大連海事大學航海動態仿真與控制交通部重點實驗室 碩博連讀,獲工學博士學位
2009.8-2010.8 澳大利亞阿德萊德大學(Australian Center for Visual Technologies)從事計算機視覺和可視化方面的博士後研究
2010.8至今,中國海洋大學計算機系 教師
國家自然科學基金項目, 61271405、符合視覺感知機理的自然紋理生成模式研究、2013/01 -2016/12、82萬、在研、參與。
6、青島市科技發展計畫,12-1-4-1-(8)-jch、水下小目標空間幾何及三維紋理重建系統研究、 2012/01-2014/09,4萬、已結題,參與。
7、國家海洋公益性項目,201105033、海洋環境信息雲計算與雲服務體系框架套用研究、2010-2014、已結題、 參與。
10、 青島市科技發展計畫項目, 運動目標自動識別與跟蹤技術研究、2007-2009、10萬、已結題,參加。
11、 山東省中青年科學家基金項目,2005BS01001、基於視頻的三維虛擬城市自動重建理論與方法研究、2005-2007、已結題、參與。
1. Xie Cui, Jin Yicheng, Liu Xiuwen, Yinyong.Web-Based Collaborative Learning System Design for Navigation Education and Training. Third International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL2004), Beijing, China, August 8-11, 2004. pressed by Springer LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science ) 3143.ISSN 0302-9743, P271-276,(SCI檢索)
2. Xie Cui, Jin Yicheng, Liu Xiuwen, Yin Yong. Real-time Ocean Wave in Multi-channel Marine Simulator, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI'04), Singapore, 16-18 June 2004. ACM Press (short paper). pp.332-335 (EI檢索).
3. Xie Cui, Jin Yicheng, Liu Xiuwen, Yin Yong. Web-Based Maritime Training Environment, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Wuhan, China, 4-16 September 2004 (CIT2004). Pressed by IEEE Computer Society . pp.351-356. (EI檢索)。
4. Xie Cui, Liu Xiuwen, JinYicheng. A Prototype of the Web-based Marine Training Environment .The 4th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL2005),Hong Kong ,China. 2005. 31st July - 3rd August. Springer LNCS 3583 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 3583, pp. 78 – 85,(SCI檢索)
5. Xie Cui, Liu Xiuwen, Jin Yicheng. 3D Scene transmission for Web-based Shiphandling Training. International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Vision-CGIV05, Beijing,China,July,2005. IEEE Computer Society. Pp.291-298 (EI檢索)
6. Xie, Cui , Liu, Xiuwen; Jin, Yicheng ,Client-Client Synchronization in Web-based Marine Training System. Journal of Computational Information System,v 2, n 1, March, 2006, p 205-210 (EI檢索)
7. Xie, Cui, Liu, Xiuwen; Yin, Yong; Jin, Yicheng; Li, Zhihua Immersive Displays for Marine Simulator,Journal of Computational Information System, v 3, n 1, February, 2007, p 369-375 (EI檢索)
8. 劉秀文 , 解翠 , 金一丞,保持視覺外觀特徵的格線簡化,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,vol.18,No.11,2006, p 1664-1669
9. 解翠,金一丞,李志華,劉秀文。改進的實時海浪格線模型,系統仿真學報,Vol 16,No.10, p.2146-2148, 2004.
10. Xiaocong Li, Cui Xie, Feature Extraction of Ocean Vortex Based on Vector Field Decomposition. International symposium on image analysis &signal processing, 2009/4/18-2009/4/19, p 55-58, 2009/4. (EI 檢索)
11. Xiaofen Chen, Cui Xie, Feature Detection and Visualization of Ocean Flow Field Sources, Sinks Based on Vector Field Decomposition. International conference on Image analysis and signal processing, 2009/4/18-2009/4/19, p 260-265, 2009/4. (EI 檢索)
12. Cui Xie,LihuaXiong,CunnaLiu, Multi-scale Vortex Extraction of Ocean Flow, Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI' 09), p 173-184, Sydney,2010/9/30.
13. Lihua Xiong, Cui Xie, Object based Video ideo Retrieval etrieval with Local Feature and Color Feature,International conference on Information Systems and Computational Intelligence (ICISCI2011), 2011/1/18-2011/1/20, p 202-206, Harbin, 2011/1.
14. Cunna Liu, Cui Xie, A Method of Object-Based Video Retrieval Using Spatiotemporal-Word Pairs,Proceeding of the international conference on Information Systems and Computational Intelligence (ICISCI2011), 2011/1/18-2011/1/20, p 197 -201, Harbin, 2011/1
15. *Cui Xie, Qi Wang, Wei Cheng. Autonomous Constructing Everyday Projected Displays. Proceeding of the international Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP ' 12), 2012/7/24-2012/7/27, p 180-186, Rome, 2012/7.
16. 解翠,尋錦錦,周小偉,張曉旭,董軍宇. 海嘯可視化仿真及災害分析.2014年第一屆可視分析大會, 2014/7/19-2014/7/20, 北京, 2014/7, 牆報展示.