


  • 中文名:覃智君
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:新能源套用技術;綜合節能技術及其套用
  • 任職院校:廣西大學電氣工程學院


1995.9-2000.7 華中理工大學,電氣與電子工程學院,獲工學學士學位
2000.9-2003.7 華中科技大學,電氣與電子工程學院,獲工學碩士學位
2003.7-2003.12 北海銀河高科技產業股份有限責任公司,電力系統套用軟體工程師
2004.3-2011.6 廣西大學,電氣工程學院,講師
2011.9-2015.8 香港大學(The University of Hong Kong),電機電子工程系,獲博士學位(PhD)
2015.10-2016.10 香港大學(The University of Hong Kong),電機電子工程系,博士後(Postdoctoral Fellow)
2017.1-至今 廣西大學 電氣工程學院,學術骨幹,副教授
2010 The University of Hong Kong(香港大學),訪問學者
2011 University College Dublin(愛爾蘭國立都柏林大學), 訪問學者
2013 Washington State University(美國華盛頓州立大學),訪問學者
IEEE, Member,
IEEE Power and Energy Society, Member
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
IET Renewable Power Generation
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Sustainable Energy,Grids and Networks
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
2017 Best Reviewer Award by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid








1. 極端天氣下預防調度與恢復調度的協調最佳化方法研究,國家自然科學基金(National Natural Science Foundation of China, 51767001),主持
2. 含大規模高集中度風電的電力系統電源規劃/調度與供電充裕性,國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)資助項目(2012CB215102),2012,排名第八
3. 基於風險控制的智慧型電網主動自愈策略構建的基礎研究,國家自然科學基金項目(51277155),2012,排名第三
4. 極端天氣下構建智慧型電網彈性運行策略的基礎性研究,國家自然科學基金項目(51677160),2016,排名第二
5. 含大規模不確定風電的電力系統自愈策略研究,強電磁工程與新技術國家重點實驗室(華中科技大學)開放課題,2014,排名第三
6. Sustainable Power Delivery Structures for High Renewables (支撐高比例可再生能源的可持續電力系統架構),RGC Theme-based Research Scheme (2014年香港自然科學基金重大項目資助),參與
7. Hierarchical Robust Operation Methodology for Intelligent Periphery: Towards a Flexible Renewable-friendly Smart Grid (電網智慧型終端的分層魯棒運行體系研究),2014,參與
8. Architecture of Strategic Defense System in the Context of Smart Grid: Proactive Vulnerability Mitigation and Passive Outage Restoration (智慧型電網全局防禦體系結構),2013,參與
9. Risk-Limiting Methodology for Self-healing Smart Grid Construction(構建自愈智慧型電網的風險控制方法),2011,參與
10. Generic and Adaptive System Restoration Methodology: Towards a Self-healing Smart Grid (通用和自適應的系統自愈方法論-面向自愈智慧型電網之路),2010,參與
11. Development of System Restoration Navigator (SRN) Software Version 5.0 and Associated Algorithms and Techniques (電網自愈調度員決策支持系統相關算法與技術研究),2016,排名第二
12. Development of System Restoration Navigator (SRN) Software Version 4.0 and Associated Algorithms and Techniques (電網自愈調度員決策支持系統相關算法與技術研究),2015,排名第二
13. Power System Restoration Tool for System Operators (電網自愈調度員決策支持系統),2013,排名第三
14. Reducing Duration of System Restoration Based on GRM Algorithms (減少電網自愈時間的相關算法研究),2011,排名第三
15. 柔性交流輸電系統分析計算軟體包開發,2009年武漢佳華創新電氣有限責任公司委託開發
16. 繼電保護整定軟體的研製與開發,2010年全州縣水利電業有限公司委託開發
17. 防城港供電公司可視化潮流計算軟體開發,2006年廣西電網公司防城港供電局委託開發


A. Papers Co-authored with My Supervised Undergraduates and Research Postgraduates since 2018:
1. Ximing Cai(蔡喜名), Zhijun Qin*(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, "Improving Wind Power Utilisation under Stormy Weather Condition by Risk-limiting Unit Commitment," IET Renewable Power Generation, vol.12, no.15, pp.1778-1785, 2018. (IF = 3.48, JCR Q1)
2. Xiaoge Huang(黃小歌), Zhijun Qin*(覃智君), Hui Liu, "A Survey on Power Grid Cyber Security: From Component-Wise Vulnerability Assessment to System-Wide Impact Analysis," IEEE Access, vol.6, no.1, pp.69023 - 69035, Nov. 2018(IF = 3.56, JCR Q1)
B. Journal Papers (Selected):
1. Yude Yang, Zhijun Qin*(覃智君), Bin Liu, Hui Liu, Yunhe Hou, Hua Wei, "Parallel Solution of Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow by Exact Optimality Condition Decomposition," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.12, no.21, pp. 5858-5866, Nov. 2018. (IF=2.62).
2. Yude Yang, Bori Wei, Zhijun Qin*(覃智君), "Sequence-based differential evolution for solving economic dispatch considering virtual power plant," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.13, no.15, pp. 3202 - 3215, 2019. (IF=2.62).
3. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, Shunbo Lei, Feng Liu, "Quantification of intra-hour security-constrained flexibility region," IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, vol.8, no.2, pp.671-684, 2017.(IF=6.23, JCR Q1)
4. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, En Lu, Cheng Luo, and Shijie Cheng, "Solving long time-horizon dynamic optimal power flow of large-scale power grids with direct solution method," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.8, no.5, pp. 895-906, May 2014.(IF=1.57)
5. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, Chen-Ching Liu, Shanshan Liu, Wei Sun, "Coordinating Generation and Load Pickup during Load Restoration with Discrete Load Increments and Reserve Constraints," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.9, no.15, pp. 2437 – 2446, Nov. 2015.(IF=1.57)
6. Chong Wang, Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, Jie Yan, "Multi-Area Dynamic State Estimation with PMU Measurements by an Equality Constrained Extended Kalman Filter," IEEE Trans. On Smart Grid, vol.9, no.2, pp.900-910, 2018.(IF=6.6, JCR Q1, Top Journal)
7. Chong Wang, Yunhe Hou, Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Chaoyi Peng, and Hui Zhou, "Dynamic Coordinated Condition-Based Maintenance for Multiple Components With External Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 30, no.5, pp.2362-2370, Sep. 2015.(IF=2.0)
8. Zhijun Qin(覃智君) and Yunhe Hou, "A GPU-based transient stability simulation using Runge-Kutta Integration algorithm, " International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol.2, no.1, pp. 32-39, 2013.
9. En Lu, Zhijun Qin*(覃智君), Mingbo Liu, Ning Wang, and Jinyu Wen, "Increasing black start capacity by fast cut back function of thermal power plants, " International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol.2, no.1, pp. 60-66, 2013.
10. 覃智君, 侯雲鶴, 李大虎, 王沖, 彭超逸, 文勁宇, “輸電網負荷恢複方案的最佳化計算方法”, 電工技術學報, 2016, 31(8): 116-124.
11. 覃智君, 侯雲鶴, 吳復立, “大規模交直流潮流計算的實用化模型”, 中國電機工程學報, 2011, 31(10): 95-101.
12. 覃智君, 陽育德, 吳傑康, “矢量化動態最優潮流計算的步長控制內點法實現”, 中國電機工程學報, 2009, 29(7): 52-58.
13. 覃智君, “最優潮流的原對偶內點法矢量化實現”, 電力系統及其自動化學報, 2009, 21(5): 68-74.
14. 覃智君, “矢量化技術在電力系統高性能計算中的套用”, 電網與清潔能源, 2009, 25(6): 36-42.
15. 覃智君, 李如琦, 陽育德, “建立層次化電力系統自動化綜合實驗的教學改革與實踐”, 世界華商經濟年鑑(高校教育研究) , 2009, (5): 31-32.
C. Software & Granted Patents:
1. 李劍輝, 馬煜華, 侯雲鶴, 張文峰, 盧恩, 覃智君, 李嘉龍, 王寧, 龍霏, “一種配置火電機組進行電網自愈的方法和系統,” 專利號: ZL 2012 1 0408706.2.
2. 盧恩, 李劍輝, 侯雲鶴, 張文峰, 馬煜華, 覃智君, 李嘉龍, 王寧, 龍霏, “一種電網快速自愈的方法和系統,” 專利號: ZL 2012 1 0408696.2
3. 覃智君,陽育德,“基於非線性規劃的交直流電力系統潮流計算軟體”,軟著登字第2019851號
4. 覃智君,陳毅平,陽育德,“交直流電網多目標協調最佳化策略計算軟體”,軟著登字第2981635號
D. Technical reports:
1. Yunhe Hou, Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Xia Chen, C. C. Liu, Wei Sun, “Power System Restoration Based on Generic Restoration Milestones (GRMs)”, US Electric Power Research Institute, Technical report 2011. (美國電力科學研究院研究報告)
2. Yunhe Hou, Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Chaoyi Peng, Shunbo Lei, Chong Wang, “Power System Restoration: System Restoration Navigator 4.0 Software Tool”, US Electric Power Research Institute, Technical report 2015. (美國電力科學研究院研究報告)
3. Yunhe Hou, Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Chaoyi Peng, Shunbo Lei, Chong Wang, “Power System Restoration: System Restoration Navigator 5.0 Software Tool”, US Electric Power Research Institute, Technical report 2016. (美國電力科學研究院研究報告)
E. Peer-reviewed Conference papers (Selected):
1. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, Yiping Chen, "Convex Envelopes of Optimal Power Flow with Branch Flow Model in Rectangular Form," in Proc. 2015 IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, vol.,no.,pp1-5, July, 2015.
2. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, Shanshan Liu, Jie Yan, "A branch-and-cut method for computing optimal load restoration plan considering transmission network and discrete load increment, " in Proc. 2014 Power System Computation Conference (PSCC 2014), vol.,no.,pp1-7, Aug., 2014.
3. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yunhe Hou, "Application of non-linear programming for large-scale AC-DC power flow analysis," in Proc. 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, vol., no., pp.1-8, 22-26 July 2012.
4. Qin Zhijun(覃智君), Liu Shanshan, Hou Yunhe, "Virtual Synchroscope: a novel application of PMU for system restoration," in Proc. 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP 2011), vol.1, no., pp.193-197, 16-20 Oct. 2011.
5. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yude Yang, "Vectorization implementation of optimal power flow in rectangular form based on interior point method," in Proc. 2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, vol., no., pp.1,8, 20-24 July 2008.
6. Zhijun Qin(覃智君), Yude Yang, Jiekang Wu, "Vectorial dynamic optimal power flow calculation including wind farms based on step-controlled primal-dual interior point method,"in Proc. 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,(ICEMS 2008) , vol., no., pp.2567-2572, 17-20 Oct. 2008.
7. Zhijun Qin(覃智君) and Hua Wei, "Development of EMS distributed support platform using open source middleware", in Proc. 7th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2006), vol., no., pp.1-6, Oct.30-Nov.2, 2006.


