- 書名:藥學專業英語(趙文英)
- 作者:趙文英、張丹丹
- 出版社:化學工業出版社
- ISBN:9787122357953
Unit 1Introduction1
Lesson OneIntroduction to Drugs and Pharmacy*2
Lesson TwoClassification of Drugs**11
Lesson ThreeNatural Products as a Foundation for Drug Discovery***14
Lesson FourChinese Medicinal Herbs:Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values***23
Unit 2Pharmacology27
Lesson FivePharmacokinetics*28
Lesson SixPharmacodynamics*34
Lesson SevenHistory of Pharmacology**38
Lesson EightDosage Forms and Their Routes of Administration**45
Lesson NineHelping Medicines Go Down***50
Lesson TenA Long Engagement***56
Unit 3Pharmaceutics59
Lesson ElevenTablet Dosage Forms*60
Lesson TwelveTableting Equipments*67
Lesson ThirteenDosage Forms: Non-Parenterals**73
Lesson FourteenDosage Forms: Parenterals**82
Lesson FifteenControlled Release Forms***91
Lesson SixteenFormulation of Parenteral Products***98
Unit 4Pharmaceutical Chemistry105
Lesson SeventeenAn Introduction to Drugs and Their Action*106
Lesson EighteenGeneral Concept of Natural Product*110
Lesson NineteenDrug Development**116
Lesson TwentyA Landmark in Drug Design***125
Lesson Twenty-OneLessons from Natural Molecules***130
Unit 5Pharmaceutical Analysis139
Lesson Twenty-TwoChemical Purity and Its Control*140
Lesson Twenty-ThreeMedicaments in Formulations*147
Lesson Twenty-FourValidation of Analytical Methods**153
Lesson Twenty-FiveApplications of Chromatography in Pharmaceutical Analysis**161
Lesson Twenty-SixQuality Control of Herbs:Principles and Procedures,Using Panax as an Example***169
Lesson Twenty-SevenQuality Control and Quality Assurance of Phytom-edicines:Key Considerations,Methods,and Analytical Challenges***175
Unit 6Package Insert and Drug Sale183
Lesson Twenty-EightThe Package Insert*184
Lesson Twenty-NineCurrent Situation and Development Trends of Pharmaceutical Market in China**191
Words and Phrases200