



  • 中文名:蘇石磊
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:量子計算與量子信息、量子開放系統動力學
  • 任職院校:鄭州大學


2006年8月—2013年6月 延邊大學
2013年9月—2016年7月 哈爾濱工業大學
2016年7月—2018年12月 鄭州大學物理工程學院 講師
2018年9月—11月 丹麥 Aarhus University 受邀訪問學者
2019年1月—至今 鄭州大學 直聘副教授





相關研究以SCI論文形式發表,目前在Phys. Rev.系列發表論文10餘篇;累計在Phys. Rev. A、Opt. Lett.、Annalen der Physik、Annals of Physics、Opt. Express、Laser. Phys. Lett.、Frontiers of Physics、J. Phys. B、Phys. Lett. A、J. Opt. Soc. Am. B、Quant. Info. Process.、Eur. Phys. J. D、Opt. Commun.、Sci. Rep.等雜誌發表SCI論文60餘篇;論文累計被引用500餘次;Phys. Rev.、Opt. Lett、Opt. Express、J. Phys. B、Laser. Phys. Lett.、JOSAB、Annalen der Physik、IJTP等期刊審稿人;美國光學學會(OSA) Membership。


1.國家自然科學基金青年項目一項 主持
2.中國博士後特別資助一項 主持
3.國家自然科學基金理論物理專項一項 主持
4.河南省教育廳項目一項 主持
5.中國博士後面上項目一項 主持
6.鄭州大學物理學科推進計畫一項 主持


  1. 1. Xiao-Yu Zhu, Zhao Jin, Erjun Liang, Shou Zhang, S.-L. Su*, Preparation of steady three-dimensional dark state entanglement in dissipative Rydberg atoms via Electromagnetic Induced Transparency,Accepted by Annalen der Physik (2020).
  2. 2. Liang Tian, Li-Li Sun, Xiao-Yu Zhu, Xue-Ke Song, Lei-Lei Yan, Er-Jun Liang, S.-L. Su*, and Mang Feng, Fast achievement of quantum state transfer and distributed quantum entanglement by dressed states. Accepted by Chin. Phys. B (2020).
  3. 3. Rui Li, Dongmin Yu, S.-L. Su*, and Jing Qian, Periodically driven facilitated high-efficiency dissipative entanglement with Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. A 101 042328(2020).
  4. 4. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Cong Wang, S.-L. Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, and Jie Song, Two-Path Interference for Enantiomer-Selective State Transfer of Chiral Molecules. Phys. Rev. Applied, 13 044021 (2020).
  5. 5. Jin-Lei Wu, Jie Song*, S.-L. Su*, Resonant interaction induced Rydberg antiblockade and its applications. Phys. Lett. A 384 126039 (2020).
  6. 6. Jin-Lei Wu, S.-L. Su, Y. Wang, J. Song et al., Effective Rabi dynamics of Rydberg atoms and robust high-fidelity quantum gates with a resonant amplitude-modulation field. Opt. Lett. 45 1200(2020).
  7. 7. Jing-Xin Liu, Jun-Yao Ye, Lei-Lei Yan, S.-L. Su*, and M. Feng*, Distributed quantum information processing via single atom driving,J. Phys. B 53 035503 (2020).
  8. 8. S. -L. Su et al, Nondestructive Rydberg parity meter and its applications. Phys. Rev. A 101 012347 (2020).
  9. 9. Yan-Jie Zhang, Cai-Peng Shen, Zhi-Feng Pan, Ya Gao*, S.-L. Su, Erjun Liang and Shou Zhang, Modern Physics Letters B, 34 2050067 (2020).
  10. 10. Zhao Jin, S.-L. Su*, Shou Zhang. Preparation of steady entangled state of two NV centers via simultaneously utilizing two dissipative factors. Phys. Rev. A 100 052332 (2019).
  11. 11. C. P. Shen, X. M. Xiu, L. Dong, Xiao-Yu Zhu, Li Chen, Erjun Liang, L.-L. Yan, and S.-L. Su*, Conversion of Knill-Laflamme-Milburn entanglement to Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement. Annalen der Physik 1900160(2019),
  12. 12. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jie Song, Yan Xia, S.-L. Su, and Yong-Yuan Jiang, Robust and highly efficient discrimination of chiral molecules through three-mode parallel paths. Phys. Rev. A 100, 043413 (2019).
  13. 13. L.-L. Yan, S.-L. Su and M. Feng, Analytical investigation of one-dimensional Doppler cooling of trapped ions with Lambda -type configuration. Phys. Rev. A 100, 033418 (2019).
  14. 14. J. L. Wu and S. L. Su*, Universal speeded-up adiabatic geometric quantum computation in three-level systems via counterdiabatic driving, J. Phys. A 52 335301 (2019).
  15. 15. J. L. Wu and S. L. Su*, Auxiliary-qubit-driving–induced entanglement and logic gate, EPL 126 30001 (2019).
  16. 16. X. Y. Zhu, E. J. Liang, S. L. Su*,Rydberg-atom-based controlled arbitrary-phase gate and its applications, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 36 1937 (2019).
  17. 17. C. P. Shen J. L. Wu, S. L. Su*, and E. J. Liang, Construction of robust Rydberg controlled-phase gates, Opt. Lett. 44 2036 (2019).
  18. 18. L. L. Yan, S. L. Su, Q. Z. Hou, W. L. Yang*, and M. Feng. Macroscopically distinct superposition in a spin ensemble coupled to superconducting flux-qubits. Opt. Exp. 27 377 (2019).
  19. 19. A-Peng Liu, Xue Han, Liu-Yong Cheng, Qi Guo, Shi-Lei Su et al. Generation of large scale hyperentangled photonic GHZ states with an error-detected pattern. Eur. Phys. J. D 73 118 (2019).
  20. 20. A-Peng Liu, Liu-Yong Cheng, Qi Guo, Shi-Lei Su et al. Heralded teleportation of a controlled-NOT gate for nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a microtoroid resonator. Laser. Phys. 29 025205 (2019).
  21. 21. A-Peng Liu, Liu-Yong Cheng, Qi Guo, Shi-Lei Su et al. Error-detected single-photon quantum routing using a quantum dot and a double-sided microcavity system. Chin. Phys. B 28 020301 (2019).
  22. 22. A-Peng Liu, Liu-Yong Cheng, Qi Guo, Shi-Lei Su et al. Heralded Entanglement Concentration of Nonlocal Photons Assisted by Doublesided Optical Microcavities. Phys. Scr. 94 095103(2019).
  23. 23. A-Peng Liu, Qi Guo , Shi-Lei Su et al. Entanglement Purification on Separate Atoms in an Error-Detected Pattern Accepted by Int. J. Theor. Phys. (2019).
  24. 24. Cai-Peng Shen, Ya-Gao, Shu Chen, Yanchao Mao, Erjun Liang, and S. L. Su*, Mutual conversions between Knill-Laflamme-Milburn and W states, Annalen der Physik 1800114, (2018).
  25. 25. S.-L. Su. Rydberg quantum controlled-PHASE gate with one control and multiple target qubits. Chin. Phys. B 27 110304 (2018).
  26. 26. S.-L. Su et al. One-step construction of the multiple-qubit Rydberg controlled-PHASE gate. Phys. Rev. A 98, 032306 (2018).
  27. 27. Z. Jin, S.-L. Su et al. Engineering multipartite steady entanglement of distant atoms via dissipation. Front. Phys. 13, 134209 (2018).
  28. 28. H. Z. Shen, S.-L. Su et al. Non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion in one dimension in electric fields. Phys. Rev. A 97, 042121 (2018).
  29. 29. Cai-Peng Shen, Xiao-Fei Gu, Qi Guo, Xiao-Yu Zhu, S.-L. Su*, and Erjun Liang, Multiphoton Knill-Laflamme-Milburn states generated by nonlinear optics. J. Opt. Soc. A. B, 35 694 (2018).
  30. 30. S.-L. Su et al. Applications of the modified Rydberg antiblockade regime with simultaneous driving. Phys. Rev. A 96 042335 (2017).
  31. 31. S.-L. Su et al. Fast Rydberg antiblockade regime and its applications in quantum logic gates. Phys. Rev. A 95 022319 (2017).
  32. 32. H.Z. Shen, D. X. Li, S.-L. Su et al. Exact non-Markovian dynamics of qubits coupled to two interacting environments. Phys. Rev. A 96 033805 (2017).
  33. 33. J.-L. Wu, S.-L. Su et al. Superadiabatic scheme for optimizing the fast generation of tree-type 3D entanglement. Annals of Physics 386 34 (2017).
  34. 34. Z. Jin, S.-L. Su et al. Generation of steady entanglement via unilateral qubit driving in bad cavities. Scientific Reports 7 17648 (2017).
  35. 35. Z. Jin, S.-L. Su et al. Dissipative preparation of distributed steady entanglement: an approach of unilateral qubit driving. Opt. Express 25, 88 (2017).
  36. 36. Z. Jin, S.-L. Su et al. Engineering steady-state entanglement via dissipation in coupled cavities. Laser. Phys. Lett. 14, 055206 (2017).
  37. 37. S.-L. Su et al. One-step implementation of Rydberg-Rydberg interaction gate. Phys. Rev. A 93 012306 (2016).
  38. 38. S.-L. Su et al. Simplified scheme for entanglement preparation with Rydberg pumping via dissipation. Phys. Rev. A 92 022328 (2015).
  39. 39. S.-L. Su et al. Scheme for entanglement generation in an atom-cavity system via dissipation. Phys. Rev. A 90 054302 (2014).
  40. 40. S.-L. Su et al. Preparation of three-dimensional entanglement for distant atoms in coupled cavities via atomic spontaneous emission and cavity decay. Scientific Reports 4 7566 (2014).
  41. 41. C. Song, S.-L.Su et al. Generation of tree-type three-dimensional entangled states via adiabatic passage.Phys. Rev. A 93, 062321 (2016).
  42. 42. S. He, S.-L. Su et al. Efficient shortcuts to adiabatic passage for three-dimensional entanglement generation via transitionless quantum driving. Scientific Reports 6, 30929 (2016).
  43. 43. S.-L. Su et al. Linear-Optical Proposal for Implementation of the Two-Logic-Qubit Controlled Phase Gate in Decoherence-Free Subspace with Conventional Photon Detectors.Int. J. Theor. Phys. 55, 447 (2016).
  44. 44. J.-L. Zhang, S.-L. Su et al. Complete and nondestructive polarization-entangled cluster state analysis assisted by a cavity input-output process. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 33,342 (2016).
  45. 45. C. Song, S.-L.Su et al. Generation of atomic NOON states via shortcuts to adiabatic passage. Quant. Info. Process. 15 4159 (2016).
  46. 46. S.-L. Su et al. Quantum information processing in collective-rotating decoherence-free subspace. Quant. Info. Process. 14 1855 (2015).
  47. 47. S.-L. Su et al. Preparation of entanglement between atoms in spatially separated cavities via fiber loss. Eur. Phys. J. D 69 123 (2015).
  48. 48. Y. Liang, Q.-C Wu, S.-L Su et al. Shortcuts to adiabatic passage for multiqubit controlled-phase gate. Phys. Rev. A 91 032304 (2015).
  49. 49. Y. Liang, S.-L. Su et al. Adiabatic passage for three-dimensional entanglement generation through quantum Zeno dynamics. Opt. Express 23, 5064 (2015).
  50. 50. W.-M. Sun, S.-L Su et al. Dissipative preparation of three-atom entanglement state via quantum feedback control. J. Opt. Soc. Am B 32 1873 (2015).
  51. 51. . S.-L. Su et al. Time-bin-encoding-based remote states generation of nitrogen-vacancy centers through noisy channels. Chin. Phys. B 24 020305 (2015).
  52. 52. S.-L. Su et al. An economic and feasible scheme to generate the four-photon entangled state via weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Opt. Comm. 293 172 (2013).
  53. 53. S.-L. Su et al. Atomic quantum information processing in low-Q cavity in the intermediate coupling region. J. Opt. Soc. Am B 29 2827 (2012).
  54. 54. S.-L. Su et al. Complete Bell-state and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-state nondestructive detection based on simplified symmetry analyzer. Opt. Comm. 285 4134 (2012).
  55. 55. S.-L. Su et al. Generating a four-photon polarization-entangled cluster state with homodyne measurement via cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Chin. Phys. B 21 044205 (2012).
  56. 56. X.-P. Zhou, S.-L.Su et al. Parity-gate-based quantum information processing in decoherence-free subspace with nitrogen-vacancy centers. Opt. Comm. 352 140 (2015).
  57. 57. X.-M Xu, L.-Yong Cheng, A-P Liu, S.-L Su et al. Environment-assisted entanglement restoration and improvement of the fidelity for quantum teleportation. Quantum Inf. Process. 14 4147 (2015).
  58. 58. A-P. Liu, S.-L Su et al. Generation of Multi-electron Entanglement with Quantum-Dot Spins in Double-Sided Optical Microcavity Systems. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 52 3892 (2013).
  59. 59. L. Zhu, S.-L Su et al. Realization of nondestructive multi-atom cluster state analyzer via the cavity input-output process. Quant. Info. Process. 12 2749 (2013).
  60. 60. B. Si, S.-L Su et al. Efficient three-step entanglement concentration for an arbitrary four-photon cluster state. Chin. Phys. B 22 030305 (2013).
  61. 61. A-P Liu, J.-J Wen, L.-Y Cheng, S.-L Su et al. Quantum cloning based on iSWAP gate with nitrogen-vacancy centers in photonic crystal cavities. Opt. Comm. 333 187 (2014).
  62. 62. A-P Liu, L.-Y Cheng, L. Chen, S.-L Su et al. Quantum phase flip gate between distant nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles coupled to superconducting flux qubits. Opt. Comm. 331 59 (2014).
  63. 63. A-P Liu, L.-Y Cheng, L. Chen, S.-L Su et al. Quantum information processing in decoherence-free subspace with nitrogen-vacancy centers. Opt. Comm. 313 180 (2014).
  64. 64. Z. Jin, Y.-Q Ji, S.-L Su et al. Nondestructive entanglement analysis and generation with atoms in low-Q cavity. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 52 3892 (2013).
  65. 65. Z.-H Wang, L.-Zhu, S.-L Su et al. Complete four-photon cluster-state analyzer based on cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Chin. Phys. B 22 090309 (2013).
  66. 66. L.-Y Zhong, Q. Guo, L.-Y Cheng, S.-L Su et al. Quantum information splitting of an arbitrary three-qubit state via the cavity input-output process. Opt. Comm. 285 4616 (2012).
  67. 67. L.-Zhu, H.-F Wang, S.-L Su et al. Nondestructive N-atom Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state analyzer via the cavity input-output process. J. Opt. Soc. Am B 29 2156 (2012).


