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  • 中文名:計算機專業英語
  • 作者:郭文琦
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年8月
  • 頁數:192 頁
  • 定價:39.8 元
  • 開本:16 開 
  • 裝幀:平塑
  • ISBN:9787121325687




目 錄
Project One Computer Hardware 1
Part A Theoretical learning 1
Reading 1
Fast reading 5
Part B Practical learning 9
Task 1 Configuring Main Menu 9
Task 2 Configuring advanced menu 12
Training 17
Part C Occupation English 17
Part D Simulated writing 22
Focus on writing 23
Follow-up writing 25
Project Two Computer Software 27
Part A Theoretical learning 27
Reading 27
Fast reading 31
Part B Practical learning 35
Task 1 How to add user accounts 35
Task 2 How to create passwords for user accounts 37
Training 38
Part C Occupation English 39
Part D Simulated writing 43
Focus on writing 43
Follow-up writing 45
Project Three Computer Network 48
Part A Theoretical learning 48
Reading 48
Fast reading 54
Part B Practical learning 58
Task 1 Configuring basic Features 58
Task 2 Configuring Advanced Features 63
Training 65
Part C Occupation English 66
Situation dialogue 66
Exercises 70
Part D Simulated writing 72
Focus on writing 72
Follow-up writing 76
Project Four Computer Security 79
Part A Theoretical learning 79
Reading 79
Fast reading 83
Part B Practical learning 87
Task Rising Personal Firewall Setup 87
Training 91
Part C Occupation English 91
Situation dialogue 92
Exercises 96
Part D Simulated writing 97
Focuses on writing 98
Follow-up writing 100
Project Five E-commerce 103
Part A Theoretical learning 103
Reading 103
Fast reading 107
Part B Practical learning 111
Task 1 Creating PayPal account 112
Task 2 Publishing commodity and selling globally 121
Training 132
Part C Occupation English 132
Situation dialogue 133
Exercises 136
Part D Simulated writing 138
Focuses on writing 138
Follow-up writing 142
Project Six Multimedia 143
Part A Theoretical learning 143
Reading 143
Fast reading 146
Part B Practical learning 150
Task 1 Shooting movies 150
Task2 Shooting in the special conditions and commonly used functions 152
Task3 Using playback and other functions 155
Training 158
Part C Occupation English 159
Situation dialogue 159
Exercises 163
Part D Simulated writing 165
Focuses on writing 166
Follow-up writing 170
附錄1 計算機專業英語常用辭彙表 171
附錄2 計算機專業英語常用縮寫詞表 182


女,研究生。 2006年7月畢業於華中科技大學,獲理學學士學位;2008年11月-2010年3月擔任北大青鳥,清華萬博培訓機構講師; 2011年5月-2014年3月擔任廣州松田職業學院計算機套用教研室主任、同時兼任計算機網路技術專業建設負責人;2016年9月-至今,擔任廣州華夏職業學院信息安全與計算機基礎教研室主任。


