



  • 書名:西部考古第14輯
  • 作者:文化遺產研究與保護技術教育部重點實驗室等
  • ISBN:9787030537874
  • 定價:152.00元
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年10月16日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:大16(醫)




新疆早鐵器時代鐵器考古發現概述——兼論新疆的鐵器來源與冶鐵術的傳播問題 衛斯 3
鄭家溝城址調查——當為秦昭王所置膚施 榆林市文物保護研究所 21
西北地區彩陶文化的研究回顧與展望 任瑞波 31
石鼓山墓地考古學文化研究之一——關中地區的豎穴壁龕墓 胡嘉麟 38
皇鼎銘文考釋 付強 57
邰城漢墓陶器分期研究——關中西漢墓葬分期新探索 種建榮 趙藝蓬 王洋 雷興山 60
“中國中世紀都城系統”的考古學觀察——以長安城為中心 韓建華 102
關中地區十六國墓葬出土坐樂俑的時代與來源——十六國時期墓葬制度重建之管窺 周楊 119
北朝晚期兩類隨葬品性質試探 王音 136
白色的西王母——西王母與雅典娜神話的比較研究 高繼習 145
北朝墓葬圖像中的佛教因素初探 王倩 178
龜茲石窟的壁畫風格及其藝術表現形式 李瑞哲 196
略論高句麗鳥羽冠與絲綢之路的文化互動 趙胤宰 216
唐代的峰牛俑——駱駝俑、胡人俑之外又一“絲綢之路”的象徵符號 冉萬里 234
陝西神木石峁城址後陽灣地點出土人骨研究 陳靚 孫周勇 邵晶 263
國內若干考古遺址出土小豆(Vigna angularis)遺存的初步考察 陶大衛 274
穩定同位素在考古學研究中的套用進展 凌雪 何靜 282
《歸藏》之神話與史實考 劉新華 293
寧夏彭陽宋墓所見人魚形象分析 郭明明 299
《辛巳泣蘄錄》與蘄春羅州城 盧亞輝 309
“國立中央圖書館”藏《陝西四鎮圖說》研究 尚珩 322
從“殃”的產生到殃書的生產——以洛陽民俗博物館館藏殃書為中心 楊全 348
考古學文化層理論在文化遺產研究中的適用性探討 李標標 劉軍民 364
河南地區考古對中國早期考古學術語形成的貢獻(1921—1949) 劉斌 張婷 375
西北大學考古學專業成立60周年學術研討會會議紀要 任萌 李雨生 楊璐 405
2016絲綢之路農牧文化與聚落演變學術研討會會議紀要 肖國強 馬健 415
西北大學考古學科大事記(2007—2017) 任萌整理 421
《西部考古》徵稿啟事 457
Part One: Archaeological Investigation and Excavation
The Summary of Archaeological Irons on Early Iron Age of Xinjiang: Discussions on the Iron Source and the Equitation Spread at Xinjiang Wei Si 20
The Investigation of Zhengjiagou City Ruins: Which should be the Fushi set up by King Zhao of Qin Yulin Cultural Relics Protection Institute 27
Part Two: Archaeological Study on Prehistory Period and Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties
Review and Prospect on Painted-Pottery Culture of Northwest China Ren Ruibo 37
A Research on the Archaeological Culture of Shigushan Cemetery: The Pit Tombs with Niche in Guanzhong Region Hu Jialin 56
Huang Gu Ding in the Inscription Fu Qiang 59
Periodisation Research on Potteries Unearthed from the Han Tombs in Taicheng: New Exploration on Periodization of Western Han Tombs in Guanzhong Chong Jianrong Zhao Yipeng Wang Yang Lei Xingshan 100
The Chinese Medieval Capital System from the Perspective of Archaeology—with Special Reference to Chang’an City Han Jianhua 118
Research on the Age and Origin of Figurines of Sitting Musicians Unearthed from Tombs in Sixteen Kingdoms Period in Guanzhong Region: A Glance at Redesign of Burial System in Sixteen Kingdoms Period Zhou Yang 135
An Analysis of the Character of Two Kinds of Burial Objects in the Late Northern Wei Dynasties Wang Yin 142
Part Three: Silk Road and Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries
White Xiwangmu: A Comparative Research on the Religions and Mythologies between Xiwangmu and Athena Gao Jixi 177
A Preliminary Study on the Buddhist Factors in Tomb Images of Northern Dynasties Wang Qian 195
Grottoes of the Four Kinds of Murals Styles and Art Form in Kucha Li Ruizhe 215
A Study on Niaoyuguan of Gaogouli and the Silk Road Cho Yunjae 232
Boschindcus Figurines of the Tang Dynasty: A Symbol of the Silk Road besides Camel Figurines and “Hu Ren” Figurines Ran Wanli 259
Part Four: Research on Scientific Archaeology and Cultural Relics Protection
Research on Neolithic Skeletons from Houyangwan Site of Shimao City in Shenmu County, Shaanxi Province Chen Liang Sun Zhouyong Shao Jing 272
The Preliminary Analysis of Adzuki(Vigna)Remains from Archaeological Sites in China Tao Dawei 281
Progress of the Application of Stable Isotope in Archaeological Research Ling Xue He Jing 290
Part Five: Study of Museum and Cultural Heritage
The Culture and Myth in Guicang Liu Xinhua 298
Analysis of Mermaid in the Song Dynasty Tomb of Pengyang in Ningxia Guo Mingming 308
The Study on Luozhou City and Xin Si Qi Qi Lu Lu Yahui 321
Research on Illustrated Handbook of Gazettor of the Four Frontier Towns of shannxi Collected in “National Central Library” Shang Heng 347
From the Killing Spirits to the Yang List Production: with the Yang List in Luoyang Folklore Museum as the Center Yang Quan 363
The Applicability Discussion in the Study of Cultural Heritage with the Archaeological Theory, Cultural Layer Li Biaobiao Liu Junmin 371
Part Six: Other Studies
The Contribution of Henan Archeology to the Formation of Early Chinese Archeology Terms (1921-1949) Liu Bin Zhang Ting 401
Part Seven: Academic Trends
Summary of the Symposium of 60-year Anniversary of the Establishment of Archaeology Discipline of Northwest University Ren Meng Li Yusheng Yang Lu 414
Minutes of Conference on Cultural Interaction between Pastoralism and Agriculture, and Settlement Evolvement on the Silk Road Xiao Guoqiang Ma Jian 420
Solicit Contributions of Western Archaeolgy 457


