



  • 中文名:袁雙龍
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1982年
  • 畢業院校:重慶大學、華東理工大學


2001年畢業於重慶大學化學化工學院,獲工學學士學位。同年考入華東理工大學材料科學與工程學院攻讀碩士學位,2004年3月畢業,獲得工學碩士學位並留校材料科學與工程學院從事科研與教學工作至今。2007年3月攻讀華東理工大學博士,同時獲得華東理工大學與法國雷恩一大合作培養博士生資格和法國駐華使館科技合作處獎學金並於2007年7月至2009年7月赴法國雷恩一大進行該項目的合作研究。從事“白光LED用新型螢光粉的製備及性能”研究。2011年分別獲得華東l理工大學工學博士學位和法國雷恩一大(universite de rennes1)理學博士學位。




【1】Jing Ling, Shuanglong YUAN**, Yunxia Yang,Theanti-reflection coatings (SiO2/SiO2-TiO2/TiO2)for silicon solar cell using an aqueous sol technique, XVI InternationalSol-Gel conference, 2011, Hangzhou.
【2】Shuanglong Yuan, Yunxia Yang, Francois Chevire, FranckTessier, Guorong Chen, Photoluminescence of Eu doped strontiumcyanamide-A novel host lattice for Eu, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2010,93(10)。
【3】Shuanglong Yuan, Yunxia Yang, Xianghua Zhang, Franck Tessier,François Cheviré, Jean-Luc Adam, Bernard Moine, and Guorong Chen, Euand Mn doped Ba2Mg(BO3)2-new redphosphor for white LEDs, Optical Letters, 2008, 33(23)。
【4】CUI Zhao-Feng, YUAN Shuang-Long**, YANG Yun-Xia, François CHEVIRE,Franck TESSIER, CHEN Guo-Rong, Preparation and photoluminescence properties of Eu-dopedoxyapatite-type SrxLa10-x(SiO4)6O3-x/2,Chinese Physics Letters, 2011,28(1),
【5】YuanShuanglong,Yang Yunxia, Fang Bin, Chen Guorong, Effects of doping ions onafterglow properties of Y2O2S:Eu phosphors,Opt. Mater. 30(4),2007:535-538。
【6】YuanShuanglong, Chen Xianlin, Zhu Chaofeng, Yang Yunxia, Chen Guorong, Eu,Mnco-doped (Sr,Ba)6BP5O20 – A novel phosphor forwhite LED, Opt. Mater. 30(1),2007:192-194。
【7】ZhuChaofeng, Yang Yunxia, Yuan Shuanglong, Chen Guorong, et al., Rare earths dopedfull-color luminescence glasses for white LED, J. Lumin.126(2),2007:707-710。
【8】Yuan Shuanglong, YangYunxia, Xu Zhizhen, Fang Bin, Effect of dopants on long afterglow properties of Y2O2S:Euphosphor and its long afterglow mechanism, Journal of Inorganic Materials(in chinese),19(3),2004:523-528。
【9】ZhuChaofeng, Yuan Shuanglong,Yang Yunxia, Chen Guorong,S.Baccaro, A. Cecilla,M.Falconieri, photoluminescence and X-Ray irradiation of SrAl2O4:Euand Y2O3:Eu phosphors, 7th internationalconference solid state chemistry 2006(In English).。
【10】AoYiwei, Yang Yunxia, Yuan Shuanglong, Chen Guorong,Studyof Nanosized r-Al2O3 for fluorescent lamps protective film,7thinternational conference solid state chemistry 2006(In English)。
【11】YuanShuanglong, Yang Yunxia, Zhu Chaofeng, Fang Bin, Chen Guorong, A novel phosphorexcited by ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet rays and manufacture thereof,Application No.200710036651.6, Application Date:19-01-2007。
【12】YuanShuanglong, Yang Yunxia, Cui Zhaofeng, Francois Chevire, Franck Tessier, ZengHuidan, Chen Guorong, nitrides and oxynitrides containing alkaline earth metalsmanufacture method therefore, Chinese Patent, Publication no: CN101775291A。
【13】Yang YunXia, Yuan Shuanglong, ChenGuorong, Gu Shuixiang, fireproof decorative veneers and manufacture methodthereof, Chinese Patent, Application No: 200610027427.6。


