



  • 中文名:蘇建華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 主要成就:“信息存儲與顯示有機光電功能材料”
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:教授
蘇建華教授負責的上海市科委重點項目“信息存儲與顯示有機光電功能材料” ,在光信息存儲方面,在國內率先試製成功了新型DVD-R有機雷射光碟存儲材料,並且已經獲得了兩項中國發明專利,使我國成為少數有能力生產該類有機材料的國家之一,該項目已獲得2002年度上海市科技進步二等獎。蘇建華教授承擔的上海市科委的“有機電致發光材料的量產及新型紅光發光材料”以及“有機電致發光小分子材料開發技術攻關”項目主要是針對非常熱門的有機電致發光顯示器領域的關鍵性問題,即高效穩定、耐高溫、色純度好、老化速率匹配的三基色發光材料的量產合成及提純技術的研究。已經能夠進行小批量生產,完成新型柔性顯示器,透明顯示器及磷光顯示器樣品的製作,性能達到國際先進水平。該項目已經獲得三項發明專利。蘇建華教授科技創新成果在國際同行領域處於領先地位,兩次獲得國家和上海市科技進步獎,在國外重要期刊上發表多篇重要的論文,在國內出版多本有價值的專著。
1、Excited-State Conformational/Electronic Responses of Saddle-Shaped N,N′-Disubstituted-Dihydrodibenzo[a,c]phenazines: Wide-Tuning Emission from Red to Deep Blue and White Light Combination;Zhiyun Zhang, Yu-Sin Wu, Kuo-Chun Tang, Chi-Lin Chen, Jr-Wei Ho, Jianhua Su, He Tian, and Pi-Tai Chou;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (26), pp 8509–8520
2、Color-Tunable Solid-State Emission of 2,2′-Biindenyl-Based Fluorophores;Zhiyun Zhang, Bo Xu, Prof. Dr. Jianhua Su, Leiping Shen, Prof. Dr. Yongshu Xie and Prof. Dr. He Tian ;Angewandte Chemie;Volume 123, Issue 49, December 2, 2011, Pages: 11858–11861,
3、A new D–A–π–A type organic sensitizer based on substituted dihydroindolo [2,3-b] carbazole and DPP unit with a bulky branched alkyl chain for highly efficient DSCs ;Guojian Tian, Shengyun Cai, Xin Li, Hans Ågren, Qiaochun Wang, Jinhai Huang and Jianhua Su ;J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 3777-3784
4、Highly sensitive detection of low-level water content in organic solvents and cyanide in aqueous media using novel solvatochromic AIEE fluorophores Wei Chen, Zhiyun Zhang, Xin Li, Hans Ågren and Jianhua Su RSC Adv., 2015,5, 12191-12201
5、Colour-tunable fluorescence of single molecules based on the vibration induced emission of phenazine ;Wei Huang, Lu Sun, Zhiwen Zheng, Jianhua Su and He Tian ;Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 4462-4464
6、Propeller-like D–π–A architectures: bright solid emitters with AIEE activity and large two-photon absorption Wei Huang, Huan Wang, Lu Sun, Bo Li, Jianhua Su and He Tian J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014,2, 6843-6849
7、Small molecules based on diphenylamine and carbazole with large two-photon absorption cross sections and extraordinary AIEE properties Guojian Tian, Wei Huang, Shengyun Cai, Haitao Zhou, Bo Li, Qiaochun Wang and Jianhua Su RSC Adv., 2014,4, 38939-38942
8、Large cyano- and triazine-substituted D–π–A–π–D structures as efficient AIEE solid emitters with large two-photon absorption cross sections Wei Huang, Fansheng Tang, Bo Li, Jianhua Su and He Tian J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014,2, 1141-1148
9、Highly sensitive determination of low-level water content in organic solvents using novel solvatochromic dyes based on thioxanthone ;Li Ding, Zhiyun Zhang, Xin Li and Jianhua Su ;Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 7319-7321
10、Efficient and stable DSSC sensitizers based on substituted dihydroindolo[2,3-b]carbazole donors with high molar extinction coefficients; Shengyun Cai, Guojian Tian, Xin Li, Jianhua Su and He Tian J.;Mater. Chem. A, 2013,1, 11295-11305
11、Rigid triarylamine-based efficient DSSC sensitizers with high molar extinction coefficients Shengyun Cai, Xiaohao Hu, Zhiyun Zhang, Jianhua Su, Xin Li, Ashraful Islam, Liyuan Han and He Tian ;J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013,1, 4763-4772
12、Rigid triarylamine-based D–A–π–A structural organic sensitizers for solar cells: the significant enhancement of open-circuit photovoltage with a long alkyl group ;Xiaohao Hu, Shengyun Cai, Guojian Tian, Xin Li, Jianhua Su and Jing Li RSC Adv., 2013,3, 22544-22553
13、New thermally stable cyano-substituted D–A–π–A–D molecules with aggregation-induced emission and large two-photo absorption cross-sections Wei Huang, Haitao Zhou, Bo Li and Jianhua Su RSC Adv., 2013,3, 3038-3045
14、Novel “turn-on” fluorescent chemodosimeters based on thioxanthen-9-thione for the selective detection of mercuric ions in aqueous media Li Ding, Qi Zou, Yi Qu and Jianhua Su;RSC Adv., 2012,2, 4754-4758
15、A dual-ion-switched molecular brake based onferrocene Dong Zhang, Qiong Zhang, Jianhua Su and He Tian ;Chem. Commun., 2009, 1700-1702
16、Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of rod-like luminescent materials containing Schiff-base and naphthalimide units ;Yingchao Zhang, Weihong Zhu, Wenjun Wang, He Tian, Jianhua Su and Wencheng Wang ;J. Mater. Chem., 2002,12, 1294-1300


