- 中文名:蘇勤亮
- 畢業院校:香港大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 職務:中山大學博士生導師
- 職稱:副教授
- 機器學習、深度學習,
- 統計學習、貝葉斯分析,
- 自然語言處理、人工智慧
- 2010.9— 2014.12 香港大學 博士
- 2007.9— 2010.3 浙江大學 碩士
- 2003.9— 2007.6 重慶大學 本科
- 2018.1— 至今 中山大學 副教授
- 2015.3 — 2017.12 美國杜克大學 博士後
- 2015.1— 2015.2 香港大學 高級研究助理
- 國際計算語言大會ACL 2018最佳論文提名
- 美國數學建模競賽一等獎
- 因特爾杯——全國大學生嵌入式電子設計競賽三等獎
- 重慶市優秀畢業生
- 浙江大學優秀畢業生
(* denotes equal contribution)
- Dinghan Shen*, Qinliang Su*, Paidamoyo Chapfuwa, Wenlin Wang, GuoyinWang, Lawrence Carin, Ricardo Henao, NASH: Toward End-to-End Neural Architecture for Generative Semantic Hashing, 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2018, Melbourne, Australia, 2018.7.15-7.20. (CCF A類)
- Dinghan Shen, Guoyin Wang, Wenlin Wang, Martin Renqiang Min, Qinliang Su, Yizhe Zhang, Chunyuan Li, Ricardo Henao, Lawrence Carin, Baseline Needs More Love: On SimpleWord-Embedding-Based Models and Associated Pooling Mechanisms, 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2018, Melbourne, Australia, 2018.7.15-7.20. (CCF A類)
- Liqun Chen, Shuyang Dai, Yunchen Pu, Chunyuan Li,Qinliang Su, Erjin Zhou, Lawrence Carin, Symmetric Variational Auto-encoder and Connections to Adversarial Learning, 21th Inter. Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, AISTATS 2018, Canary Islands, Spain, 2018.4.9-4.11. (CCF C類)
- Dinghan Shen, Yizhe Zhang, Ricardo Henao, Qinliang Su, Lawrence Carin, Deconvolutional Latent-Variable Model for Text Sequence Matching, 32th Proc. American Association of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2018, New Orleans, USA, 2018.2.2-2.7. (CCF A類)
- Qinliang Su, Xuejun Liao, Lawrence Carin, A Probabilistic Framework for Nonlinearities in Stochastic Neural Networks, 31th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS 2017, Long Beach, USA, 2017.12.4-12.9. (CCF A類)
- Zhe Gan, Chunyuan Li, Changyou Chen, Yunchen Pu, Qinliang Su, Lawrence Carin, Scalable Bayesian Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling, 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2017, Vancouver, CA, 2017.7.30-8.4. (CCF A類)
- Qinliang Su, Xuejun Liao, Chunyuan Li, Zhe Gan, Lawrence Carin, Unsupervised Learning with Truncated Gaussian Graphical Models, 31th Proc. American Association of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2017, San Francisco, USA, 2017.2.4-2.9. (CCF A類)
- Qinliang Su, Xuejun Liao, Changyou Chen, Lawrence Carin, Nonlinear Statistical Learning with Truncated Gaussian Graphical Model, 33th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2016, New York, USA, 2016.6.24-6.26. (CCF A類)
- Qinliang Su, Yik-Chung Wu, Distributed estimation of variance in Gaussian graphical model via belief propagation: accuracy analysis and improvement, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2015, 63(23): 6258-6271. (中科院Top)
- Qinliang Su, Yik-Chung Wu, On convergence of Gaussian belief propagation, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2015, 63(5): 1144-1155. (中科院Top)
- Qinliang Su, Yik-Chung Wu, Convergence analysis of the variance in Gaussian belief propagation, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2014, 62(19): 5119-5131. (中科院Top)
- Qinliang Su, Yik-chung Wu, Determine the Convergence of Variance in Gaussian Belief Propagation via Semi-definite Programming, International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2014, Honolulu, USA, 2014.6.29-2014.7.4
- Qinliang Su, Aiping Huang, Zhaoyang Zhang, Kai Xu, Jian Yang, A Non-Cooperative Method for Path Loss Estimation in Femtocell Networks, IEEE Globecom Workshop on Femtocell Networks, Globecom 2010, Miami, USA, 2010.12.6-2010.12.10
- Qinliang Su, Aiping Huang, Zhouyun Wu, Guanding Yu, Zhaoyang Zhang, A Distributed Dynamics Spectrum Access and Power Allocation Algorithm for Femtocell Networks, International Conference on Wireless Communication and Signal Processing, Nanjing, China, 2009.11.13-2009.11.15
- Qinliang Su, Aiping Huang, Jing Li and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Complexity reduction of signal detection by exploiting correlation characteristics of spreading sequences, Int. J. Communication Systems, 2009, 22(11): 1427-1443. (SCI)