IGA: This is Miriam shortly after waking up from the coma that had left her frozen in time. Now that time is ticking once more, the crystal in her chest begins to glow red, signaling the reactivation of the curse that threatens to overtake her body.
Enochian glyphs suppress the spread of the curse.以諾的字形抑制詛咒的蔓延
When the crystals overtake Miriam, she glows red and her magic powers spike to dangerously high levels. The crystallization on her back grows to maximum size and radiates a cross, at which point the curse becomes unstoppable. Could Miriam end up suffering the same fate as Gebel?
史上募集資金最高TV遊戲!最知名的眾籌遊戲大概就是由“惡魔城之父”五十嵐孝司打造的《Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night》,這款遊戲已經募集到超過500萬美元的資金。而這個眾籌資金也已經打破了了Kickstarter史上最高的電視遊戲項目募集資金的記錄!
當五十嵐孝司正式在Kickstarter推出《Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night》時我們就已經知道這款作品的眾籌一定會非常成功,但很顯然現今《Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night》的成績已經不能僅用“成功”一次來形容了:這款遊戲的眾籌款項已經成功超過了500萬美元,創下了Kickstarter史上電子遊戲項目籌款新紀錄。
據悉,Kickstarter上此前曾有過兩次超過500萬美元的籌款項目,分別是最終狂卷878萬的《Exploding Kittens》以及859萬的Ouya。前者是款紙牌遊戲,而後者則是一款硬體設備。換句話說,五十嵐孝司的《Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night》已經創下了電子遊戲項目的新紀錄,而此前這個記錄則是由inXile Entertainment旗下作品《折磨:扭蒙拉之潮》的418萬美元所保持的。