault system revealed by GPS andSentinel-1 InSAR”.
5. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, U.S.,“A Spectral Expansion Approach for Geodetic Slip Inversion and Its Applicationto the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake and 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha Earthquake”.
4. ALOS2 PI Meeting 2015, Tokyo, Japan, “ScanSARinterferometry along the southern San Andreas fault system”.
3. SSA Meeting 2015, Pasadena, CA, U.S.,“Refining the magnitude of shallow slip deficit”.
2. FRINGE Meeting 2015, Frascati, Italy, “Assessment of ScanSAR Interferometry fromSentinel-1 and ALOS-2”.
1. FRINGE Meeting 2015, Frascati, Italy,“Refining the magnitude of shallow slip deficit”.