長期從事煤礦開採、瓦斯、地壓、地溫工程套用理論及技術研究,近年來主持或參加國家973計畫項目“礦產資源綜合利用與安全監測科學問題”、“若干資源高效開發關鍵基礎研究”,“十一五”國家科技支撐計畫項目“礦井深部開採安全保障技術及裝備開發”,“十二五”國家科技支撐計畫項目“現場快速檢測儀器等科學儀器設備小型化、專業化關鍵技術及配套技術的研發和產業化示範”、國家自然科學基金項目“用於揭示煤與瓦斯突出機理與規律的模擬試驗儀器”等國家級科研項目18項,省部級及企業自主科研項目百餘項。申請了“高瓦斯煤層群開採沿空留巷Y型通風卸壓瓦斯抽采方法”、“沿空留巷綜合支護裝置”、“鬆軟煤層下向鑽孔抽采卸壓瓦斯施工方法”、“煤礦拉力分散型錨索及其錨固方法”等38項專利,其中發明專利21項;在《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》、《International Journal of Mining Science and Technolog》、《煤炭學報》、《Advanced Materials Research》、《採礦與安全工程學報》、《安徽建築工業學院學報》、《煤礦安全》、《煤礦開採》等國內外刊物上發表論文160餘篇。
(1)Fractal characterization for the mining crack evolution process of overlying strata based on microseismic monitoring technology. 2016,26(2),International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
(2)Numerical Investigation of Rockburst Effect of Shock Wave on Underground Roadway,2015,Shock and Vibration
(3)Determination of disturbed region and critical failure depth of surrounding rock in circular roadway. 2016,Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering
(4)Characteristics of an in situ stress field and its control on coal fractures and coal permeability in the Gucheng block, southern Qinshui Basin,2016,Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering
(5)Characteristics of an in situ stress field and its control on coal fractures and coal permeability in the Gucheng block, southern Qinshui Basin, 2015,Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering
(6)Experimental research on overlying strata movement and fracture evolution in pillarless stress-relief mining,2015.2(1),International Journal of Coal Science & Technology
(7)Gas drainage from different mine areas: optimal placement of drainage systems for deep coal seams with high gas emissions,2015.2(1),International Journal of Coal Science & Technology
(8)Microseismic multi-parameter characteristics of rockburst hazard induced by hard roof fall and high stress concentration,2015,International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences
(9)Integrated coal and gas extraction in mining the first seam with a high cutting height in multiple gassy seams of short intervals. 2012, 37(10),Journal of China Coal Society
(10)Microseismic and Acoustic Emission Effect on Gas Outburst Hazard Triggered by Shock Wave: A Case Study,2014.04,Natural Hazards
(11)Microseismic frequency-spectrum evolutionary rule of rockburst triggered by roof fall,2013.05,Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
(12)Model test research on the zonal disintegration in deep rock,2014,39 (6),Journal of China Coal Society
(13)Microseismic and Acoustic Emission Effect on Gas Outburst Hazard Triggered by Shock Wave: A Case Study,Natural Hazards,2013.05