2002.9-2005.7 華東師範大學 光學 碩士
2005.9-2012.7 華東師範大學 光學 博士
2005.7-至今 華東師範大學精密光譜科學與技術國家重點實驗室 助教、講師、副教授、研究員
2008.10-2010.5 美國國家標準與技術研究所 訪問學者
1. Absolute frequency measurement of 6Li D lines with kHz-level uncertainty.
Rui Li, Yuelong Wu, Yang Rui, Bo Li, Yanyi Jiang, Longsheng Ma, and Haibin Wu
Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 063002 (2020). Li_D2 measurement.pdf
2. Optical frequency division.
Yuan Yao, Yanyi Jiang, and Longsheng Ma
Natl. Sci. Rev, nwz209 (2020). nwz209--2.pdf
3. Laser frequency instability of 6E-16 using 10-cm-long cavities on a cubic spacer.
Xiaotong Chen, Yanyi Jiang, Bo Li, Hongfu Yu, Haifeng Jiang, Tao Wang, Yuan Yao, and Longsheng Ma
Chin. Opt. Lett., 18, 030201 (2020). 030201.pdf
光學學報,39(7),0714005 (2019). 光學頻率合成器的自動化控制研究.pdf
2. Towards generation of millihertz-linewidth laser light with E-18 frequency instability via four-wave mixing.
L. Jin, C. Hang, Y. Y. Jiang, C. J. Zhu, Z. Zheng, Y. Yao, G. X. Huang, and L. S. Ma
Appl. Phys. Lett., 114, 051104 (2019). 1.5082660.pdf
3. 亞赫茲線寬穩頻雷射技術
4. Zeeman slowing atoms using the magnetic field from a magneto-optical trap.
Wen Yan, Yuan Yao, Yuxin Sun, Hoyt W. Chad, Yanyi Jiang, and Longsheng Ma
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1. Laser frequency instability of 2E-16 by stabilizing to 30-cm-long Fabry-Perot cavities at 578 nm.
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Opt. Express, 26(14), 18699-18707 (2018). oe-26-14-18699.pdf
2. 環境溫度變化不敏感的光學腔熱禁止層設計
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#1 Converting optical frequencies with 10^(-21) uncertainty.
#2 基於光梳的高精度光學分頻器的原理和性能測試結果
#3 Research highlights: Viewport on optical frequency divider with E-21 precisioin .
Li You
Natl. Sci. Rev. 3, 394-395 (2016). nww085.pdf
2. A low noise optical frequency synthesizer at 700–990nm.
Y. Yao, Y. Y. Jiang, L. F. Wu, H. F. Yu, Z. Y. Bi & L. S. Ma
Appl. Phys. Lett., 109,131102 (2016).
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 109, 131102 (2016).pdf
3. Coherence transfer of subhertz-linewidth laser light via an optical fiber noise compensated by remote users.
L. F. Wu, Y. Y. Jiang, C. Q. Ma, H. F. Yu, Z. Y. Bi & L. S. Ma
Opt. Lett., 41, 4368 (2016).
4. Study on the sensitivity of optical cavity length to light power fluctuation.
W. Qi, Y. Y. Jiang, X. Y. Li, L. Jin, Z. Y. Bi & L. S. Ma
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Sci. Rep., 6, 24969 (2016).
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S. Fang, Y. Y. Jiang, H. Q. Chen, Y. Yao, Z. Y. Bi & L. S. Ma
Chin. Phys. B, 24, 074202 (2015).
3. Optical coherence transfer over 50-km spooled fiber with frequency instability of 2e-17 at 1 s.
C. Q. Ma, L. F. Wu, Y. Y. Jiang, H. F. Yu, Z. Y. Bi & L. S. Ma
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4. Thermal analysis of optical reference cavities for low sensitivity to environmental temperature fluctuations.
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J. Opt. Soc. Am B, 30, 1546 (2013).
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