New to Shanghai and new lovers.They have been dating for just 6 months. This Brazilian pair is young,fun-loving and adventurous.
Justin & Matti
Met at school here in Shanghai, studying Chinese together.Justin and Matti are Shanghai Newcomers who explore the city together and enjoy every moment of it.
Melanie & Marilyn
Best friends from college,"M and M", as they are know ,are often mistaken for sisters,and each other. They are both Chinese Americans.When asked why they came to Shanghai,their answer is simple "Ummmm, we're Chinese."
Muzi & Helmut
This pair has been together for two years. According to Helmut they are engaged. Muzi says," He wishes!" Helmut has been in Shanghai longer than Muzi and claims he knws the city better than most.
Alice & Richard
This married couple met while studying at Dartmouth College and are both very successful MBA graduates. He is Chinese American and she is from Hongkong. Look out for this couple's competitive spirit.
Nic & Liz
They are alumnus. And now they are roommates and best friends.
Rebecca & AJ
When they first met, they dated but it didn't last long. She's a Marilyn Monroe impersonator and former opera singer. He's a hip-hop dancing Shanghainese boy. They are our youngest team and could be the show's most spontaneous duo.
Norma & David
Norma is outgoing and tough. She describes her son as a sweetheart who could be a little tougher. She hopes this show and experience will bring out the tiger in her son.
Huddand & Anna
These newly weds came to Shanghai with a dream, which soon fell flat. Their expat jobs ended when the company they were working for folded. Now "homeless" and living in their friend's spare room, they are looking forward to moving into the Hilton as much as they are excited about starting the game.
William & Lauren Jane
This team met at the audition call for Shanghai Rush. Both William and Lauren Jane's partners could not make the show, but they found one another decided to team up. He's a mechanical engineer and she's a model/singer.They could be called the "odd-couple". But they feel they might just have a winning combination.
Brian Yang曾就讀於伯克利大學專修藝術並學習表演,中文流利並精通法語,在大學期間他曾主演過好幾部喜劇。同時Brian也出演過多部美國連續劇,如《General Hospital》、《As The World Turns》以及在NBC的Tonight Show上擔任過主持人。2005年Brian還在《Saving Face》中扮演了小於這個角色,此部影片曾在聖丹斯國際電影節上放映。