



  • 書名:裝備指揮領域軍事碩士研究生英語
  • 作者:白宇、張景臣
  • ISBN:9787118067811
  • 頁數:189
  • 出版社國防工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2010-4-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


本教材針對裝備指揮領域軍事碩士的特點,所選課文及閱讀文章均選自近幾年國外相關報導及期刊雜誌上的文章,專業性強、內容新穎、語言規範、難易適中。對課文的單詞、語言點及相關背景知識都有詳盡的注釋,並在文章後配有譯文。共分l4個單元,每個單元包括Part A正課文,Part B副課文,用來擴充閱讀量和辭彙。


Unit 1……………………1
Part A Service Acquisition Organization……………………1
Part B Supplementary Reading: Army Organization of the United States……………………5
Unit 2……………………8
Part A Revised US Nuclear Doctrine Outlines Preemption Strategy……………………8
Part B Supplementary Reading: Preemptive Strikes Part of U.S. Strategic Doctrine “All Options” Open for Countering Unconventional Arms……………………12
Unit 3……………………16
Part A Bush Declares War on Iraq……………………16
Part B Supplementary Reading:The Normandy Landings……………………20
Unit 4……………………24
Part A Information Superiority……………………24
Part B Supplementary Reading: GIG……………………29
Unit 5……………………33
Part A The Future Combat System……………………33
Part B Supplementary Reading: AH64A/D Apache Attack Helicopter……………………37
Unit 6……………………40
Part A Air Force Special Operations Forces……………………40
Part B Supplementary Reading: C-130 Hercules……………………44
Unit 7……………………48
Part A Aircraft Carrier……………………48
Part B Supplementary Reading: Air Anti-Submarine Warfare……………………52
Unit 8……………………56
Part A Patriot Missile Air Defense System of USA……………………56
Part B Supplementary Reading: MEADS: Medium Extended Air Defense System……………………61
Unit 9……………………65
Part A Life Cycle Management: Integrating Acquisition and Sustainment……………………65
Part B Supplementary Reading: Lockheed Focused on Total LifeCycle Support of Aircraft……………………69
Unit 10……………………73
Part A Contractors on the Battlefield in the 21st Century……………………73
Part B Supplementary Reading: Introduction of Prefabricated Harbors in WWII……………………78
Unit 11……………………82
Part A What Is Network-Centric Warfare?……………………82
Part B Supplementary Reading: Psychological-Information Warfare: Lessons of Afghanistan……………………87
Unit 12……………………90
Part A Statement by Mr. Hu Xiaodi, Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs of China, at the Plenary of the 2004 Session of the Conference on Disarmament (section)……………………90
Part B Supplementary Reading: Export controls, arms and military equipment exports introduction of the Republic of Belarus in 2001/2002……………………95
Unit 13……………………99
Part A RFID Technology: Is the Capability A Boon or Burdon for DOD?……………………99
Part B Supplementary Reading: Savi Technology Deploys New Mobile RFID Infrastructure Kit for Real-Time Visibility of Military Supplies……………………103
Unit 14……………………107
Part A Military Operations other than War……………………107
Part B Supplementary Reading:NonLethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War……………………111
附錄1 軍語辭彙……………………154
附錄2 英美軍銜表……………………163
ROYAL NAVY (RN)英國皇家海軍……………………163
United States Navy (USN)美國海軍……………………163
British Army英國陸軍……………………164
United States Army美國陸軍……………………165
Royal Air Force ( RAF)英國皇家空軍……………………166
United States Air Force (USAF)美國空軍……………………167
Royal Marines (EM)英國皇家海軍陸戰隊……………………168
United States Marine Corps (USMC)美國海軍陸戰隊……………………168
附錄3 裝備部門英譯及部分與裝備研究相關單位對外名稱……………………170
附錄4 個人簡歷的寫法……………………171
附錄5 摘要的寫法……………………174


