- 作者:郭翠 編
- ISBN:9787506415293
- 頁數:262
- 定價:28.00元
- 出版社:中國紡織出版社
- 出版時間:1999-07
- 裝幀:平裝
Text: How to Interview for a Job
DlalOgUe: Describing Things
Word Study: Affixation
Supplementary Reading: No Job for Mom
Writlng: Letters of Invitations (1)
Lesson 2
Text: Frustrated in Life Honored after Death
--Vincent van Gogh
DlalOgue: Describing Places
Word Study: Prefix
Supplementary Readlng: Abstract Art
Wrlting: Letters of Invitation ( )
Lesson 3
Text: The Art of Photography
DialOgUe: Describing People
Word Study: Noun Suffix
Supplementary Readlng: Taking the Best
Candid Shots
W riting: Letters of Congratulations
Lesson 4
Text: Wedding Customs and Traditions
DlalOgUe: Talking about Yourself
Word Study: Verb Suffix
Supplementary Readlng: American Men and
Wrltlng: Bidding farewell
Lesson 5
Text: The Birth of Opera
DlalOgue: Showing Sympathy
Word StUdy: Adjective Suffix
Supplementary Reading: Sydney Opera House
Wrlting: Letters of Making Reservation
Lesson 6
Text: Whom 1 Love Best
DIalOgue: Expressing Hopes and Wishes
Word StUdy: Adverb Suffix
Supplementary Reading: Jane Eyre
Wrltlng: Application for a Job
Lesson 7
Text: Chinese Opera Makeup
DialOgUe: Giving Cautions and Warnings
Word StUdy: Conversion
Supplementary Reading: Beijing Opera Makeup
Writing: Application for Studying Abroad ( 1 )
Lesson 8
Text: Rock Music
DIalOgue: Making Requests
Word Study: Composition
Supplementary Readlng: The New Music
Writlng: Application for Studying Abroad (11)
Lesson 9
Text: The Art of the Skyscraper
Dl a 1 Ogue: Making Defence and Denial
Word StUdy: Blending
Supplementary Readlng: Westminster
Writing: A Recommendation Letter
Lesson 10
Text: Chinese Landscape Painting
DIalOgUe: Expressing Anger and Annoyance
Word StUdy: Back-formation
Supplementary Readlng: The Art of Qi Baishi
W riting: Official Documents
Lesson ll
Text: Happiness in Your Hands
DIalOgue: Apologizing and Forgiving
Word StUdy: Shortening
Supplementary Readlng: Waltz Kings: Strauss
Johann Sr and Johann
Wrltlng: 1 . Graduation Certificate
11 Academic Degree Certificate
Lesson 12
Text: Op and Kinetic Art
D 1 a 1 OgUe: Offering to Do Something
Supplementary Readlng: The Boy Who Loved
Writing: Advertisements ( 1 )
Lesson 13
Text: Barefoot Contessa
DIalOgue: Asking for Information
Word Study: Distinguish Synonym and Antonym
Supplementary Readlng: Dancing under Capri-
corn--Australia' s
Indomitable Troupe
Writing: Advertisements (11)
Lesson 14
Text: The American Musical
Dialogue: Hesitating and Interrupting
Word StUdy: Induce Definition
Supplementary Readlng: Understanding Modern
Wrltlng: Resume
Lesson 15
Text: The Secret of Vermeer's Art
DlalOgUe: Entertainment
Word StUdy: Paraphrase
Supplementary Reading: The Secret of
Vermeer's Art
Wrlting: Personal Statement
Lesson 16
Text: The Merchant of Venice
DialOgUe: Giving Opinions
Word StUdy: Polysemy and Synonym
Supplementary Readlng: Shakespeare and the
Wrlting: Memorandum (Sample 1)
Interoffice Correspondence (Sample 2)
Lesson 17
Text: Good Taste and Style in Design
DialOgUe: Making Suggestions and Giving Advice
Word StUdy: Literary Meaning and Figurative
Supplementary Reading: Color Harmony
Wrltlng: ADescription: Pines
Lesson 18
Text: A Great Sculptor
DialOgUe: Talking about the Future
WordStudy: Collocation
Supplementary Reading: The Man Who Made
Mickey Mouse
Writing: A Narration: No Welcome at the Hotel
Lesson 19
Text: The Language Barrier
DIalOgUe: Talking about Past Events
Supplementary Reading: A Gust of Fresh Air
for the Stodgy Giant
of Rochester
Writlng: Brain Size and Language
Lesson 20
Text: The Definition of Art
DialOgUe: Getting People to Do Things
Supplementary Reading: On Beauty
Wrltlng: An Argumentation: Reading Good Books
Keys to the Text