- 中文名:虞義華
- 職稱:中國人民大學經濟學院副教授
- 研究領域:能源經濟、空間計量、區域經濟
- 來校時間:2009

1995.09 – 1999.07 南昌大學,工業外貿工學學士。
2001.01 – 2002.12 密蘇里大學堪薩斯分校(University of Missouri–Kansas City,USA),經濟學碩士。
2003.08 – 2008.12 俄克拉荷馬州立大學(Oklahoma State University,USA),經濟學博士。
2009年 - 2011年 中國人民大學經濟學院,講師
2011年 - 至今 中國人民大學經濟學院,副教授;中國人民大學國家發展與戰略研究院研究員
2011年 - 至今 中國人民大學經濟學院,副教授;中國人民大學國家發展與戰略研究院研究員
特邀主編(Guest Editor):Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI)。
期刊編委(Editorial board member):Journal of Economics and Public Finance。
匿名審稿(referee for):China Economic Review、Economic Modelling、Energy Policy、Growth and Change、Journal of Applied Economics、Papers in Regional Science、Regional Environmental Change、Publius。
- Zheng, Xinye, Feng Song, Yihua Yu*,and Shunfeng Song (2015) In search of fiscal interactions in China: a spatial analysis of Chinese provincial infrastructure spending. Review of Development Economics 19(4): 860–876 (SSCI, 尋找政府策略行為的具體機制)。
- Yu, Yihua, Yonghui Zang*, and Feng Song (2015) World energy intensity convergence revisited: a cluster analysis. Applied Economics Letters 22(4): 1158–1169 (SSCI, 能源強度俱樂部收斂分析)。
- Yu, Yihua, Jing Wang, and Xi Tian (2015) Identifying the flypaper effect in presence of spatial dependence: evidence from China’s cities. Growth and Change (SSCI, 空間視角下的“粘蠅紙效應”分析)。
- Wei, Xiang, Songshan Huang, Monika Stodolska, and Yihua Yu (2015) Leisure time, leisure activities, and happiness in China. Evidence from a national survey.Journal of Leisure Research 47(5): 556–576 (SSCI, 休閒時間及活動對居民幸福感的影響分析,非通訊作者).
- Zhao, Yong, Lili Wang, and Yihua Yu* (2015) Trade liberalization and China’s exports of renewable energy products: a micro-level analysis. Emerging Markets and Finance Trade (SSCI, 貿易自由和可再生能源產品出口)。
- Zheng, Xinye, Jing Wang, Xilu Li, and Yihua Yu (2014) On the supply of China’s healthcare resources in a decentralized healthcare system. Social Science Journal (SSCI, 分權視角下的中國醫療衛生資源供給問題)。
- Zheng, Xinye, Chu Wei, Ping Qing, Jin Guo, Yihua Yu, Feng Song, and Zhanming Chen (2014) Characteristics of residential energy consumption in China: Findings from a household survey. Energy Policy 75: 126–135 (SSCI, 家庭居民能源消費調查數據分析,非通訊作者)。
- Zheng, Xinye, Yihua Yu*, Jing Wang, and Huihui Deng (2014) Identifying the determinants and spatial nexus of provincial carbon intensity in China: a dynamic spatial panel approach. Regional Environmental Change 14(4): 1651–1661 (SSCI, 碳強度決定因子及空間相關性分析:動態空間面板計量分析)。
- Yihua Yu, Xinye Zheng, and Yi Han (2014) On the demand for natural gas in urban China. Energy Policy 76(1): 57–63 (SSCI, 天然氣需求彈性分析)。
- Yu, Yihua and Xiang Wei (2014) Estimating regional technical efficiency and its determinants: evidence from China’s provincial panel data. Economic and Political Studies2(1): 65–87 (地區技術效率隨機前沿分析)。
- Zheng, Xinye, Fanghua Li, Shunfeng Song, and Yihua Yu* (2013) Central government’s infrastructure investment across Chinese regions: A dynamic spatial panel data approach. China Economic Review 27(1): 25–36 (SSCI, 中央在地方的投資分布:動態空間面板計量分析)。
- 鞠曉生、盧狄、虞義華:《融資約束、營運資本管理與企業創新可持續性》,《經濟研究》,2013年第1期(非通訊作者)。
- Yu, Yihua and Dan Rickman (2013) U.S. state and local fiscal policies and nonmetropolitan area economic performance: A spatial equilibrium analysis. Papers in Regional Science 92(3): 579–597 (SSCI, 地方財政政策與非都市區經濟業績:空間均衡分析)。
- Yu, Yihua, Li Zhang, Fanghua Li, and Xinye Zheng (2013) Strategic interaction and the determinants of public health expenditures in China: A spatial panel perspective. Annals of Regional Science 50(1): 203–221 (SSCI, 公共衛生支出競爭:空間面板計量視角)。
- Yu, Yihua, Li Zhang, Fanghua Li, and Xinye Zheng (2011) On the determinants of public infrastructure spending in Chinese cities: A spatial econometric perspective. Social Science Journal 48(3): 458–467. (SSCI, 地方政府間基礎設施競爭:空間計量分析)。
- Zheng, Xinye, Li Zhang, Yihua Yu, and Shi Lin (2011) On the nexus of SO2and CO2emissions in China: the ancillary benefits of CO2emission reductions. Regional Environmental Change 11(4): 883–891 (SSCI,二氧化硫與二氧化碳關聯性:碳減排之輔助收益分析)。
- 虞義華、鄭新業、張莉:《經濟發展水平、產業結構與碳排放強度—中國省級面板數據分析》,《經濟理論與經濟管理》,2011年第3期。
- 魏翔、虞義華: 《閒暇效應對經濟產出和技術效率的影響》,《中國工業經濟》2011年第1期(非通訊作者)。
- Li, Ke, Jie Zhang, Yihua Yu*, and Zhibiao Liu (2010) Does market-oriented economic transition enhance enterprise productivity? evidence from China’s enterprises. Pacific Economic Review 15(5): 719–742. (SSCI,市場經濟轉型與企業生產率)。
- Yu, Yihua (2010) Determinants of variations in state per capita personal income: a panel data approach. Applied Economics Letters 17(3): 235–239. (SSCI, 個人收入之決定因素:面板數據分析法)。
- Yu, Yihua (2009) CHINA_SPATDWM: Stata module to provide spatial distance matrices for Chinese provinces and cities. Statistical Software Components S457059, Boston College Department of Economics。
- Yu, Yihua (2007) SPATDWM: Stata modules for US State and County spatial distance matrices," Statistical Software Components S500501, Boston College Department of Economics。
1. Identifying the electricity saving potential in rural China: Empirical evidence from the 2014 CRECS-CGSS Survey (with Jin Guo)。
2. Electricity prices, income and residential electricity consumption (with Yanming Sun)。
3. Urbanization and CO2 emissions nexus revisited: a grouped fixed-effects approach (with Yonghui Zhang)。
4. Modeling and forecasting the energy efficiency and consumption in China: A fixed-effect panel stochastic frontier approach (with Feng Song and Xinye Zheng)。
5. Impact of 8-digit phone number on firm performance: real or cosmetic (with Xi Tian and Abdul Munasib)。
6. On the performance of SO2 reduction subsidy policies in China (with Yazhen Gong and Hui Zhang)。
7. Housing investment and fiscal revenues: mechanisms and magnitude (with Xinye Zheng et al.)。
2009 教育部“新世紀優秀人才”。
2013 中國人民大學明德學者。
2014 中國區域科學協會(RSAC)理事。
2015 國際社科基金一般項目(空間計量經濟學視角下的開發區過度建設成因與地方間政府策略互動機制研究)。