- 中文名:蔣書文
- 畢業院校:四川大學獲博士學位
- 職業:教師
- 性別:男
- 職稱:教授
在Appl. Phys. Lett.、Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.、Ferroelectrics、J. Cryst. Growth、Appl. Surf. Sci.、J. Vacu. Sci. & Tech.、Thin Solid Films、《摩擦學學報》等國內外刊物上發表論文30餘篇,他引60餘次。獲得四川省科技進步獎二等獎一次,申請國家發明專利4項。從事四川省精品課程《半導體物理》及《混合積體電路》的教學工作,曾獲電子科技大學教學成果“半導體物理課程建設”一等獎一項。
(1)Libin Gao, Shuwen Jiang, Yong Xiao, Ruguan Li, and Yanrong Li. Study of dielectric loss mechanisms in Bi1.5MgNb1.5O7 thin film varactors. J. Appl. Phys. 114(2013)014104
(2)Ruguan Li, Shuwen Jiang, Libin Gao, and Yanrong Li. Thickness-ratio-dependent dielectric properties of Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 bilayered thin films. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 178(2013)911-916.
(3)R. Li, S. Jiang, L. Gao, Y. Li. A distributed phase shifter using Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 30(2013)078503.
(4)Libin Gao, Shuwen Jiang , Ruguan Li, Bin Li, Yanrong Li. Structure and dielectric properties of sputtered bismuth magnesium niobate thin films. Thin Solid Films, 520(2012)6295–6298.
(5)Gao Libin, Jiang Shuwen, Li Yanrong. Effects of growth conditions on structure and dielectric properties of bismuth-magnesium niobate thin films. Physics Procedia, 32(2012)340–344.
(6)Ruguan Li, Shuwen Jiang, Libin Gao, and Yanrong Li. Enhanced leakage current performance and conduction mechanisms of Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 bilayered thin films. J. Appl. Phys., 112(2012)074113.
(7)Yang Tian-Ying, Jiang Shu-Wen, Li Ru-Guan, and Jiang Bin. Tunable Ba0:5Sr0:5TiO3 film bulk acoustic resonators using SiO2/Mo Bragg reflectors. Chin. Phys. B, 21(2012)106801.
(8)R. G. Li , S. W. Jiang, Y. R. Li,and B. Jiang. Parallel Plate Varactors Employing Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Bilayered Thin Films. Ferroelectrics, 2010, 407:39-44
(9)Ruguan Li, Shuwen Jiang, Libin Gao, Luyu Wang, and Yanrong Li. Tunable Capacitors Employing BZN/BST Thin Films for RF Applications. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control, 2011, 58(6):1140-1144
(10)Shuwen Jiang and Yanrong Li. Effect of Zinc Content on Dielectric Properties of Cubic Pyrochlore Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5 Thin Films. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2009, 48(12):121402.
(11)S. W. Jiang, Y. R. Li, R. G. Li, L. F. Tan, N. D. Xiong. Structure and Dielectric Properties of Bi1.5MgNb1.5O7 Thin Films Sputtered on Pt-Coated Sapphire Substrates.Ferroelectrics, 2009,387:154-160.
(12)S. W. Jiang, Y. R. Li, R. G. Li, N. D. Xiong, L. F. Tan, X. Z. Liu, and B. W. Tao. Dielectric properties and tunability of cubic pyrochlore Bi1.5MgNb1.5O7thin films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94:162908.
(13)Niandeng Xiong, Shuwen Jiang, Yanrong Li, Lefan Tan, and Ruguan Li, Dielectric properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/SiN bilayered thin films grown on Pt-coated sapphire substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93:232905(2008).
(14)Zhang, Q.Y., Jiang, S.W., Li, Y.R., Structural characteristics of(Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films by rapid thermal annealing. Surface Review and Letters, 14:141-145, 2007.
(15)S.W. Jiang, Q.Y. Zhang, W. Huang, B. Jiang, Y. Zhang and Y.R. Li. Texture control of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films with different post-annealing processes.Applied Surface Science,2006,252(24):8756-8759.
(16)S. W. Jiang, B. Jiang, X. Z. Liu, Y. R. Li. Laser deposition and dielectric properties of cubic pyrochlore bismuth zinc niobate thin films. J. Vacu. Sci. Tech. A, 2006, 24(2): 261-263.
(17)W. Huang, S. W.Jiang, Y. R.Li, J.Zhu, Y.Zhang, X. H.Wei, H. Z.Zeng,Crystallization behavior and domain structure in textured Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin films by different annealing processes,2006,Thin Solid Films,500(1-2),138-143.
(18)Q. Y. Zhang, S. W. Jiang, and Y. R. Li. Molecular dynamics simulation of amorphous SrTiO3[J].Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, 2006,13:213-219
(19)S. W. Jiang, Q. Y. Zhang, Y. R. Li, Y. Zhang, X. F. Sun, B. Jiang. Structural characteristics of SrTiO3 thin films processed by rapid thermal annealing. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005,274(3-4):500-505.
(20)Y.R. Li, S.W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, X.W. Deng, X.H. Wei. Surface diffusion during layer growth of SrTiO3 films with pulsed laser molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005, 278(1-4):629-632
(21)Y.R. Li, Z. Liang, Y. Zhang, S.W. Jiang, Growth modes transition induced by strain relaxation in epitaxial MgO thin films on SrTiO3(001)substrates. Thin Solid Films, 2005. 489(1-2): p. 245-250.
(22)Shu-wen Jiang, Bin Jiang, Yan Li, Yan-rong Li,Guang-fu Yin, Chang-qiong Zheng. Friction and wear study of diamond-like carbon gradient coatings on Ti6Al4V substrate prepared by plasma source ion implant-ion beam enhanced deposition. Applied Surface Science, 2004,236(1-4):285-291.
(23)宋 陽,周 勇,蔣書文. 濺射氣壓對Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3薄膜變容管漏電特性影響研究. 電子元件與材料,2013,32(11):43-46
(24)許程源; 肖 勇; 張光強; 蔣書文;Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3薄膜電容的尺寸效應研究. 電子元件與材料,2013,32(2):29-32.
(25)李汝冠; 高莉彬; 蔣書文;Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3複合薄膜介電性能的頻率特性研究. 電子元件與材料,2013,32(6):26-30.
(26)肖勇; 許程源; 張光強; 蔣書文;Bi1.5Mg1.0Nb1.5O7薄膜的介電損耗機理研究. 電子元件與材料,2012,31(10):19-24.
張光強; 肖勇; 許程源; 陳湘亮; 蔣書文.基於BST可變電容的電調微帶天線研究. 電子元件與材料,2012,31(10):28-30.
(27)黎彬,趙華,楊天應.濺射氣壓對Bi1.5Mg1.0Nb1.5O7薄膜薄膜結構及介電性能的影響.電子元件與材料, 2011,30:12-15
(28)王元, 蔣書文, 陳湘亮. Al2O3陶瓷基片上Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3薄膜可調介電性能的研究.功能材料,2011,增刊II(42):223-229
趙華,蔣書文,黎彬, 李言榮. BST鐵電電容研製及電調濾波器的設計. 電子科技大學學報, 2011,40(增刊),26-27
(29)楊天應,蔣書文,趙華,黎彬,姜斌,李言榮. BST薄膜可調FBAR器件的建模與仿真. 電子科技大學學報, 2011,40(增刊),74-77
(30)高莉彬, 李汝冠, 蔣書文, 李言榮.鉍基焦綠石薄膜的濕法刻蝕方法研究.微納電子技術,2010,47(8):499-502
(31)陳湘亮, 蔣書文, 姜斌,王元. 基於鈦酸鍶鋇變容管的可調匹配網路.電子元件與材料,2010,29(12):34-36
(32)蔣書文,李汝冠,王魯豫,劉興釗,李言榮. 介電可調薄膜材料及壓控微波器件研究.電子科技大學學報(自然科學版),2009, 38(5),609-617.
(33)熊年登,蔣書文,李言榮. Pt/Ti/Al2O3襯底上低損耗Mn2+摻雜Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3薄膜製備研究.壓電與聲光(增刊)2008,30(180):193-195.
(35)姜斌, 齊增亮,耿永濤,蔣書文,李言榮.PbTiO_3鐵電薄膜晶化工藝研究.功能材料,2007,38(3),354.
(36)張凱, 蔣書文,程鵬,張鷹,齊增亮.Cd摻雜BZCN薄膜的製備及其介電性能.電子元件與材料,2007,26(3),33..