Wei Pei and Michiel van der Wolf. 2016. A Review of the New Provisions for Sanctioning Mentally Disordered Offenders in China. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (SSCI)
Wei Pei. 2016. Maintaining Proportionality in Rewarding Cooperative Offenders, in Doborah et al (eds.). Complex Criminality, Den Haag: Boom Juridische Utgevers
龍衛球,裴煒. 2016.《電子證據概念與審查認定規則的構建研究》,《北京航空航天大學學報》第2期
Wei Pei. 2016. Harmony, Law and Criminal Reconciliation in China, Erasmus Law Review.
裴煒,Michiel van der Wol. 2015.《精神病人刑事責任與管治措施的銜接》,《河南社會科學》第8期
Julian V. Roberts and Wei Pei. 2015. Structuring Judicial Discretion in China. Criminal Law Forum
Wei Pei. 2014. Criminal Reconciliation in China: Consequentialism in History, Legislation and Practice, China –EU Law Journal
Wei Pei & Qianyun Wang. 2014. The Death Penalty’s Survival and Application for the Crime of Fraudulent Fundraising in China. In F. W. Bleichrodt et al (eds.), Onbegrensd Strafrecht, Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers.
《Criminal Procedural Agreements: In China and England and Wales》一書獲2017年第五屆青年刑事訴訟法學優秀科研成果獎著作類二等獎第五屆青年刑事訴訟法學優秀科研成果獎頒獎