- 中文名:袁戰偉
- 出生日期:1985年5月
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:金屬基複合材料
- 性別:男
- 任職院校:長安大學材料科學與工程學院
- 職稱:副教授
長期從事金屬基複合材料、金屬增材製造、金屬材料的宏微觀變形行為研究工作。作為骨幹先後參與國家重點研發項目、兵器集團重大項目等。5年內主持課題包括中國博士後基金、航天科工集團、裝備發展部、重點實驗是開放課題、兵器集團等課題10餘項。以第一作者身份先後在Material Science and Engineering A、Journal of Materials Research等學術期刊發表論文20多篇,其中SCI收錄17篇,授權國家發明專利5項。目前任國際著名期刊《Material science and Engineering A》、《Material and Design》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》等多家期刊審稿人。
1. 航天科工集團, 3D列印材料性能測試研究,2019;
2. 裝備發展部,基於內聚元模型的塗層衝擊損傷失效機理研究,2019;
3. 中央高校基礎研究項目, SiCp/Al複合材料損傷演化機理研究,2019;
4. 中國博士後基金,雙向拉應力狀態下SiCp/Al複合材料界面損傷機理研究,2017;
5. 中國兵器集團西安近代化學研究所,物料傳輸及混合過程模擬仿真,2017;
6. 凝固國家重點實驗室開放課題,SiCp/Al複合材料宏微觀力學性能耦合模型研究,2016;
7. 校企合作項目,碳陶複合材料力學性能研究,2019;
8. 校企合作項目,低能橋箔電爆過程仿真計算,2019;
9. 校企合作項目,材料力學性能測試,2020;
[1] 一種管棒類材料加工用支撐裝置
[2] 一種連續變橢圓截面輥軋裝置及制坯方法
[3] 一種連續性平動式壓軋機及其壓軋方法
[4] 採用三階非均勻有理B樣條設計齒輪鍛件鍛模的方法
[5] 一種輥軋裝置的波形輥
[6] 一種管材拉拔成形方法及成形模具
[1]基於套用型人才培養的材料成型及控制工程專業互動式教學模式研究[J]. 張學敏,袁戰偉,郭亞傑,孫志平,田曉東. 教育教學論壇. 2020(42)
[2]滌綸纖維增強聚乙烯複合管承壓性能模擬[J]. 張學敏,周騰,李厚補,王品,袁戰偉,肖春紅. 工程塑膠套用. 2020(08)
[3]TiN/Ti多層塗層高速衝擊損傷特徵研究[J]. 韓玉濤,袁戰偉,臧順來,何光宇,柴艷,楊竹芳. 兵器材料科學與工程. 2020(03)
[4]物料無槳混合過程數值模擬[J]. 蘇楊,雷全虎,陳松,羅志龍,袁戰偉. 化工進展. 2019(S1)
[5]“新工科”背景下材料類創新型人才培養模式探索——以長安大學材料科學與工程學院為例[J]. 張鳳英,陳永楠,袁戰偉,艾誠,陳曦. 大學教育. 2019(06)
[6]TC17鈦合金的微觀力學性能研究[J]. 田文斌,王瑜,袁戰偉,張曉峰,張學敏,張鳳英,王凱,胡永彪. 熱加工工藝. 2019(04)
[7]WCu/MoCu電子封裝材料的研究現狀與發展趨勢[J]. 王新剛,張潤梅,陳典典,曾德軍,許西慶,袁戰偉. 中國材料進展. 2018(12)
[8]摩擦作用對鋁合金熱變形的影響研究[J]. 卜春陽,袁戰偉,李晶,何凱. 中國鉬業. 2018(06)
[9]WSTi3515S阻燃鈦合金超塑性變形行為及本構關係研究[J]. 張學敏,曹宇霞,李悅,焦奔奇,梁夢妍,袁戰偉,曾衛東. 鈦工業進展. 2018(05)
[10]鍛件結構對輪轂產品性能的影響[J]. 岳戰國,黃汝安,鄭宏勛,張必裕,王亞安,袁戰偉. 熱加工工藝. 2018(09)
[11]Ti40阻燃合金大晶粒超塑性變形特性及唯象型本構關係研究[J]. 張學敏,李悅,曾衛東,焦奔奇,曹宇霞,袁戰偉. 塑性工程學報. 2018(02)
[12]《粉末冶金》雙語課程建設教學改革初探[J]. 張勇,陳永楠,陳宏,孫志平,袁戰偉,張長軍,王振軍. 教育教學論壇. 2018(12)
[13]基於Murty準則的SiCp/Al複合材料熱加工圖研究[J]. 袁戰偉,李付國,王春偉,王瑜,郭亞傑,周亮. 材料導報. 2018(04)
[14]陶瓷基複合材料焊接技術研究現狀[J]. 鄭博瀚,鄧娟利,李娜,袁戰偉,范尚武. 陶瓷學報. 2017(06)
[15]基於Malas準則的7050鋁合金3D熱加工圖研究[J]. 李江,李付國,袁戰偉. 熱加工工藝. 2017(23)[16]靶電流對磁控濺射類石墨鍍層組織與性能的影響[J]. 王瑜,王春偉,袁戰偉,張曉峰,王艷. 熱加工工藝. 2017(16)
[17]15Vol%SiC_P/Al複合材料熱加工圖研究[J]. 袁戰偉,王春偉,王瑜,李付國. 熱加工工藝. 2017(14)
[18]SiC顆粒增強鋁基複合材料製備技術研究進展[J]. 王春偉,袁戰偉,張曉峰,王瑜. 熱加工工藝. 2017(12)
[19]基於金相組織的SiC_P/Al複合材料變形損傷模擬研究[J]. 袁戰偉,王春偉,張曉峰,李付國. 熱加工工藝. 2017(12)
[20]C/SiC剎車材料硼矽玻璃/磷酸鹽系防氧化塗層的結構與性能[J]. 鄧娟利,李娜,鄭博瀚,袁戰偉,楊鴻梅,范尚武. 陶瓷學報. 2017(02)
[21]鈦合金大晶粒超塑性研究進展[J]. 張學敏,焦奔奇,李悅,尚前,袁戰偉,郭亞傑. 熱加工工藝. 2017(01)
[22]一種顆粒形狀因子的二維描述新方法[J]. 袁戰偉,李付國. 中國體視學與圖像分析. 2016(02)
[1] Yuan ZW, Tian WB, Li FG, Fu QQ, Hu YB, Wang XG. Microstructure and properties of high-entropy alloy reinforced aluminum matrix composites by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 806: 901-908.
[2] Yuan ZW, Tian WB, Li FG, Fu QQ, Wang XG, Qian WF, An WC. Effect of heat treatment on the interface of high-entropy alloy particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 153658.
[3] Yuan ZW, Wang CW, Li FG, et al. Investigation on behavior of elastoplastic deformation for Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy by micro-indentation and fem-reverse algorithm. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017, 19(8):1700097.
[4] Yuan ZW, Li FG, Wang CW. Study on the Hot Workability of SiCp/Al Composites Based on a Critical Strain Map. Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance, 2017, 26(9):1-9.
[5] Yuan ZW, Li FG, Ji GL. A Modified Johnson Cook Constitutive Model for Aermet 100 at Elevated Temperatures. High Temperature Materials & Processes, 2018, 37(2):1-10.
[6] Yuan ZW, Wang Y, Wang CW, et al. The relationship between plastic zone and contact radius during indentation experiment for strain- hardened materials. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 2018:1-9.
[7] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., Analysis of the stress states and interface damage in a particle reinforced composite based on a micromodel using cohesive elements. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014. 589: p. 288-302.
[8] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., A modified constitutive equation for elevated temperature flow behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy based on double multiple nonlinear regression. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2013. 578: p. 260-270.
[9] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., An investigation of micro mechanical properties of al matrix in SiC/Al composite by indentation experiments, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015. 24(2):p. 654-663.
[10] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., Further investigation of particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites by indentation experiments. Journal Of Materials Research, 2014. 29(04): p. 586-595.
[11] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., The correlation between indentation hardness and material properties with considering size effect. Journal of Materials Research, 2014. 29(12): p. 1317-1325.
[12] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., Flow Stress Prediction of SiCp/Al Composites at Varying Strain Rates and Elevated Temperatures. Journal Of Materials Engineering And Performance, 2014. 23(3): p. 1-12.
[13] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., Constitutive Flow Behavior and Hot Workability of AerMet100 at Elevated Temperatures. Journal Of Materials Engineering And Performance, 2014. 23(5): p. 1-19.
[14] Yuan ZW, Li FG,et al., Influence of Poisson’s ratio and stress triaxiality on fracture behavior based on elastic strain energy density. Theoretical And Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2014. 7: p. 1-14.
[15] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., Description of shape characteristics through Fourier and wavelet analysis. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2014. 27(1): p. 160-168.
[16] Yuan ZW, Li FG, et al., Mechanical properties study of particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites by micro-indentation experiments. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2014. 27(2): p. 397-406.
[17] Yuan ZW, Li FG, and He M, Fast Fourier transform on analysis of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Al 5052. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011. 530: p. 389-395.