2003年6月在北京航空航天大學獲飛行器設計與工程學士學位。2006年4月在北京航空航天大學飛機系獲流體力學碩士。2013年1月在北京航空航天大學流體所獲流體力學博士學位,師從李椿萱院士。現在北京航空航天大學國家計算流體力學實驗室從事教學科研工作。在航空航天領域國際頂級期刊Progress in Aerospace Sciences (IF: 9.6)、AIAA Journal (IF: 2.5),數學物理領域國際頂級期刊Computer Physics Communications (IF: 6.3),熱力學領域國際著名期刊Applied Thermal Engineering (IF: 6.4),土木工程領域國際頂級期刊Building and Environment (IF: 7.4)等發表SCI論文50餘篇,授權國家發明專利60餘項,授權PCT國際專利1項,登記軟體著作權3項。
[1] ChongwenJiang*,Tianyixing Han, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. A review of impinging jets during rocket launching [J]. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2019, 109: 100547.SCI, (JCR Q1, 1/34, 工程, 航空航天, IF: 8.934)
[2] HongyuanLin,ChongwenJiang,Shuyao Hu*,Zhenxun Gao、Chunhian Lee.Disturbance region update method with preconditioning for steady compressible and incompressible flows [J]. Computer Physics Communication,2022, 285: 108635.SCI, (JCR Q1, 2/56, 物理,數學, IF: 4.717)
[3] Shuyao Hu, Chongwen Jiang*, Zhenxun Gao,Chunhian Lee. Spatial parallel Disturbance Region Update Method with OpenMP for steady compressible flows[J]. Computer Physics Communication, 2022, 276: 108359. SCI, (JCR Q1, 2/56, 物理,數學, IF: 4.717)
[4] Shuyao Hu, Chongwen Jiang*, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. Zonal disturbance region update method for steady compressible viscous flows [J]. Computer Physics Communications, 2019, 244: 97-116.SCI, (JCR Q1,2/56, 物理,數學, IF: 4.717)
[5] Shuyao Hu, Chongwen Jiang*, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. Disturbance region update method for steady compressible flows [J]. Computer Physics Communications, 2018, 229: 68-86. SCI, (JCR Q1, 2/56, 物理,數學, IF: 4.717)
[6] Zhihao Li*,Chongwen Jiang, Shuyao Hu,Chunhian Lee,Siyuan Pi.Leading-Edge Cone Method for Waverider Design[J]. AIAA Journal, 2023, 61(6):2331-2346.SCI,(JCR Q2, 9/34, 工程,航空航天, IF:2.624)
[7] Chongwen Jiang, Tianyixing Han, Shuyao Hu*, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. Theoretical prediction for the Mach disk height in two-dimensional supersonic underexpanded jets [J]. AIAA Journal, 2022, 60(4): 2115-2129. SCI, (JCR Q2, 9/34, 工程, 航空航天, IF:2.624)
[8] Shuyao Hu*, Chongwen Jiang, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. Combined-wedge waverider for airframe–propulsion integration [J]. AIAA Journal, 2018, 56(8): 1-5.SCI,(JCR Q2, 9/34, 工程,航空航天, IF:2.624)
[9] Chongwen Jiang*, Shuyao Hu, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee, Haichao Xue. Mach line cutting of compression surfaces for two-dimensional planar inlets [J]. AIAA Journal, 2017, 55(9): 1-8.SCI,(JCRQ2, 9/34, 工程,航空航天, IF:2.624)
[10] Zhen Wang*, Chongwen Jiang, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. Prediction for the separation length of two-dimensional sonic injection with high-speed crossflow [J]. AIAA Journal, 2017, 55(3): 1-16.SCI, (JCRQ2, 9/34, 工程,航空航天, IF:2.624)
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