- 中文名:蔣宗林
- 出生地:四川省達縣
- 出生日期:1963年9月
- 職業:西華師範大學化學化工學院副教授
主要承擔有機化學、有機化學選論、波譜分析等本科生、研究生課程的教學與科研。近年來,在Tetrahedron, Synth. Commun., 高等學校化學學報, Chin. J. Chem., Chin. Chem. Lett., Acta Cryst.等國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文30餘篇。主持橫向科研項目1項,參研國家自然科學基金項目3項、四川省教育廳科研項目1項。![蔣宗林 蔣宗林](/img/d/330/cGcq5SO5Q2YwUTOlNWZiR2MhNWNwADOhhzN0Q2LtVGdp9yYpB3LltWahJ2Lt92YuUHZpFmYuMmczdWbp9yL6MHc0RHa.jpg)
![蔣宗林 蔣宗林](/img/d/330/cGcq5SO5Q2YwUTOlNWZiR2MhNWNwADOhhzN0Q2LtVGdp9yYpB3LltWahJ2Lt92YuUHZpFmYuMmczdWbp9yL6MHc0RHa.jpg)
1. Synthesis of Imidazole Cyclophane as Ligand of Binuclear Mathalprotein Models, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1997, vol.8(5), 393.
2. A New Synthesis of 1- (ω – Haloalkyl)Imidazoles, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1998, vol.9(6), 519.
3. Synthesis of Novel Squarlium Cyclophanes, Synth. Commun. 1998, vol.28(1), 119.
4. A Convenient and Effective Synthesis of Tris-Bridged Tricationic Azolophanes, Synth. Commun., 2000, 30 (24), 4555.
5. A New Tribridged Imidazolium Cyclophanes, Acta. Cryst. , Section C, 2000, 56 (1), 34.
6. 洞狀咪唑鎓環番的合成與晶體結構,高等學校化學學報,2001,22 (3), 412.
7. New Host Molecules with Imidazolium as Function Arms: Synthesis and Anion Recognition, Chin. J. Chem., 2002, 20, 447.
8. Synthesis and Selective Anion Recognition of Imidazolium Cyclophanes, Tetrahedron, 2002, 58(44), 8933.
9. 咪唑衍生物的一鍋法選擇性合成,高等學校化學學報,2003,24 (1), 64.
10. An Effective Methodology to Novel Larger Imidazolium Cyclophanes, Lett. Org. Chem., 2005, 2(4): 407-409