



  • 中文名:薛麗坤
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:城市及區域空氣品質等
  • 任職院校:山東大學環境研究院






在Atmospheric Chemistry and Physcis, Envirnmental Science and Technology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geoscientific Model Development, Atmospheric Environment等大氣和環境領域SCI期刊發表論文80餘篇。
27. Yingnan Zhang, Likun Xue*, Can Dong, Tao Wang, Abdelwahid Mellouki, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang. Gaseous carbonyls in China's atmosphere: Tempo-spatial distributions, sources, photochemical formation, and impact on air quality, Atmospheric Environment, 214, 2019.
26. Liang Wen, Tianshu Chen, Penggang Zheng, Lin Wu, Xinfeng Wang*, Abdelwahid Mellouki,Likun Xue*, Wenxing Wang*. Nitrous acid in marine boundary layer over eastern Bohai sea, China: characteristics, sources, and implicaitons,Science of the Total Environment, 670, 282-291, 2019.pdf download
25. Penggang Zheng, Tianshu Chen, Can Dong*, Yuhong Liu, Hongyong Li, Guangxuan Han, Jingjing Sun, Lin Wu, Xiaomei Gao, Xinfeng Wang, Yanbin Qi, Qingzhu Zhang, Wenxing Wang,Likun Xue*. Characteristics and sources of halogenated hydrocarbons in the Yellow River Delta region, northern China,Atmospheric Research, in press, 2019.pdf download
24.Yingnan Zhang, Jingjing Sun, Penggang Zheng, Tianshu Chen, Yuhong Liu, Guangxuan Han, Isobel J. Simpson, Xinfeng Wang, Donald R. Blake, Zeyuan Li, Xue Yang, Yanbin Qi, Qi Wang, Wenxing Wang,Likun Xue*. Observations of C1-C5 alkyl nitrates in the Yellow River Delta, northern China: Effects of biomass burning and oil field emissions.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 656: 129-139. pdf download
23.Lei Sun,Likun Xue*, Yuhang Wang* , Longlei Li , Jintai Lin , Ruijing Ni , Yingying Yan , Lulu Chen , Juan Li , Qingzhu Zhang , Wenxing Wang. Impacts of meteorology and emissions on surface ozone increases over Central Eastern China between 2003 and 2015.AtmosphericChemistry and Physics,19, 1455-1469, 2019.pdf download
22 L. Wen, L. Xue*, X. Wang, C. Xu, T. Chen, L. Yang, T. Wang, Q. Zhang, W. Wang. Summertime fine particulate nitrate pollution in the North China Plain: increasing trends, formation mechanisms, and implications for control policy,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,18,11261-11275,2018.pdf download
21. D. Li, L. Xue*, L. Wen, X. Wang, T. Chen, A. Mellouki*, J. Chen, W. Wang. Characteristics and sources of nitrous acid in an urban atmosphere of northern China: results from 1-yr continuous observations,Atmospheric Environment, 182, 196-306, 2018.pdf download
20. R. Zong, L. Xue*, T. Wang, W. Wang. Inter-comparison of the Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (RACM2) and Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) on the simulation of acetaldehyde,Atmospheric Environment, 186, 144-149, 2018.pdf download
19. X. Yang, L. Xue*, T. Wang, X. Wang, J. Gao, S. Lee, D.R. Blake, F. Chai and W. Wang.Observations and explicit modeling of summertime carbonyl formation in Beijing: Identification of key precursor species and their impact on atmospheric oxidation chemistry,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,123(2), 1426-1440, 2018.pdf download
18. Z. Li, L. Xue*, X. Yang, Q. Zha, Y. J. Tham, C. Yan, P. K. K. Louie, C. W. Y. Luk, T. Wang and W. Wang, Oxidizing capacity of the rural atmosphere in Hong Kong, Southern China.Science of the Total Environment, 612. 1114-1122. 2018.pdf download
17. J. Sun, Z. Li, L. Xue*,T. Wang, X. Wang, J. Gao, W. Nie, I.J. Simpson, R. Gao, D.R. Blake, F. Chai and W. Wang. Summertime C1-C5alkyl nitrates over Beijing, northern China: spatial distribution, regional transport, andformation mechanisms,Atmospheric Research, 204, 102-109, 2018.pdf download
16. R. Zong, X. Yang*, L. Wen, C. Xu, Y. Zhu, T. Chen, L. Yao, L. Wang, J. Zhang, L. Yang, X. Wang, M. Shao, T. Zhu,L. Xue*, W. Wang. Strong ozone production at a rural site in the North China Plain: mixed effects of urban plumes and biogenic emissions,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 71, 261-270, 2018.pdf download
15. 吳琳,薛麗坤*,王文興. 基於觀測的臭氧污染研究方法,地球環境學報,in press, 2018.pdf download
14. X. Wang, H. Wang, L. Xue*, T. Wang, L. Wang, R. Gu, W. Wang, Y. J. Tham, Z. Wang, L. Yang, J. Chen and W. Wang, Observations of N2O5and ClNO2at a pollutedurban surface site in North China: High N2O5uptake coefficients and low ClNO2product yields.Atmospheric Environment,156. 125-134. 2017.pdf download
13. X. Yang, L. Xue*, L. Yao, Q. Li, L. Wen, Y. Zhu, T. Chen, X. Wang, L. Yang, T. Wang, S. Lee, J. Chen and W. Wang, Carbonyl compounds at Mount Tai in the North China Plain: Characteristics, sources, and effects on ozone formation.Atmospheric Research,196. 53-61. 2017.pdf download
12. X. Wang, T. Wang, L. Xue*, W. Nie, Z. Xu, S. C. N. Poon and W. Wang, Peroxyacetyl nitrate measurements by thermal dissociation–chemical ionization mass spectrometry in an urban environment: performance and characterizations.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 11. 2017.pdf download
11.L. Xue*, R. Gu, T. Wang, X. Wang, S. Saunders, D. Blake, P. K. K. Louie, C. W. Y. Luk, I. Simpson, Z. Xu, Z. Wang, Y. Gao, S. Lee, A. Mellouki and W. Wang, Oxidative capacity and radical chemistry in the polluted atmosphere of Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta region: analysis of a severe photochemical smog episode.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,16. 9891-9903. 2016.pdf download
10. L. Sun, L. Xue*, T. Wang, J. Gao, A. Ding, O. R. Cooper, M. Lin, P. Xu, Z. Wang, X. Wang, L. Wen, Y. Zhu, T. Chen, L. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Chen and W. Wang, Significant increase of summertime ozone at Mount Tai in Central Eastern China.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,16. 10637-10650. 2016.pdf download
9.L. Xue*, S. M. Saunders, T. Wang, R. Gao, X. Wang, Q. Zhang and W. Wang, Development of a chlorine chemistry module for the Master Chemical Mechanism.Geoscientific Model Development, 8. 3151-3162. 20110.pdf download
8. Z. Xu, L. Xue*, T. Wang, T. Xia, Y. Gao, P. K. K. Louie and C. Luk, Measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate at a background site in the Pearl River Delta region: production efficiency and regional transport.Aerosol and Air Quality Research,15. 833-841. 2015.pdf download
7.L. Xue*, T. Wang*, J. Gao, A. J. Ding, X. H. Zhou, D. R. Blake, X. F. Wang, S. M. Saunders, S. J. Fan, H. C. Zuo, Q. Z. Zhang and W. X. Wang, Ground-level ozone in four Chinese cities: precursors, regional transport and heterogeneous processes.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14. 13175-13188. 2014.pdf download
6.L. Xue*, T. Wang*, P. K. Louie, C. W. Luk, D. R. Blake and Z. Xu, Increasing external effects negate local efforts to control ozone air pollution: a case study of Hong Kong and implications for other Chinese cities.Environmental Science & Technology,48. 10769-10775. 2014.pdf download
5.L. Xue*, T. Wang*, X. Wang, D. R. Blake, J. Gao, W. Nie, R. Gao, X. Gao, Z. Xu, A. Ding, Y. Huang, S. Lee, Y. Chen, S. Wang, F. Chai, Q. Zhang and W. Wang, On the use of an explicit chemical mechanism to dissect peroxy acetyl nitrate formation.Environmental Pollution, 195. 39-47. 2014.pdf download
4.L. Xue, T. Wang*, H. Guo, D. R. Blake, J. Tang, X. Zhang, S. M. Saunders and W. Wang, Sources and photochemistry of volatile organic compounds in the remote atmosphere of western China: results from the Mt. Waliguan Observatory.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13. 8551-8567. 2013.pdf download
3.L. Xue, T. Wang*, J. Zhang, X. Zhang, Deliger, C. N. Poon, A. Ding, X. Zhou, W. Wu, J. Tang, Q. Zhang and W. Wang, Source of surface ozone and reactive nitrogen speciation at Mount Waliguan in western China: New insights from the 2006 summer study.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,116. 2011.pdf download
2.L. Xue, T. Wang*, I. J. Simpson, A. Ding, J. Gao, D. R. Blake, X. Wang, W. Wang, H. Lei and D. Jin, Vertical distributions of non-methane hydrocarbons and halocarbons in the lower troposphere over northeast China.Atmospheric Environment,45. 6501-6509. 2011.pdf download
1.L. Xue, A. Ding, J. Gao, T. Wang*, W. Wang,X. Wang, H. Lei, D. Jin and Y. Qi, Aircraft measurements of the vertical distribution of sulfur dioxide and aerosol scattering coefficient in China.Atmospheric Environment,44. 278-282. 2010.pdf download


2019 中國環境科學學會青年科學家獎優秀獎
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2019 山東大學傑出中青年學者
2018 山東省傑出青年基金獲得者
2018 濟南市泉城產業創新團隊領軍人才
2018 山東大學優秀共產黨員
2017 濟南市泉城產業緊缺人才(創新類)
2016 山東大學優秀共產黨員
2015 山東大學齊魯青年學者


