


2002年起在重慶大學汽車工程系任教,2004年9月任講師,2009年9月任副教授、2017年9月任教授,世界著名的振動噪聲測量及分析解決方案供應商Brüel&Kjær中國公司外聘技術專家、技術總工程師,機械傳動國家重點實驗室固定研究人員,國家自然科學基金同行通訊評議專家。長期從事汽車系統動力學研究與控制、振動與噪聲測量分析、工程信號處理、汽車結構分析和計算機輔助設計等方面的相關理論及套用研究工作,作為項目負責人和主研人員完成國家自然科學基金項目、牽引動力國家重點實驗室開發課題、中央高校基金項目、企業委託研究開發課題20餘項。擔任《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》、《Journal of sound and Vibration》、《Applied Acoustics》、《Dyna》、《機械工程學報》、《聲學學報》、《農業工程學報》、《振動與衝擊》、《天津大學學報(英文版)》、《浙江大學學報》等多家國內外著名期刊的審稿人。在國內外著名學術期刊及學術會議上公開發表論文60餘篇,其中SCI/EI收錄論文近50篇,授權發明專利2項。


  • 中文名:褚志剛
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1978年9月1日
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:重慶大學機械與運載工程學院副院長 




01. 重慶大學第一屆青年教師講課比賽一等獎
02. 第三屆最受學生歡迎老師獎
03. 2010-2011學年度本科教學50強
04. 重慶大學2015年度優秀碩士學位論文指導教師


[01] Yang Yang, Zhigang Chu*,Linbang Shen, Guoli Ping, Zhongming Xu. Fast Fourier-based deconvolution for three-dimensional acoustic sourceidentification with solid spherical arrays [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 107: 183-201 (SCI\EI)
[02] ZhigangChu*, Fei Zheng, Lei Liang, Hui Yan, Runcheng Kang.Parameter Determination ofMinimal Model for Brake Squeal [J].Applied Sciences-Basel, 2018, 8(37): 1-15 (SCI)
[03] Linbang Shen, Zhigang Chu*, Yang Yang, GuangjianWang. Periodic boundary based FFT-FISTAfor sound source identification [J]. Applied Acoustics, 2018,130:87-91 (SCI\EI)
[04] Zhigang Chu*, Hongwei Wang, Caihui Chen, Hui Yan,Runcheng Kang. Source Path Contribution analysis for vehicle indoor pass-bynoise in time domain [J]. Sound and Vibration,2017,51 (9): 2-6 (SCI\EI)
[05] Linbang Shen, Zhigang Chu*, Yang Yang, GuangjianWang. Periodic boundary based FFT-FISTA for sound source identification [J].Applied Acoustics, 2018,130:87-91 (SCI\EI)
[06] Zhigang Chu*, Hongwei Wang, Caihui Chen, Hui Yan,Runcheng Kang. Source Path Contribution analysis for vehicle indoor pass-bynoise in time domain [J]. Sound and Vibration,2017,51(9): 2-6 (SCI\EI)
[07] Yang Yang, Zhigang Chu*, Linbang Shen, GuoliPing. Two-dimensional grid-free compressive beamforming [J]. Journal of theAcoustical Society of America, 2017, 142 (2): 618-629 (SCI\EI)
[08] Chu Zhigang*, Chen Caihui, Yang Yang, ShenLinbang, Chen Xi. Improvement of Fourier-based fast iterativeshrinkage-thresholding deconvolution algorithm for acoustic sourceidentification [J]. Applied Acoustic, 2017, 123: 64-72 (SCI\EI)
[09] Zhigang Chu*, Yang Yang, Linbang Shen. Resolutionand quantification accuracy enhancement of functional delay and sum beamformingfor three- dimensional acoustic source identification with solid sphericalarrays [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 88:274-289(SCI\EI)
[10] Guoli Ping, Zhigang Chu*, Zhongming Xu, LinbangShen. A refined wideband acoustical holography based on equivalent sourcemethod [J]. Scientific Reports, 2017,7:43458 (SCI)
[11] Zhigang Chu*, Di Huang, Jiang Wang, Yang Yang,Yangjun Wu. Development of online detection system for natural frequency ofbrake discs based on the least square complex frequency domain method [J].Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(4): 2795-2805 (SCI\EI)
[12] Linbang Shen, Zhigang Chu*, Yang Yang, GuangjianWang. A new beamforming microphones array with acoustic insulation baffle [J].Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(1):690-698 (SCI\EI)
[13] Zhigang Chu*, Linbang Shen, Yang Yang, GuangjianWang. Non-negative least squares deconvolution method for mirror-groundbeamforming [J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016, 22(16): 3470-3478(SCI\EI)
[14] Yang Yang, Zhigang Chu*, Linbang Shen, ZhongmingXu. Functional delay and sum beamforming for three-dimensional acoustic sourceidentification with solid spherical arrays [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration,2016, 373:340-359 (SCI\EI)
[15] Yang Yang, Zhigang Chu*, Linbang Shen, GuoliPing. Enhancement of two-dimensional acoustic source identification withFourier-based deconvolution beamforming [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2016,18(5): 3337-3361 (SCI\EI)
[16] Zhigang Chu*, Fang Kuang, Runcheng Kang, XiaoxinGao. Effects of airflow on the acoustic attenuation performance of reactivemuffler [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2016, 18(01): 637-648 (SCI\EI)
[17] Zhigang Chu*, Yang Yang, Yansong He.Deconvolution for three-dimensional acoustic source identification based onspherical harmonics beamforming [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 344:484-502 (SCI\EI)
[18] Zhigang Chu*, Guoli Ping, Yang Yang, LinbangShen.Determination of regularization parameters in near-field acoustical holographybased on equivalent source method [J]. Journal ofVibroengineering, 2015, 17(05): 2302-2313 (SCI\EI)
[19] Zhigang Chu*, Guoli Ping, Pengfei Cai, Yang Yang,Caihui Chen. Application of Bayesian regularization criterion in near fieldacoustic holography based on equivalent source method [J]. Noise and vibrationworldwide, 2015, 46(6): 20-28 (EI)
[20] Zhigang Chu*, Yang Yang. Comparison ofdeconvolution methods for the visualization of acoustic sources based oncross-spectral imaging function beamforming [J]. Mechanical Systems and SignalProcessing, 2014, 48(1): 404-422 (SCI\EI)
[21] 褚志剛*,段雲煬,沈林邦,楊洋.函式波束形成聲源識別性能分析及套用[J].機械工程學報, 2017, 52(4): 67-76 (EI)
[22] 褚志剛*,楊洋,賀岩松, 康潤程,王光建. 球諧函式波束形成聲源識別擴展方法[J]. 機械工程學報, 2015, 51(20):45-53 (EI)
[23] 褚志剛*,夏金鳳, 王光建,葉方標. 循環對稱結構重根模態振型相關性修正[J].機械工程學報, 2014, 50(23): 59-65 (EI)
[24] 褚志剛*,葉方標, 蔣忠翰,張昌福, 周亞男.制動盤模態分析及其在生產線檢測系統上的套用[J].汽車工程,2014, 36(7): 843-847 (EI)
[25] 褚志剛*,楊洋. 基於波束形成縮放聲強的聲源局部聲功率計算[J].聲學學報, 2013, 38(3): 265-271 (EI)
[26] 褚志剛*,楊洋. 基於非負最小二乘反卷積波束形成的發動機噪聲源識別[J].振動與衝擊, 2013, 32(23): 75-81 (EI)
[27] 楊洋,褚志剛*, 熊敏.基於阻抗矩陣法的車內共鳴音的傳遞路徑分析[J].振動與衝擊, 2014, 33(18): 164-169 (EI)
[28] 楊洋,褚志剛*, 江洪,賀岩松. 反卷積DAMAS2波束形成聲源識別研究[J].儀器儀表學報, 2013, 34(8): 1779-1786. (EI)
[29] 褚志剛*,沈林邦, 楊洋.鏡像地波束形成聲源識別方法[J].套用基礎與工程科學學報, 2015, 23(1): 162-171 (EI)


