



  • 軟體名稱:蛤蜊之戰
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:12.27MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
一個偉大的動亂已經降臨的海洋。海洋生物,一旦共同生活在和諧現在發現自己發生衝突,因為他們爭奪的波浪之下至上。 討厭的章魚,惡意海星,水母風聲鶴唳,野人海馬和脾氣古怪的蟹類襲擊了蛤蜊家族,現在只有3蛤蜊依然存在。 幫助他們從波邪惡的海中生物的攻擊中生存的史詩般的戰鬥後擊退波。避免成群的推進和消防珍珠摧毀他們,因為他們在結束對他們的攻擊。 遊戲可以最好地描述為小行星的水下。您可以控制13的蛤蜊在這360度的戰鬥。旋轉你的蛤蜊和消防珍珠摧毀推進海洋生物。有些需要超過1命中摧毀並提防那些脾氣古怪蟹,因為珍珠是無法穿透他們的炮彈,所以他們還是絡繹不絕。...A great unrest has descended upon the oceans. Sea creatures that once lived together in harmony now find thems elves clashing as they vie for supremacy beneath the waves. Obnoxious Octopus, Spiteful Starfish, Jittery Jellyfish, Savage Seahorse and Cantankerous Crabs have attacked the Clam Clan and now only 3 Clams remain. Help them repel wave after wave of attack from evil sea creatures in an epic battle of survival. Avoid the advancing hordes and fire pearls to destroy them as they close in for their attack. Gameplay can best be described as asteroids underwater. You control 1 of 3 clams in this 360° battle. Rotate your clam and fire pearls to destroy the advancing sea creatures. Some take more than 1 hit to destroy and watch out for those Cantankerous Crabs, as the pearls are unable to penetrate their shells, so they just keep on coming.


