Numerical simulation of powder transport behavior in laser cladding with coaxial powder feeding.SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2015.
Laser surface hardening of 42CrMo cast steel for obtaining a wide and uniform hardened layer by shaped beams. International Jouranl of Advanced Manufacturing Technololgy, 2014.
Single-row laser beam with energy strengthened ends for continuous scanning laser surface hardening of large metal components. SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013.
In situ optical observations of keyhole dynamics during laser drilling. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2013.
Three-dimensional transient numerical simulation of Gaussian laser beam drilling.The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,2012.
Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of laser overlap welding of Ti6Al4V and 42CrMo. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011.
Solute transport and composition profile during direct metal deposition with coaxial powder injection. Applied Surface Science,2011.
Quasi-Dammann grating with proportional intensity of array spots for surface hardening of metal. Science in China Series G, 2011.
Temperature and composition profile during double-track laser cladding of H13 tool steel. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2010.
Numerical simulation of thermal loading produced by shaped high power laser onto engine parts.Applied thermal engineering,2010.
Development and characterization of composite Ni-Cr-C-CaF2 laser cladding on g-TiAl intermetallic alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009.
Influences of precursor constitution and processing speed on microstructure and wear behavior during laser clad composite coatings on g-TiAl intermetallic alloy. Materials and Design, 2009.
Research on laser welding of cast Ni-based superalloy K418 turbo disk and alloy steel 42CrMo shaft. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2008.
Thermal fatigue on pistons induced by shaped high power laser. Part I: Experimental study of transient temperature field and temperature oscillation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008.
High-power laser beam shaping by inseparable two-dimensional binary-phase gratings for surface modification of stamping dies. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2008.
Quasi-Dammann grating with proportional intensity array spots. Optics Letters, 2008.
Analysis of the Laser Surface Hardening Layers of the Automobile Engine Cylined Liner. Journal of iron and steel research, 2007.
Dissimilar autogenous full penetration welding of superalloy K418 and 42CrMo steel by a high power CW Nd: YAG laser. Applied Surface Science,2007