


  • 中文名:蘭秋軍
  • 畢業院校:湖南大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理科學與工程
  • 任職院校:湖南大學



2001-2004 湖南大學 管理科學與工程 博士 Hunan Univ. Management Science & Engineering,Ph.D
1995-1998 湖南大學 計算機科學 碩士 Hunan Univ. Computer Science, Master
1991-1995 西安石油學院 計算機及套用 學士 Xi'an Shiyou University,Computer Science, Batchelor


2005.1~至今 湖南大學工商管理學院 Business School,Hunan Univ, Assistant Prof(2005-2006),Associate Prof(2006-)
2007.8-2008.8 香港城市大學經濟金融系任高級研究助理 Dept. of Eco & Fin,City Univ of Hongkong, Senior Research Assistant
2009.10-2010.11 美國阿肯色大學Sam. Walton 商學院金融系,訪問學者 Business School,Arkansas Univ.,USA, Visiting Scholar
1998.7~2001.7 湖南師範大學理學院計算機系助教、講師 Dept., Computer Science,Hunan Normal Univ., Assistant Prof.


1. 數據挖掘與商務智慧型
2. 金融量化投資與決策
3. 基於大數據的商務套用
4. 系統最佳化與決策





[1 ] 馬超群 蘭秋軍 陳為民. 金融數據挖掘. 北京:科學出版社, 2007.
簡介:當今世界是一個信息化和數量化的時代,每天都有不計其數的數據在產生。如何從大量的數據中獲取知識成了人們關注的焦點。數據挖掘(Data Mining)是20世紀90年代中期興起的新技術,是發現數據中有用模式的過程,其目的在於使用所發現的模式幫助解釋當前的行為或預測未來的結果,以人們容易理解的形式提供有用的決策信息。數據挖掘技術的套用領域非常廣泛,可以說,各行各業,只要涉及到大量數據的分析處理,數據挖掘就有用武之地。而在金融領域,許多金融業務活動,如客戶分析、投資決策、風險管理、價格預測都需要對大量歷史數據進行分析,分析數據是許多金融從業人員的“基礎”、“日常性”工作。特別是由於我國金融信息化的快速發展,金融領域積累了非常龐大的數據,如何將這些數據化成有用的決策信息,是令很大金融分析人士頭疼的問題。本書的寫作希望能給予他們一定的幫助。關於數據挖掘技術的書籍在市面流行的有不少,但多是從理論與技術角度進行介紹,較少以實例的形式對其具體套用進行描述。數據挖掘過程包括數據收集、數據選取與準備、挖掘模型的建立與檢驗、挖掘結果的解釋與驗證、以及結果的套用。每一個步驟都非常重要,而數據挖掘本身是一個多學科交叉領域,涉及到機器學習、資料庫與數據倉庫、統計學等眾多學科知識,其具體的研究內容非常廣泛。本書基於作者對金融數據挖掘多年的研究經驗,其寫作目的是通過對一些相對較成熟的挖掘技術的討論,闡述其用途、解決思路、需注意的主要問題、步驟,再輔以金融領域的具體案例介紹模型與方法的套用,從而使從事金融行業相關讀者,既能在理論與技術上對其有較深刻的理解,又能通過對具體案例操作的研讀獲得感性認識。全書分成八章,第一章導論主要是對數據挖掘技術的概要性介紹,從一個整體的角度了解數據挖掘產生的背景、技術與步驟以及一些關鍵問題。討論金融數據的基本特點與挖掘業務需求。第二章金融數據預處理,主要討論金融數據來源、數據可能面臨的錯誤以及處理方法。第三、四、五、六為具體的挖掘技術的介紹,包括分類與預測、聚類、關聯、異常挖掘。這些是目前數據挖掘領域研究最多,套用最廣泛的技術,我們重點討論這些技術的目的、主要思想、關鍵步驟、面臨的主要問題、以及在金融領域的具體套用例子及其實現。第七章是時間序列挖掘,由於時間序列數據在金融領域特別常見,如股價、成交量、匯率、利率等都是以時間序列形式存在的,這種數據由於本身的特殊性,其挖掘過程與一般的表格形式存儲的關係數據有所不同,我們專門對其進行介紹,尤其介紹了本書作者所提出的方法以及其金融套用的例子。最後第八章是對數據挖掘技術在金融領域套用前景的論述,並對一些本書並未具體闡述,仍處於研究發展階段的一些挖掘技術在金融領域的套用進行了展望與分析。
[2 ] 馬超群 蘭秋軍 周忠寶. 管理運籌學. 長沙:湖南大學出版社, 2010.
簡介: 組織的任何資源都是有限的,人類管理活動的目的就是在有限資源的約束下,儘可能地提高經濟和社會系統的效率。運籌學是一門定量地研究如何有效地組織和管理各種資源的學科,是現代管理科學的基礎。目前已廣泛套用於金融投資、財務會計、人力資源管理、市場行銷、物流管理、工程項目管理、生產計畫等經濟與管理領域。它遵循提出問題、分析建模、求解和方案實施等一整套科學嚴密的方法,並始終貫穿著系統最佳化的思想,這使它在培養和提高管理人才的素質上發揮著重要作用。我國高校很多專業,特別是經濟管理類專業普遍以專業基礎課的形式開設了運籌學課程,反映大家對它的重視程度相當高。然而,我們在多年的教學實踐過程中發現,現有的很多教材都是以數學理論為主。這使得許多經管類學生誤認為這是一門純數學課,常覺得枯燥、乏味,離實際太遠而難以提起學習興趣。其實,本課程目的不在於將學生個個培養成“運籌學家”。而關鍵應培養學生一種科學管理的思維、樹立系統最佳化的思想,使其在將來的工作實踐中自覺地套用運籌學的理念去分析、思考和解決問題。本教材以此為宗旨,在著重培養學生的建模技巧和實踐操作能力的基礎上,激發學生對理論知識自覺探索的興趣。全書寫作基本按照“基本概念介紹→套用建模舉例→計算機操作實踐→案例欣賞”的思路,由淺入深、先易後難。通過本教材的學習,學生既能掌握一些必要的理論知識,又可獲得實際套用的一些體驗。本書的操作實踐部分,主要介紹採用Excel和Matlab求解運籌學模型。之所以介紹Excel,主要是因為該軟體的普及性,讀者學習之後,能較方便地在工作中套用。而Matlab則因其功能強大,是進行科學研究的重要工具軟體。對於那些想深入鑽研並運用運籌學方法的讀者而講,介紹Matlab的實現對他們將來從事科學研究非常有益,讀者可以將本書中的Matlab程式代碼作為參考,通過分析、研讀、修改,加深對運籌學理論知識的理解和套用。全書按最高96學時,最低32學時設計,共分14章,涵蓋了線性規劃、對偶理論、運輸問題、整數規劃、目標規劃、動態規劃、圖與網路分析、網路計畫、存儲論、排隊論、對策論、決策分析等運籌學的主幹分支內容。教師可根據具體情況選講。其中第1章至第7章為基本內容,建議必講,而第8章至第14章則可根據課時和授課對象進行選講。並且第1章至第7章的理論部分,教師可根據授課對象的具體情況進行選講,而不會影響後續內容的學習。本書雖然是作為經濟管理類本科生教材而編寫,但也可作為除數學專業外的其它本專科生教材,同時也可供研究生、工程技術人員和企業管理人員參考。


[1] 蘭秋軍,李衛康,劉文星. 不同情境下中文文本分類模型的表現及選擇. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版) ,2016,4:
[2] Lan Q, Li W, Liu W. Chinese text sentiment orientation identification based on Chinese-characters[C]// International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. IEEE, 2015.
摘要:Existing sentiment identification technologies for Chinese texts are mostly based on Chinese words/phrases. However, we notice that Chinese characters are ideogram and many of them contain rich sentiment information. Hence, a Chinese text sentiment orientation identification model based on Chinese characters but not words or phrases is proposed in this paper. Contrasting to existent models, our model has many advantages such as no necessary of dictionaries, words segmentation and stop-words removal. Moreover, its dimension of feature vector is lower and its processing efficiency is higher. Experiments show that our model greatly simplifies the identification process and improves the computational efficiency at very little loss of accuracy.
[3] 何琳潔, 蘭秋軍, 馬超群. 基於學習行為的投資者決策模型. 系統工程, 2015(11):18-23.
[4] Zhang H, Lan Q. GARCH-Type Model with Continuous and Jump Variation for Stock Volatility and Its Empirical Study in China[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014(50):1-8.
摘要:On the basis of GARCH-RV-type model, we decomposed the realized volatility into continuous sample path variation and discontinuous jump variation, then proposed a new volatility model which we call the GARCH-type model with continuous and jump variation (GARCH-CJ-type model). By using the 5-minute high frequency data of HUSHEN 300 index in China, we estimated parameters of the GARCH-type model, the GARCH-RV-type model, and the GARCH-CJ-type model and compared the three types of models’ predictive power to the future volatility. The results show that the realized volatility and the continuous sample path variation have certain predictive power for future volatility, but the discontinuous jump variation does not have that kind of function. What is more, the GARCH-CJ-type model has a more power to predict the future volatility than the other two types of models. Therefore, the GARCH-CJ-type model is much more useful for the research on the capital assets pricing, the derivative security valuation, and so on.
[5] Ma C, Liu J, Lan Q. Studying Term Structure of SHIBOR with the Two-Factor Vasicek Model[J]. Abstract & Applied Analysis, 2014, 2014(11):1-7.
With the development of the Chinese interest rate market, SHIBOR is playing an increasingly important role. Based on principal component analysing SHIBOR, a two-factor Vasicek model is established to portray the change in SHIBOR with different terms. And parameters are estimated by using the Kalman filter. The model is also used to fit and forecast SHIBOR with different terms. The results show that two-factor Vasicek model fits SHIBOR well, especially for SHIBOR in terms of three months or more.
[6] Liu Z, Zhang T, Lan Q. An Extended SISa Model for Sentiment Contagion[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature & Society, 2014, 2014(4):1-7.
摘要:One of the main differences between sentiment and infectious diseases is that the former one has two opposite infectious states: positive (optimistic) and negative (pessimistic), while the latter one has not. In this paper, based on the SISa model, we consider this issue and propose a new model of sentiment contagion called the SOSa-SPSa model. The results of both numerical and agent-based simulations show that our model could explain the process of sentiment contagion better than that of Hill et al. (2010). Further analysis shows that both the numbers of optimistic and pessimistic individuals will increase with the probability of spontaneity or contagion and decrease with the probability of recovery. Potential applications of this model in financial market have also been discussed.
[7] Huang C, Ma X, Lan Q. An Empirical Study on Listed Company’s Value of Cash Holdings: An Information Asymmetry Perspective[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature & Society, 2014, 2014:1-12.
摘要:The value of a company’s cash holdings is currently a hot issue in corporate finance research. Current studies have not reached a unified conclusion.Moreover, no one has ever studied that fromthe perspective of information asymmetry.However, there still exist disputes about the measurement of the degree of information asymmetry. Previous studies mostly adopt single index to analysis this issue, and the economic meaning it represents only reflects some information of asymmetric information, so it was one-sided and the conclusion also differ. Drawing on the market microstructure and the index of information asymmetry of managers and investors, this paper constructs a new proxy for information asymmetry based on the principal component analysis. We find that a company’s value of cash holdings decreases increasingly with its level of information asymmetry, and the relationship between information asymmetry and the value of cash holdings is nonlinear.
[8] 吳海燕, 蘭秋軍. 可轉換債券及其標的股票風險收益關係的實證研究. 系統工程, 2013(3):21-27.
[9] 吳海燕, 蘭秋軍, 馬超群. 中美可轉換債券比較研究. 財經理論與實踐, 2013, 34(2):49-52.
[10] Lan Q, Zhang D, Xiong L. Reversal Pattern Discovery in Financial Time Series Based on Fuzzy Candlestick Lines[J]. Systems Engineering Procedia, 2011, 2:182-190.
摘要:This paper provides a new technical analysis method for finding reversal points of stock price. The proposed method applies the Fuzzy logic theory to the Japanese candlestick theory by converting the open, close, high and low prices into fuzzy candlestick chart. Using the model, we can define and interpret the “symptom sequence” before the reversal point, and then identify the reversal patterns of the candlestick chart. Transaction data of non- ST Shares in SSE A Share, SSE B Share, Shenzhen A share and Shenzhen B share are analyzed to validate the proposed model, respectively. Results demonstrate that reversal patterns are convincingly identified by the model, and basically the model could be applied to establish a stock price reversal early warning system in the financial market.
[11] 蘭秋軍. 網際網路金融數據抓取方法研究. 計算機工程與設計, 2011, 32(5):1829-1832.
[12] 蘭秋軍, 馬超群. 文本感知——金融研究新動態. 長沙理工大學學報:社會科學版, 2011, 26(3):37-40.
[13] Lan Q, Lan Q. Extraction of News Content for Text Mining Based on Edit Distance[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2010.
摘要:Online news as an up-to-date and important information source, is an absorbing data repository for data mining. However, news content of most web pages is embedded in a large amount of noisy materials. Accurate extraction of news content is a necessary and crucial step for news text mining. This paper proposes a new approach to news content extraction from web pages, which is based on several simple features observed in most well-known news websites/channels. One of the most important features is the similarity of the twin-pages which are collected from the same topic section of a site and published on the same/near date. A similarity measure based on edit distance is introduced and applied in the algorithms to separate the news content from noisy information. This method is much less complicated than other ones, and its accuracy and efficiency are fairly high, its complexity about the pages size is just linear. The experimental results based on 1514 pages collected from 54 top well-known Chinese and English news websites/channels show that it is very appropriate for most news pages to clean noise before text mining.
[14] Lan Q, Ma C. A Method of Discovering Patterns to Predict Specified Events from Financial Time Series[C]// International Conference on Natural Computation. 2008:18-22.
摘要:This paper proposes a method to discover time series Patterns predictive of the occurrence of specified events. The process of technique realization is mainly composed of four steps: specifying interest function and parameters; searching ODs, clustering ODs for candidate patterns and identifying patterns. A simulation study is conducted as verification. And an application study in the stock market is introduced to demonstrate its performance.
[15] 楊曉斌, 蘭秋軍, 馬超群. 神經網路集成方法在企業盈餘預測中的套用研究. 2008.
[16] 蘭秋軍, 馬超群. 時序相似度的主觀偏好模型及其係數估計的"錨點"方法. 系統工程, 2006, 24(9):112-116.
[17] 蘭秋軍, 馬超群, 甘國君,等. 中國股市弱有效嗎?——來自數據挖掘的實證研究. 中國管理科學, 2005, 13(4):17-23.
[18] 胡桔州, 蘭秋軍. 金融時間序列的數據挖掘技術與經典統計模型的比較. 系統工程, 2005, 23(6):95-98.
[19] 蘭秋軍, 馬超群, 文鳳華. 基於共同機制的時間序列關聯模式挖掘系統及其套用. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2004, 24(8):73-79.
摘要: 提出了一種針對不同時間序列間關聯模式的發現方法,並闡述了以該方法為基礎而構建的關聯模式挖掘系統的結構.系統按步驟主要分成序列分割,模式聚類和關聯模式挖掘三個部分.其中關聯模式的發現基於共同作用機制的思想,即兩個不同的時間序列之所以出現頻繁的關聯模式,必定存在某種共同機制的作用或者二者本身之間有某種因果關係.通過定義可靠度來度量作用強度,並以此作為閾值約束,大大降低了算法的複雜性,伸縮性好,產生的關聯模式數量適當.將其套用於股市關聯變動模式的發現驗證了其有效性.
[20] 蘭秋軍, 馬超群, 文鳳華. 金融時間序列去噪的小波變換方法. 科技管理研究, 2004, 24(6):117-120.
摘要:比較分析了傳統濾波方法對金融數據去噪的缺陷 ,提出採用小波分析對金融時間序列進行去噪。根據Donoho提出的小波去噪中的非線性閾值理論 ,結合金融時間序列的特點 ,分析了相應去噪參數的選取問題。以深圳成份指數數據為例進行實驗 ,結果表明了該方法的有效性。
[21] 蘭秋軍, 馬超群, 文鳳華,等. 基於序列模板的股票時間序列交易決策規則挖掘. 系統工程, 2004, 22(11):55-58.
摘要:研究一種可由投資者依據其經驗與直覺,從股票時間序列中挖掘交易決策規則的方法。它根據投資 者事先確定的相似偏好以及設定的買賣序列模板從歷史價格序列中識別出與模板相似的形態;按相似度大 小劃分不同交易決策區間,反映交易決策時機;然後計算各策略組合的收益,構造t統計量在統計顯著性基礎 上獲取交易規則。該系統也能用於檢驗一些已有形態操作方法的有效性。



[1]基於網路留言的投資者情緒測度模型、系統及套用. 國家自然科學基金面上項目. 2011-2015. 項目主持人.
[2] 面向金融決策分析的時序局部模式挖掘技術研究.教育部歸國留學基金項目.2012-2014.項目主持
[3] 面向商業地產客戶的大數據分析模型研究,2016-2017,主持


[1] 高維度、非線性、非平穩及時變金融數據建模研究.國家自然科學基金重點項目.2015-2019主要研究人員.
[2] 經濟管理複雜系統中的建模、最佳化與決策研究.教育部創新團隊項目.2006-2007.主要研究人員.
[3] 數據挖掘技術在金融風險管理與防範中的套用研究.國家自科基金面上項目.2004-2006.主要研究人員.
[4] 教育部“十五”規劃項目:基於一致性VaR約束的金融資產配置模型研究.2002-2003.主要研究人員.

