



  • 軟體名稱:蝴蝶午睡和沉睡星級
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:43.68MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
蝴蝶Nap並斷頭星級音頻圖像引導兒童節目,以幫助他們與他們的睡眠。他們可以聽輕鬆的圖像輕輕入睡小睡了一會或一整夜的睡眠。 制導成像是一種技術,使用的想像力,以幫助帶來想要的結果。引導圖像用於兒童和成人的各種用途:例如疼痛管理,睡眠問題,減少焦慮和目標設定。這個音頻引導孩子透過影像,旨在幫助他們放鬆和入睡。 蝴蝶午睡的長度約7分鐘。這是一個專為3至6歲的兒童年齡引導圖像。 8歲的兒童可以享受它,如果他們也正在睡午覺。音頻引導孩子通過放鬆建議小睡了一會變得平靜和安靜。圖片包括雲上休息,與蝴蝶。 困星級長度約10分鐘。這個的引導圖像是專為3至8歲的兒童年齡。沉睡的明星介紹了愉快的意象,來幫助他們入睡輕輕和平。孩子們想像,他們都睡在星星和月亮。 斯賓塞 - 黑爾米希雪萊的作品與她的婚姻和家庭治療私人執業的兒童,幫助他們與壓力的問題,包括放鬆,引導影像和催眠。她發現,孩子們可以與睡眠中由於應力問題。 “孩子們有應對的工具,他們可以用它來減少他們的壓力自然可以從中受益。引導圖像是一種工具,他們普遍反應良好,並可以利用自己。“ 如果您發現您需要進一步的建議,與孩子的睡眠,你可能需要聯繫醫療或精神健康專業人士。您可能要告知他們的孩子使用這些音頻自救輔助改善睡眠。The Butterfly Nap and Sleepy Stars audios are guided imagery programs for children to help them with their sleep. They can listen to the relaxing imagery and gently fall asleep for a nap or a full night of sleep. Guided imagery is a technique for using the imagination to help bring about a desired result. Guided imagery is used for various purposes with children and adults: for example with pain management, sleep issues, anxiety reduction and goal setting. This audio guides the child through images designed to help them relax and fall asleep. The Butterfly Nap is approximately 7 minutes in length. It is a guided imagery designed for children ages 3 to 6 years old. Children up to age 8 may enjoy it also if they are taking naps. The audio guides the child through relaxing suggestions to become calm and quiet for a nap. Images include resting on a cloud with a butterfly. Sleepy Stars is approximately 10 minutes in length. This guided imagery is designed for children ages 3 to 8 years old. Sleepy Stars describes pleasant imagery to help them fall asleep gently and peacefully. Children imagine that they are sleeping under the stars and the moon. Shelley Spencer-Hellmich works with children in her marriage and family therapy private practice, helping them with issues of stress by including relaxation, guided imagery and hypnosis. She has found that children can have issues with sleep due to stress. “Children can benefit from having coping tools they can use to reduce their stress naturally. Guided imagery is a tool they generally respond to well, and can utilize on their own.” If you find that you need further suggestions with your child’s sleep, you may want to contact a medical or mental health professional. You may want to inform them that the child is using these audios as self-help aids to improve sleep.


