


  • 中文名:蔡震雷
  • 畢業院校:北京科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:稀有金屬資源的綠色高效提取回收理論與工藝
  • 任職院校:武漢科技大學資源與環境工程學院


Response surface optimization of reductive leaching manganese from low-grade pyrolusite using biogas residual as reductant Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 國外 SCI 2015, 36(1) 1
Co-recovery of manganese from low-grade pyrolusite and vanadium from stone coal using fluidized roasting coupling technology Hydrometallurgy 國外 SCI 2013, 131-132 1
Selective separation and extraction of vanadium (V) over manganese (II) from co-leaching solution of roasted stone coal and pyrolusite using solvent extraction JOM 國外 SCI 2013, 65(11) 1
Optimization of fluidized roasting reduction of low-grade pyrolusite using biogas residual as reductant JOM 國外 SCI 2012, 64(11) 1
Response surface optimization of fluidized roasting reduction of low-grade pyrolusite coupling with pretreatment of stone coal Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy 國外 SCI 2013, 49(1)B 2(導師一作)
Mechanisms of Vanadium Recovery from Stone Coal by Novel BaCO3/CaO Composite Additive Roasting and Acid Leaching Technology Minerals 國外 SCI 2016,6,26 1
Vanadium extraction from refractory stone coal using novel composite additive JOM 國外 SCI 2015, 67(11) 1
Selective Separation and Extraction of Vanadium (IV) and Manganese (II) from Co-leaching Solution of Roasted Stone Coal and Pyrolusite via Solvent Extraction Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 國外 SCI 2013, 52(38) 1
Kinetics of fluidized roasting reduction of low-grade pyrolusite coupling with pretreatment of stone coal International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 國內 SCI 2013, 20(3) 2(導師一作)
循環流態化焙燒—加壓浸出從極難浸石煤中提取釩 中國有色金屬學報 國內 EI 2012, 22(7) 2(導師一作)
高碳極難浸石煤流態化焙燒料加壓酸浸提釩動力學 礦冶工程 國內 2014, 8 1
包鋼選礦廠強磁選粗精礦磁化焙燒—弱磁選尾礦回收稀土的選礦工藝研究 金屬礦山 國內 2009, (7) 1


固態離子鹼熔融釩雲母選擇性崩解及介觀反應行為機制研究(51604197) 國家自然科學基金項目 2017年01月至2019年12月 20.00 主持


