虎克之路(Roads Untraveled Hooke) 位於賀蘭山南端的JeepSAFARI越野公園,整個公園占地約17平方公里,全部為團石(為當地人稱呼,如混凝土澆築一般)形成的峽谷,Jeep是越野的代名詞,公園便以此為名,公園裡大大小小的道路還有幾十條,難度遠遠超過MOAB的地獄之門(還未開發)。虎克之路為公園內唯一貫穿線路,全長約7公里,跨越內蒙古、寧夏兩省,有明長城,漢長城(考證中),烽火台多處遺蹟。公園整個山形奇特,成為影片《花木蘭》《刺陵》重要取景地。由於是團石結構,植被極少,因此沒有牧民,也沒有被開發,那種原始、滄桑得以很好的保留,也可以說這條路已經等待各位越野迷500年了,因為我們的英文名字選用了“林肯公園”的《孤寂之路》。
- 中文名稱:虎克之路
- 外文名稱:Roads Untraveled Hooke
- 地理位置:寧夏銀川市賀蘭山
- 氣候類型:北方氣候
- 占地面積:8平方公里
- 門票價格:免費
- 著名景點:賀蘭山
虎克之路(Roads Untraveled Hooke) 位於賀蘭山南端的JeepSAFARI越野公園,整個公園占地約17平方公里,全部為團石(為當地人稱呼,如混凝土澆築一般)形成的峽谷,Jeep是越野的代名詞,公園便以此為名,公園裡大大小小的道路還有幾十條,難度遠遠超過MOAB的地獄之門(還未開發)。虎克之路為公園內唯一貫穿線路,全長約7公里,跨越內蒙古、寧夏兩省,有明長城,漢長城(考證中),烽火台多處遺蹟。公園整個山形奇特,成為影片《花木蘭》《刺陵》重要取景地。由於是團石結構,植被極少,因此沒有牧民,也沒有被開發,那種原始、滄桑得以很好的保留,也可以說這條路已經等待各位越野迷500年了,因為我們的英文名字選用了“林肯公園”的《孤寂之路》。
Roads Untraveled Hooke sits on the south of the JeepSAFARI cross-country Park, a canyon whichhas a total area of 17 square kilometers (6.5 square miles) covered with GroupRocks(what localpeople named for rocks that are hard as concrete). “Jeep” is the word for cross-country driving,that’s why the park’s name has the word “Jeep” in it. The park also contains dozens of roads;some are harder than the Gate of Hell in MOAB(in developing). Roads Untraveled Hooke is theonly path that goes through the whole park from start to end. Within its 7 kilometers (4.3 miles),crossing Inner Mongolia and Ningxia two provinces, containing many relics like Ming Great Wall,Han Great Wall(in researching) and some smoke towers. Strange and beautiful rocks cover themountains in this park so that this park have been the shooting locations of several famousmovies like <Hua Mulan><The Treasure Hunter>. Since it’s mainly made of GroupRock, it containsvery few vegetation that there are no herdsmen. Its primitive and vicissitude feelings get to beprotected and remained. It is also fair to say that this road has been waiting for Jeepers for 500years, seam reason we name it with one of the songs of Linkin Park, “Roads Untraveled.”
2014年12月21日,終於探尋到一條堪比美國盧比肯和MOAB的攀岩小道,各種岩石形成,峽谷奇特,寬度正好夠牧馬人寬度,全程大概在7公里正好可以貫通,各種岩石峽道! 天然形成的岩石峽谷小道,但還是很多地方需要修理調整才能夠完全通過,當然難度也可想而知,為了國內的大腳能有一條屬於自己道路,我們在570主人的帶領下一行18人開始了一場愚公移山的工程!
Brief Introduction
In December 27th, 2014. Finally, we found a climbing road that feels like the Rubicon Trail andMOAB in America. Made of all kinds of rocks, a peculiar trail within the canyon that fits thewidth of a Wrangler perfectly, with the longitude of 7 kilometers (4.3 miles), contains everythingabove. Nature already made the trail in the canyon, but it also includes many places that needto be fixed by human hands in order to pass it as a real Jeeper. The challenge was obvious, forevery Jeeper to have a jeeping trail of his or her own, we were led by the owner of 570 to thisproject just like the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains (the determination to winvictory and the courage to surmount every difficulty).
In December 27th, 2014. Finally, we found a climbing road that feels like the Rubicon Trail andMOAB in America. Made of all kinds of rocks, a peculiar trail within the canyon that fits thewidth of a Wrangler perfectly, with the longitude of 7 kilometers (4.3 miles), contains everythingabove. Nature already made the trail in the canyon, but it also includes many places that needto be fixed by human hands in order to pass it as a real Jeeper. The challenge was obvious, forevery Jeeper to have a jeeping trail of his or her own, we were led by the owner of 570 to thisproject just like the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains (the determination to winvictory and the courage to surmount every difficulty).

團石(為當地人稱呼,如混凝土澆築一般)形成的峽谷,Jeep是越野的代名詞,公園便以此為名,公園裡大大小小的道路還有幾十條,難度遠遠超過MOAB的地獄之門(還未開發)。虎克之路為公園內唯一貫穿線路,全長約7公里,跨越內蒙古、寧夏兩省,有明長城,漢長城(考證中),烽火台多處遺蹟。Structure The canyon was made by the GroupRocks (what local people named for rocks that are hard asconcrete) “Jeep” is the word for cross-country driving, that’s why the park’s name has the word “Jeep” in it. The park also contains dozens of roads; some are harder than the Gate of Hell inMOAB(in developing). Roads Untraveled Hooke is the only path that goes through the whole parkfrom start to end. Within its 7 kilometers (4.3 miles), crossing Inner Mongolia and Ningxia twoprovinces, containing many relics like Ming Great Wall, Han Great Wall(in researching) and somesmoke towers. | ![]() |
石灰石 石灰石主要成分碳酸鈣(CaCO3)。石灰和石灰石大量用於建築材料、工業原料。石灰石直接加工成石料和燒製成生石灰。生石灰吸潮或加水就成為熟石灰,主要成分是Ca(OH)2,可以稱之為氫氧化鈣,熟石灰經調配成石灰漿、石灰膏等,用作塗裝材料和磚瓦粘合劑。 Limestone Limestone is mainly calcium carbonate(CaCo3). Lime and Limestones are used in most of thebuilding materials and industrial materials. Limestone can be straightly processed into buildingstones or fired into quick lime. Quick lime absorbs water to become hydrated lime, mainlyCa(OH)2, often called calcium hydroxide, hydrated lime can be deployed to become lime putty etc., which can be used as coating materials and tile binder. | ![]() |
First Part: The Start and End of The Roads Untraveled Hooke.
By the end of the year 2014, after the failures of trying to find a real climbing trail of our ownas Chinese in Jiucai Valley, Baisi Valley, etc. Suddenly, in an obscure place that crosses InnerMongolia and Ningxia two provinces, we found a small valley that may fit our requirements. Thisvalley contains very few vegetation, many locations in this valley has already been washed outbecoming a riverbed that’s made of gravels, giant cobblestone and GroupRocks painted tons ofbeautiful natural painting, we couldn’t be more surprised by this discovery. After hiking throughthe whole canyon, we thought only a little fixing, can we make this a perfect climbing trail, onethat belongs to us! In this trial, every hard point is a story, for me, it’s a song as well. For thisdream, by the leadership of the club, the owner of JK570, 18 people began a protracted war of“Roads Untraveled Hooke.” The difficulty was beyond imagination when we were trying to makethe natural rocks to look like what we wanted it to look like. 18 people, with no experience, theonly tools they had were manpower, gavelock and hammer were completely useless facing therocks that were as hard as iron.
By the end of the year 2014, after the failures of trying to find a real climbing trail of our ownas Chinese in Jiucai Valley, Baisi Valley, etc. Suddenly, in an obscure place that crosses InnerMongolia and Ningxia two provinces, we found a small valley that may fit our requirements. Thisvalley contains very few vegetation, many locations in this valley has already been washed outbecoming a riverbed that’s made of gravels, giant cobblestone and GroupRocks painted tons ofbeautiful natural painting, we couldn’t be more surprised by this discovery. After hiking throughthe whole canyon, we thought only a little fixing, can we make this a perfect climbing trail, onethat belongs to us! In this trial, every hard point is a story, for me, it’s a song as well. For thisdream, by the leadership of the club, the owner of JK570, 18 people began a protracted war of“Roads Untraveled Hooke.” The difficulty was beyond imagination when we were trying to makethe natural rocks to look like what we wanted it to look like. 18 people, with no experience, theonly tools they had were manpower, gavelock and hammer were completely useless facing therocks that were as hard as iron.
In the last The Banff Mountain Film Festival “2017 China Outdoor Film Festival (COFF) ”, “Seven Kilometers” directed by Rasidurjwon the highest honor “Grand Prize”in the end.
Documentary “Seven Kilometers” told a touching story about a painter named Zi Hu who was suffered from depression and the trailblazer of the Road Untraveled Hooke Jinsong Gao overcame the demons inside together, accomplished their self-redemption. This movie was nominated for the Best Short Film in 2016 Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival, selected by the 2016 Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival and 2016 China Academy Awards for Documentary Film. In June 11th, 2017, the film won the “Grand Prize” in “2017 China Outdoor Film Festival (COFF) ”