



  • 書名:規範理論和現代粒子物理學導論
  • 作者:李德(ElliotLeader)
  • ISBN:9787510005299
  • 定價:79.00元
  • 出版社世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2010年4月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 副標題:(第2卷)


For a book of its genre, our previous book, An introduction to gauge theories and the "new physics" (1982) was a great success.It was not, alas, sold in airport lounges, but it did run to two additional printings (1983, 1985), and to extensively revised editions in Russian (1990), and in Polish (1991). More importantly, it seemed to achieve the principal goal which we had set ourselves, namely, to present a pedagogical account of modern particle physics with a balance of theory and experiment, which would be intelligible and stimulating for both theoretical and experimental graduate students. We did not try to write a profound book on field theory, nor a treatise on sophisticated experimental techniques. But we did wish to stress the deep, intimate and fruitful interaction between theoretical ideas and experimental results. Indeed, for us, it is just this aspect of physics which makes it seem so much more exciting than say pure mathematics.


Notational conventions
Note added in proof: the discovery of the top quark (?)
Note added in proof: the demise of the SSC
18 Determination of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
19 Mixing and CP violation
20 Regularization, renormalization and introduction to the renormalization group
21 Gauge theories, QCD and the renormalization group
22 Applications of the QCD renormalization group
23 The parton model in QCD
24 Large Pr phenomena and jets in hadronic reactions
25 Jets and hadrons in e+e- physics
26 Low Pr or soft hadronic physics
27 Some non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories
28 Beyond the standard model
Appendix 1: Elements of field theory
Appendix 2: Feynman rules for QED, QCD and the SM
Appendix 3: Conserved vector currents and their charges
Appendix 4: Operator form of Feynman amplitudes and effective Hamiltonians
Appendix 5: S-matrix, T-matrix and Feynman amplitude
Appendix 6: Consequences of CPT invariance for matrix elements
Appendix 7: Formulae for the basic partonic 2 → 2 processes
Appendix 8: Euclidean space conventions
Analytic subject index for vols. 1 and2


