



  • 中文名:蘇華維
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:飼料營養對肉牛肌肉發育和脂肪沉積的調控作用
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2019.01—至今 中國農業大學動物科技學院 副教授
2016.03—2018.12中國農業大學動物科技學院 講師
2014.08—2015.07現代牧業蚌埠牧場 副場長
2013.03—2014.07現代牧業集團營養中心 部長
2017年1月—至今 國家肉牛氂牛產業技術體系 辦公室主任
2017年1月—至今 中國牛精英創新創業教育聯盟 副秘書長
2017年5月—至今 北京科技特派員
2017年11月—至今 中國專利審查技術專家
2024年1月— 貴州貴陽肉牛科技小院首席專家






國際合作(橫向)項目:複合益生菌BioWish MultiBio在犢牛飼養中的套用效果研究,主持,30萬元(2017.07-2018.06)
He Y, Wang H, Yu Z, Niu W, Qiu Q,Su H, Cao B. 2018. Effects of the gender differences in cattle rumen fermentation on anaerobic fermentation of wheat straw [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205: 845-853.(通訊作者)
He Y, Yu Z, Qiu Q, Shao T, Niu W, Xia C, Wang H,Su H, Cao B. 2018. Effects of dietary protein levels and calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids on nitrogen mobilization, rumen microbiota and plasma fatty acid composition in Holstein bulls[J]. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 246: 1-10.(通訊作者)
Chuanqi Xia, Muhammad Aziz Ur Rahman, He Yang, Taoqi Shao, Qinghua Qiu,Huawei Su, Binghai Cao. 2018. Effect of increased dietary crude protein levels on production performance, nitrogen utilisation, blood metabolites and ruminal fermentation of Holstein bulls. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 31:1643-1653. (通訊作者)
Qinghua Qiu, Taoqi Shao, Yang He, Binghai Cao,Huawei Su. 2018. Applying real-time quantitative PCR to diagnosis of freemartin in Holstein cattle by quantifying SRY gene: A comparison experiment. PeerJ, 6(2):e4616 (通訊作者)
Huawei Su, Songshan Zhang, Haipeng Li, Peng Xie and Baozhong Sun. 2018. Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict physical parameters of beef. Spectroscopy Letters, 51(4): 163-168.
Shoukun Ji, Yan Hui, Tao Jiang, Chuanyan Guo, Jingjing Liu,Huawei Su, Gibson Maswayi Alugongo, Haotao Shi, Yajing Wang, Zhijun Cao and Shengli Li. 2018. Ecological restoration of antibiotic-disturbed gastrointestinal microbiota in foregut and hindgut of cows. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 8:79 (doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00079)
Yang He, Qinghua Qiu, Taoqi Shao, Wenjing Niu, Chuanqi Xia, Haibo Wang, Qianwen Li, Zhibiao Gao, Zhantao Yu,Huawei Su, Binghai Cao. 2017. Dietary Alfalfa and Calcium Salts of Long-chain Fatty Acids Alter Protein Utilization, Microbial Populations andPlasma Fatty Acid Profile in Holstein Freemartin Heifers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(50), 10859-10867. (通訊作者)
Yang He, Wenjing Niu, Qinghua Qiu, Chuanqi Xia, Taoqi Shao, Haibo Wang, Qianwen Li, Zhantao Yu, Zhibiao Gao, Muhammad Aziz Ur Rahman,Huawei Suand Binghai Cao. 2018. Effect of calcium salt of long-chain fatty acids and alfalfa supplementation on performance of Holstein bulls. Oncotarget, 9(3): 3029–3042. (通訊作者)
Chuanqi Xia,Yixun Liang, Sarula Bai Yang He, Aziz Ur Rahman Muhammad, Taoqi Shao,Huawei Su, and Binghai Cao. 2017. Effects of harvest time and added molasses on nutritional content, ensiling characteristics and in vitro degradation of whole crop wheat. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 3:354-362. (通訊作者).
XIA Chuan-qi, MUHAMMAD Aziz-Ur-Rahman, NIU Wen-jing, SHAO Tao-qi, QIU Qing-hua,SU Hua-wei, CAO Bing-hai. 2018. Effects of dietary forage to concentrate ratio and wildrye length on nutrient intake, digestibility, plasma metabolites, ruminal fermentation and fecal microflora of Chinese Male Holstein calves. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17(2): 415-427. (通訊作者)
Wenjing Niu, Yang He, Haibo Wang, Chuanqi Xia, Haitao Shi, Binghai Cao,Huawei Su. 2017. Effects of Leymus chinensis Replacement with Whole-Crop Wheat Hay on Blood Parameters, Fatty acid Composition, and Microbiomes of Holstein Bulls. Journal of Dairy Science, 101: 246–256. (通訊作者).
Su, H., Akins, M. S., Esser, N. M., Ogden, R., Coblentz, W. K., & Kalscheur, K. F. 2017. Effects of feeding alfalfa stemlage or wheat straw for dietary energy dilution on nutrient intake and digestibility, growth performance, and feeding behavior of holstein dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 100, 7106-7115.
Rahman, M. A. U., Xia, C.,Su, H., and Cao, B. 2017. Effects of hay grass level and its physical form (full length versus chopped) on standing time, drinking time, and social behavior of calves. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 21: 7-12.
Sha, K., Lang, Y., Sun, B.,Su, H., Li, H., Zhang, L., and Zhang, Y. 2016. Changes in lipid oxidation, fatty acid profile and volatile compounds of traditional Kazakh dry-cured beef during processing and storage: lipid oxidation and volatile compounds of Kazakh dry-cured beef. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(4): e13059.
Elizabeth Remick, Matt Akins,Huawei Suand Wayne Coblentz. Sorghum as a forage in Wisconsin. 2016. Proc. of the 2016 Wisconsin Crop Management Conference, Vol. 55: 63-66.
Su, H., Esser, N. M., Coblentz, W. K., Borchardt, M. A., Jokela, W., and Akins, M. 2016. Assessment of different bedding systems for lactating cows in freestall housing. Journal of Animal Science, 94(supplement5), 582.
Su, H., Esser, N. M., Coblentz, W. K., Kalscheur, K. F., Hatfield, R. D., and Akins, M. 2016. Effects of feeding alfalfa stemlage or wheat straw for dietary energy dilution on growth performance and sorting behaviors of holstein dairy heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 94(supplement5), 693.
Remick, E.,Su, H., Coblentz, W. K., and Akins, M. 2016. Yield and nutritive value of photoperiod-sensitive sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass in central Wisconsin. Journal of Animal Science, 94(supplement5), 308.
Williams, K., Weigel, K. A., Coblentz, W. K., Esser, N. M., Schlesser, H., Hoffman, P.,Su, H., and Akins, M. 2016. Effect of diet energy level and genomic residual feed intake on dairy heifer performance. Journal of Animal Science, 94(supplement5), 154.
Muhammad Aziz Ur Rahman, Abdul Rehman, Xia Chuanqi, Zhang Xing Long, Cao Binghai, Ji Linbao andSu Huawei. 2015. Extrusion of Feed/Feed Ingredients and Its Effect on Digestibility and Performance of Poultry: A Review. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2015, 4: 48-61.
Qian Zhang,Huawei Su, Fuwei Wang, Zhijun Cao, Shengli Li. 2015. Effects of energy density in close-up diets and postpartum supplementation of extruded full-fat soybean on lactation performance and metabolic and hormonal status of dairy cows. Journalof Dairy Science, 98 : 7115-7130 (並列第一作者)
Li Zhang, Baozhong Sun, Peng Xie, Haipeng Li,Huawei Su,Kun Sha, Caixia Huang, Yuanhua Lei, Xuan Liu, Huan Wang. 2015. Using near infrared spectroscopy to predict the physical traits of Bos grunniens meat. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 64: 602-608.
Huawei Su, Kun Sha, Li Zhang, Qian Zhang, Yuling Xu, Haipeng Li and Baozhong Sun. 2014. Development of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict chemical composition with a wide range of variability in beef. Meat Science, 98: 110–114.
H. W. Su, F. W. Wang, Z. S. Yang, Z. J. Cao, B. H. Cao, S. L. Li. 2013. Responses of energy balance, physiology and production for transition dairy cows fed a low-energy prepartum diet during hot season. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45(7):1495-1503.
Z. Y. Hu,H. W. Su, S. L. Li and Z. J. Cao. 2012. Effect of parenteral administration of glutamine on autophagy of liver cell and immune responses in weaned calves. Journal of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, 97(6):1007-1014.
F. Gao, Z. H. Zhang, C. Z. Zhang,H. W. Su, S. L. Li. 2012. Effect of maternal different energy density during prepartum on the growth performance, immunity and anti-oxidation capability of neonatal calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 95 :4510–4518.
H. W. Su,Z. J. Yang, S. L. Li, and Z. J. Cao. 2011. Effects of supplemental carbohydrate source on lactation performance, nitrogen balance, and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows fed energy-deficient total mixed rations. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2(3): 153-163.
H. W. Su,F. W. Wang, Z. J. Cao, and S. L. Li. Physiological and productive responses to seasonal variation in transition dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 95, Suppl. 2: 582. (Abstract)
H. W. Su,F. W. Wang, Z. J. Cao, and S. L. Li. Effects of prepartum dietary energy density and postpartum extruded full-fat soybean (ESB) supplementation on energy balance and productive performance of transition dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 95, Suppl. 2: 582. (Abstract)
H. W. Su,F. W. Wang, Z. S. Yang, Z. J. Cao, and S. L. Li. Effects of supplemental extruded full-fat soybean (ESB) on ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion, blood parameters and productive performance of early lactation dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 95, Suppl. 2: 128. (Abstract)
蘇華維,楊永在,曹兵海.體外產氣法評定馬鈴薯莖葉青貯的瘤胃發酵特性.第二屆中國反芻動物營養與飼養技術研討會會議論文集, 2017年10月,宜賓
何陽,王晶晶,蘇華維,曹兵海.日糧蛋白水平及長鏈脂肪酸鈣鹽對荷斯坦公牛消化代謝的影響.第二屆中國反芻動物營養與飼養技術研討會會議論文集, 2017年10月,宜賓 (通訊作者)
Mike Van Amburgh, Fernando Soberon,曹志軍,黃鴻威,史偉娜,蘇華維.犢牛營養與管理對其終生生產性能的影響.中國奶牛, 2: 45-50.
Kenneth Nordlund,黃鴻威,史偉娜,蘇華維,曹志軍. 圍產期奶牛需要更多空間和舒適度. 中國奶牛, 2014, 18: 51-55.
郝丹,荊元強,曹兵海,蘇華維.日糧蛋白水平和棉籽粕取代豆粕對和雜牛肉品質的影響.中國草食動物科學, 2013, 33(3):30-33.
蘇華維,李勝利,曹志軍. 2012年美國旱災及其對農牧業的影響分析.中國奶牛, 2012, 22:7-9
曹兵海,蘇華維.“活牛不出省”將成為肉牛產業主流模式.中國畜牧獸醫報, 2012年10月28日第004版.
曹兵海,蘇華維.南方肉牛產業現狀與發展戰略之我見.中國畜牧業, 2012, 20: 18-28.
宋沙,馮麗萍,蘇華維,曹兵海,吳蒙.油酸對肉牛腎周前脂肪細胞增殖與分化的影響.中國畜牧雜誌, 2012, 48 (5): 43-45.
蘇華維,曹志軍,李勝利.圍產期奶牛的代謝特點及其營養調控.中國畜牧雜誌, 2011, 47(16):44-48.
蘇華維,曹志軍,李勝利.圍產期奶牛的能量負平衡及能量代謝障礙性疾病.中國畜牧雜誌, 2011, 47(20):39-44.
李勝利,蘇華維,王立斌,曹志軍,黃文明.規模奶牛場標準化飼養關鍵技術研究.中國畜牧獸醫學會養牛學分會2011年學術研討會論文集, 2011年11月,北京
王富偉,曾浩,蘇華維,李勝利.優質苜蓿替代部分精料對泌乳奶牛生產性能、消化代謝和血液生化指標的影響.中國畜牧雜誌, 2011, 49(11):41-44.
蘇華維,楊再俊,曹志軍,李勝利.利用瘤胃能氮平衡原理評價奶牛全混合日糧.中國畜牧雜誌, 2011, 49(9):45-49.
蘇華維,劉丹麗,曹兵海等.全乳添加小麥粉對荷斯坦公犢牛的生長和飼料消化利用的影響.中國農業大學學報,2008,13 (3) :90-94.
蘇華維,劉丹麗,曹兵海等.全乳添加小麥粉對荷斯坦公犢牛屠宰性能和肉質的影響.中國農業大學學報,2008,13 (6) :66-70.
曹兵海,蘇華維,咼於明.肉雞補償生長技術研究進展.動物營養學報, 2006 ,18 (3) :208~214.
李勝利,王富偉,蘇華維.實用新型:一種固定式修蹄機. (公開號:CN202446289U,授權公告日:2012.09.26)
李勝利,王富偉,蘇華維.發明專利:一種牛頭保定器及其保定方法. (公開號:CN101999948B,授權公告日:2012.03.28)
曹志軍,曹兵海,李勝利,馮仰廉,蘇華維,張兆明.肉牛飼料配方與營養分析系統軟體V2.0. 2009SRBJ6841.中國農業大學. 2009-10-27
曹志軍,曹兵海,李勝利,馮仰廉,蘇華維,張兆明.肉牛信息登記管理系統軟體V2.0. 2009SRBJ3581.中國農業大學. 2009-06-01


2018年7月 第三屆全國農林高校牛精英挑戰賽“特等獎”指導教師(1/4)
2017年11月 中國農業大學師德考核及年度考核優秀
2015年7月 被評為安徽省第四批戰略性新興產業技術領軍人才
2015年5月 安徽省蚌埠市第五批“3221”產業創新團隊帶頭人
2013年12月 被評為2013年度現代牧業(集團)有限公司“先進工作者”
2010年10月 獲2009-2010學年中國農業大學研究生獎學金“科研成就獎”
2009年10月 獲2008-2009學年中國農業大學研究生獎學金“科研成就獎”
2006年7月 中國農業大學2006屆“優秀畢業生”稱號


