Yaginuma, T. ,1971. Spiders of Japan in colour (enlarged and revised edition).. Hoikusha, Osaka, 197 pp..;Saito, S.,1939. On the spiders from Tohoku (northernmost part of the main island), Japan.. Saito Ho-on Kai Mus. Res. Bull. 18(Zool. 6): 1-91..;Saito, S.,1959. The Spider Book Illustrated in Colours.. Hokuryukan, Tokyo, 194 pp..;B??senberg, W. & E. Strand.,1906. Japanische Spinnen.. Abh. Senck. naturf. Ges. 30: 93-422..;Yaginuma, T.,1960. Spiders of Japan in colour.. Hoikusha, Osaka, 186 pp..