


  • 中文名:袁明鑑
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:山東
  • 職業:南開大學化學學院研究員
  • 畢業院校:中科院化學所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:高性能太陽能電池與光電探測器等


袁明鑑博士,南開大學化學院研究員,博士研究生導師,南開大學“百名青年學科帶頭人”。2009年在中國科學院化學研究所李玉良院士的指導下獲得有機化學博士學位。隨後先後赴美國華盛頓大學材料科學與工程系,加拿大多倫多大學電子與計算機科學系Edward Sargent教授研究小組從事博士後研究。2016年通過南開大學“人才特區”入職南開大學化學學院。近年來在半導體光電轉換器件領域取得了多項創新成果,刷新了量子點太陽能電池和近紅外發光二極體的能量轉換紀錄。以第一作者身份在Nature Nanotechnol, Nature Energy, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater. 等國際著名學術期刊上發表論文15篇,並以共同作者身份在Science (2篇), Nature Communication (3篇)等雜誌上合作發表論文30篇。發表論文總計他引1900餘次,H-因子為23, 擔任10餘個國際主要學術期刊審稿人。




1、 高性能太陽能電池與光電探測器;2、 量子點發光材料的合成及其發光二極體的製備;3、 非均相納米催化體系的合成與性能探索;


1)M. Yuan, L. Quan, R. Comin, G. Walters, R. Sabatini, O. Voznyy. S. Hoogland, Y. Zhao, P. Kanjanaboos, Z. Lu, D. Kim, E. H. Sargent, Perovskite Energy Funnels for Efficient Light-Emitting Diodes. Nature. Nanotechnology, 2016, 11, 872.
2)M. Yuan, M. Liu, E. H. Sargent, Colloidal Quantum Dots Solids Engineering for Solution-processed Photovoltaics. Nature. Energy, 2016, 1, 16016.
3)L. Quan, M. Yuan, R. Comin, O. Voznyy, A. Buin, A. Kirmani, K. Zhao, A. Amassion, D. Kim, E. H. Sargent, Ligand-Stabilized Reduced-Dimensionality Perovskites, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 2649. (Co-first Author)
4)M. Yuan, O. Voznyy, D. Zhitomirsky, P. Kanjanaboos, E. H. Sargent, Synergistic Doping of Fullerene Electron Transport Layer and Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids Enhances Solar Cell Performance, Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 917.
5)M. Yuan, K. Kemp, S. Thon, J. Kim, K-W. Chou, A. Amassion, E. H. Sargent, High-Performance Quantum Dot Solids via Elemental Sulfur Synthesis. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 3513.
6)M. Yuan, D. Zhitomirsky, V. Adinolfi, O. Voznyy, K. Kemp, Z. Ning, X. Lan, J. Xu, J.Kim, H. Dong, E. H. Sargent, Doping Control via Molecularly-Engineered Surface Ligand Coordination, Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 5586.
7)Z. Jin, M. Yuan, H. Li, H. Yang, Q. Zhou, H. Liu, X. Lan, M. Liu, J. Wang, E. H. Sargent, Y. Li, Graphdiyne: An Efficient Hole Transporter for Stable High-Performance Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 5284. (Co-first Author)
8)D. Shi, V. Adinolfi, R. Comin, M. Yuan, E. Alarousu, A. Buin, Y. Chen, S. Hoogland, A. Rothenberger, K. Katsiev, Y. Losovyj, X. Zhang, P. Dowben, O. Mohammed, E. Sargent, O. Bakr, Low trap-state density and long carrier diffusion in organo lead trihalide perovskite single crystals, Science. 2015, 347, 519.
9)B. Zhang, X. Zheng, O. Voznyy, R. Comin, M. Bajdich, M. García-Melchor, J. Xu, M. Liu, F. Pelayo García de Arquer, F. Fan, M. Yuan, E. Yassitepe, A. Janmohamed, N. Chen, T. Regier, L. Han, P. Liu, Y. Li, H. L, L. Zheng, H. Yang, A. Vojvodic, E. H. Sargent, Homogeneously dispersed, multimetal oxygen-evolving catalysts, Science. 2016, 352, 333.
10)H. Tan, A. Jain, O. Voznyy, X. Lan, F. Pelayo García de Arquer, J. Z. Fan, R. Quintero-Bermudez, M. Yuan, B. Zhang, Y. Zhao, F. Fan, P. Li, L. N. Quan, Y. Zhao, Z. Lu, Z. Yang, S. Hoogland, E. H. Sargent, Efficient and stable solution-processed planar perovskite solar cells via contact passivation. Science. 2017.
11)J. Xu, A. Buin, A. H. Ip, W. Li, O. Voznyy, R. Comin, M. Yuan, S. Jeon, Z. Ning, J. J. McDowell, P. Kanjanaboos, J. Sun, X. Lan, L. Quan, D. Kim, I. G. Hill, P. Maksymovych, E. H. Sargent, Perovskite–fullerene hybrid materials suppress hysteresis inplanar diodes, Nature Communication. 2015, 8081.
12)J. Kim, V. Adinolfi, T. Kim, J. Kim, I S. Hoogland,M. Yuan, B. Sutherland, K. Kemp,E. H. Sargent, Single-Step Fabrication of Quantum Funnels via Centrifugal Colloidal Casting of Nanoparticle Films, Nature Communication. 2015, 7772.
13) M. I. Saidaminov, V. Adinolfi, R. Comin, A. L. Abdelhady, W. Peng, I. Dursun, M. Yuan, S. Hoogland, E. H. Sargent, O. M. Bakr. Planar-integrated single-crystalline perovskite photodetectors, Nature Communication. 2015, 9724.


