- 中文名:許寶榮
- 學位/學歷:研究生/博士
- 專業方向:生態水文建模
- 職稱:講師
性 別 | 女 |
最高學歷 | 研究生 |
最高學位 | 博士 |
所在部門 | 資源環境學院地理系 |
研究方向 | 生態水文建模 |
2. 2012年獲ESRI杯競賽——ArcGIS環境建模組優秀獎指導教師
3. 2014年被評為“蘭州大學優秀班主任”
4. 2014年獲資源環境學院青年教師講課比賽第二名
1. Rui Zhu, Yong Liu, Zhenliang Yin, Xijie Wang, Baorong Xu. Study on Early Warning Geographic Information System for Meterological Disaster using GIServices and 3D GIS Technology. 9-10 Sep. 2012, Chengdu, International Conference of Disaster Prevention Technology and Management(DPTM-2012).
2. Songbing Zou, Guodong Cheng, Honglang Xiao, Zhaodong Feng, Baorong Xu. Holocene natural rhythms of vegetation and present potential ecology in the Western Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary International, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2008.09.009. (SCI).
3. XU Baorong, QIAN Ju, ZOU Songbing, WANG Xiaoli, LI Changbin. The spatial-scale impacts and the comparison of accumulation algorithms for drainage systems modeling in arid region based on DEM. 25-29 July 2005, Seoul, Korea, 25th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, IEEE. (EI). 4415-4418.
4. ZOU Songbing, XU Baorong, QIAN Ju, HAN Hui, WANG Chenghai, LI Changbin, WU Delin. GIS-assisted and SPOT-VGT-used coupling model of spatial pattern of the potential forest ecological environments in Loess Plateau of China. 25-29 July 2005, Seoul, Korea, 25th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 4, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, IEEE. (EI). 2957-2960.
5. ZOU Songbing, Z-D. FENG, LIU Yong, XU Baorong. GIS-assisted and climate-based modeling of spatial pattern of the potential ecological environments in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau. 20-24 September, 2004, Anchorage, Alaska. 24th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 7, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, IEEE. (EI). 4670-4673.
6. 陸志翔, 鄒松兵, 尹振良,龍愛華, 許寶榮. 缺資料流域SWAT適宜性模型校準新方法及套用.2012, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版): 48(1):1-7.
7. 朱睿,劉勇,尹振良,蔣紅,許寶榮. Mashup在三維氣象災情預警信息系統中的套用.2012, 遙感技術與套用:27(2):322-326.
8. 張興宇,劉勇,許寶榮,蔣志勇等. 烏蘭布和沙漠高解析度遙感影像梭梭林解譯方法探討. 2010. 遙感技術與套用: 25(6):828-835.
9. 許寶榮, 楊太保, 鄒松兵. 基於DEM的乾旱區河網系統模擬中的尺度影響——以柴達木盆地流域為例. 2006, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版): 42(1):27-32.
10. 許寶榮, 楊太保, 鄒松兵. 基於DEM的乾旱區河網系統模擬. 遙感技術與套用, 2004, 19(5):313-319.