



  • 中文名:袁賽瑜 
  • 畢業院校:河海大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:水力學及河流動力學


袁賽瑜,河海大學青年教授,河海大學水利水電工程基地強化班學士、水力學及河流動力學博士,美國俄勒岡州立大學、傑克遜州立大學聯合培養,紐西蘭奧克蘭大學訪問學者,SCI檢索期刊《Journal of Coastal Research》副主編、《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》編委、水文水資源與水利工程科學國家重點實驗室固定成員、長江保護與綠色發展研究院研究成員、水力學及河流研究所副所長、淮河研究中心副主任。霍英東教育基金會青年教師基金項目獲得者,入選中國科協“優秀中外青年交流計畫”、江蘇省科協“青年托舉工程”培養對象。長期從事河流動力過程及生態環境回響方面的理論研究和工程實踐,與劍橋大學、奧克蘭大學、渥太華大學、愛荷華大學等學府著名學者保持長期學術合作,合作開展野外觀測、數學模擬和室內試驗方面的研究。主持霍英東教育基金、國家自然基金面上項目、國家重點研發計畫專題等項目14項;發表《Journal of Hydrology》等TOP 期刊論文35篇,其中SCI檢索論文20餘篇(第1作者8篇,通訊作者3篇),授權發明專利5項(國際專利1項);多次受邀在奧克蘭大學等學府以及重要學術會議做演講報告。出版英文專著和中文專著各1部。參編行業標準2部。獲江蘇省優秀博士論文、南京市優秀學術論文一等獎。獲江蘇省科學技術一等獎2項(2013年、2017年)、大禹水利科技二等獎1項(2017年)。主講《水工建築物》等本科課程,邀請3位國外專家開設《Applied Hydraulics》等本科和研究生課程3門。指導渥太華大學交流生、緬甸留學生等。






(1) Yuan S., Tang H., Xiao Y., et al. Phosphorus contamination of the surface sediment at a river confluence [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 573, 568-580. (IF=4.405,TOP期刊)
(2) Yuan S., Tang H., Xiao Y., et al. Water flow and sediment transport at open-channel confluences: an experimental study [J]. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2018, 56(3), 333-350. (IF=2.974)
(3) Yuan S., Tang H., Xiao Y., et al. Spatial variability of phosphorus adsorption in surface sediment at channel confluences: Field and laboratory experimental evidence [J]. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2018, 18, 25-36. (IF=2.548)
(4) Yuan S., Tang H., Xiao Y., et al. Turbulent flow structure at a 90-degree open channel confluence: accounting for the distortion of the shear layer [J]. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2016, 12, 130-147.(IF=2.548)
(5) Yuan S., Tang H., Li L., et al. Combined wave and surge overtopping erosion failure model of HPTRM levees: accounting for grass-mat strength [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 109, 256-269.(IF=2.730)
(6) Yuan S., Li L., Amini F., et al. Turbulence measurement of combined wave and surge overtopping of a full-scale HPTRM-strengthened levee [J]. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal & Ocean Engineering-ASCE, 2014, 140(4), 86-95.
(7) Yuan S., Li L., Amini F., et al. Sensitivity of combined turbulent wave overtopping and storm surge overflow response to variations in levee geometry [J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2015, 313(3):702-713.
(8) Yuan S., Li L., Amini F., et al. Numerical study of turbulence and erosion of an HPTRM-Strengthened Levee under combined storm surge overflow and wave overtopping [J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2014, 293(1):142-157.
(9) Xiao Y., Yang Xia, Yuan S., Tang H.: Distribution of phosphorus in bed sediment at confluences responding to hydrodynamics. Water Management, 2019, 172(3): 149-162.
(10) Tang H., Zhang H., Yuan S. Response to discussion of hydrodynamics and contaminant transport on the degraded bed at a 90-degree channel confluence. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 18(9), 1297–1299.
(11) Tang H., Zhang H., Yuan S. Hydrodynamics and contaminant transport on a degraded bed at a 90-degree channel confluence. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 18(2), 443-463.
(12) Xiao Y., Xia Y., Yuan S., Tang H. Flow structure and phosphorus adsorption in bed sediment at a 90° channel confluence. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, 29(5), 902-905.
(13) Tang H., Zhao H., Li Z., Yuan S., et al. Phosphorus sorption to suspended sediment in freshwater. Water Management, 2017, 170(5), 231-242.
(14) Tang H., Li Q., Yuan S., et al. Effect of aggregation on the adsorption of phosphorus onto air-dried sediment in contrasting shear flow conditions. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, 17(8), 2177–2186.
(15) Du Q., Tang H., Yuan S., et al. Predicting flow rate and sediment in bifurcated river branches. Water Management, 2016, 169(4), 156-167.
(16) Li L., Yuan S., Amini F., et al. Numerical study of combined wave overtopping and storm surge overflow of HPTRM strengthened levee. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 97, 1-15.
(17) Tang H., Tian Z., Yan J., Yuan S. Determining drag coefficients and their application in modelling of turbulent flow with submerged vegetation. Advances in Water Resources, 2014, 69, 134-145.
(18) Wang H., Tang H., Yuan S., et al. An experimental study of the incipient bed shear stress partition in mobile bed channels filled with emergent rigid vegetation. Science China Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(6), 1165-1174.
1. 國家重點研發計畫子題,淮河幹流與洪澤湖演變及治理,主持
2. 國家自然基金青年基金,平原河網交匯處複雜河床下污染物遷移轉化規律,主持
3. 江蘇省科協人才項目,江蘇省科協青年科技人才托舉工程,主持
4. 中央高校基本業務費項目,水利工程下游交匯河道演變規律研究,主持
5. 工程項目,沿江北大道風光帶工程防洪評價,主持
6. 國家自然基金面上項目,大型水利工程影響下下游交匯河道演變回響及規律研究,主研
7. 工程項目,上海市水利控制片水資源調度實施細則修編項目,主持


