


  • 中文名:許丹寧
  • 出生日期:1978年10月
  • 畢業院校:東北農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


2010.09 - 2011.01:上海醫學遺傳研究所 訪問學者
2004.09 - 2007.06:東北農業大學臨床獸醫學 博士
2001.09 - 2004.07:東北農業大學臨床獸醫學 碩士
1996.09 - 2001.07:東北農業大學動醫系 學士


2013.12 - 至 今:仲愷農業工程學院 教 授
2011.01 - 2014.07:湖南農業大學 博士後
2009.12 - 2013.11:仲愷農業工程學院 副教授
2007.07 - 2009.11:仲愷農業工程學院 講 師


(4)廣東省農業科技推廣專項:免疫增強劑-白朮多糖在養豬生產中的推廣套用(粵財農【2010】540號) ,2011-2012,主持,結題
1. Danning Xu, Wanyan Li,Bingxin Li , Yunbo Tian* , Yunmao Huang*. The effect of selenium and polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. (PAMK) on endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in chicken spleen induced by heat stress[J]. RSC Adv, 2017, 7: 7519-7525.
2. NanCao, WanyanLi, BingxinLi,YunboTian, DanningXu*. Transcriptome profiling reveals the immune response of goose T cells under selenium stimuli[J]. Animal Science Journal. 2017,88(12):2001-2009.
3. Bingxin Li, Yang Liu, Wanyan Li, Yunbo Tian, Danning Xu*, Nan Cao*.Effect of Selenium on Ion Profiles and Antioxidant Defense in Mice Livers[J]. Biological Trace Element Research. 2018, 184(1):127-135.
4. Wanyan Li, Danning Xu, Bingxin Li, Nan Cao, Sixuan Guo, Qingyan Jiang*, Yunbo Tian*.The polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala koidz (PAMK) alleviates cyclophosphamidemediated immunosuppression in geese, possibly through novel_mir2 targeting of CTLA4 to upregulate the TCR-NFAT pathway[J]. RSC Adv, 2018, 8: 26837-26848.
5. Li Bingxin, Li Wanyan, Tian Yunbo, Guo Sixuan, Huang Yunmao, Xu Danning*, Cao Nan*. Polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz Enhances Cytokine Secretion by Stimulating the TLR4–MyD88–NF-κB Signaling Pathway in the Mouse Spleen[J]. Journal of Medicinal Food, 2019, 22(9):937-943.
6. Li Bingxin, Li Wanyan, Tian Yunbo, Guo Sixuan, Qian Long, Xu Danning*, Cao Nan*. Selenium Alleviated Hepatocyte Necrosis and DNA Damage in Cyclophosphamide-treated Geese by Mitigating Oxidative Stress[J]. Biological Trace Element Research, 2020, 193(2): 508-516.
7. Xuelian Xiang†, Nan Cao†, Feiyue Chen, Long Qian, Yifei Wang, Yunmao Huang, Yunbo Tian, Danning Xu*, Wanyan Li*, Polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz (PAMK) alleviates cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression in mice by upregulating CD28/IP3R/PLCγ-1/AP-1/NFAT signal pathway. [J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020 (11):529657
8. Wanyan Li , Xuelian Xiang, Bingxin Li, Yifei Wang, Long Qian, Yunbo Tian, Yunmao Huang, Danning Xu* , Nan Cao*. PAMK Relieves LPS-Induced Enteritis and Improves Intestinal Flora Disorder in Goslings[J]. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021:9721353
9. Li Wanyan, Zhou Xiangying, Xu Shiwen, Cao Nan, Li Bingxin, Chen Wenbin, Yang Baohe, Yuan Mingfeng, Xu Danning*. Lipopolysaccharide-induced splenic ferroptosis in goslings was alleviated by polysaccharide of atractylodes macrocephala koidz associated with proinflammatory factors. Poult Sci. 2022,101(5):101725.
10. Sun Zongyi, Li Dejun, Wang Haibin, Ding Yu, Zhang Chun, Wang Shuyue, Wang Xuejiao, Li Bingixn, Xu Danning*. Polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz(PAMK) protects against DEHP-induced apoptosis in grass carp hepatocytes. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023 (134):108587.
11. Chen Feiyue, Li Bingxin, Li Wanyan, Chen Wenbin, Huang Yunmao, Tian Yunbo, Yang Baohe, Yuan Mingfeng, Xu Danning, Cao Nan. Polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz alleviate lipopolysaccharide-stimulated liver inflammation injury of goslings through miR-223/NLRP3 axis. Poult Sci. 2023 ,102(1):102285.
12. Li Bingxin, Ye Yaqiong, Hong Longsheng, Li Wanyan, Wu Qingru, Liu Wenjun, Ma Yongjiang, Xu Danning*, Li Yugu*. Transcriptome analysis reveals a potential regulatory mechanism of the lnc-5423.6/IGFBP5 axis in the early stages of mouse thymic involution. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2023,55(4):548-560.
13. Zhang Bingqi, Hong Longsheng, Ke Jingfei, Zhong Yueyun, Cao Nan, Li Wanyan, Xu Danning, Tian Yunbo, Huang Yunmao, Chen Wenbin, Li Bingxin. Polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz alleviate lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in goslings via the p53 and FOXO pathways. Poult Sci. 2023 Mar;102(3):102480.
14. 李婉雁,曹楠,田允波,相雪蓮,李冰心,黃運茂,許丹寧.白朮多糖通過Toll樣受體4/核因子-κB信號通路調控雛雞脾臟淋巴細胞免疫功能.動物營養學報,2019,31(11):5192-5201.
15. 許丹寧,王洪斌,肖建華.基於ARIMA的豬瘟發病率預測模型的建立.中國預防獸醫學報,2009,31(05):352-355.


