



  • 中文名:蔡蘇
  • 畢業院校:北京航空航天大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:三維虛擬學習環境、先進網路教學平台
  • 職務:副教授
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學教育學部








“京師益喑——國家通用手語AR學習平台搭建者”獲2020年第六屆中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽(北京賽區)一等獎,優秀指導教師 。


2021-2022, 主持國家新聞出版署出版融合發展重點實驗室開放課題重點項目“課堂探究式AR互動教學案例設計與套用研究(BSDRHK2020-02)”
2020-2023, 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“智慧型增強現實學習環境中多通道信息融合計算及評測研究 (61977007)”
2017-2019, 主持國家自然科學基金青年項目“虛實融合學習環境中自然互動建模技術研究(61602043)”
2019-2020, 主持北京市2019年度虛擬仿真實驗教學項目 “未來教師虛擬仿真設計能力培養實驗教學項目”,並推薦國家級虛擬仿真實驗教學項目(虛擬仿真教學金課)
2016-2019, 主持北京市教育科學“十三五”規劃青年專項課題“增強現實遊戲在自閉症兒童生活技能習得的套用及影響研究(CCHA16120)”
2013-2015, 主持北京高等學校青年英才計畫項目“基於增強現實的互動式學習環境研究及套用(YETP0230)”
2012-2013, 主持北京市自然科學基金“增強現實學習環境關鍵技術及套用研究(4123099)”


1. Cai, S., Liu, C.H., Wang, T., Liu, E.R., Liang, J-C. (2021). Effects of Learning Physics Using Augmented Reality on Students’ Self-efficacy and Conceptions of Learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(1), 235-251. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.13020 (SSCI)
2. Cai, S., Liu, E.R., Shen, Y., Liu, C.H., Li, S.H. & Shen, Y.H. (2020). Probability learning in mathematics using augmented reality: impact on student’s learning gains and attitudes. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(5), 560-573. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1696839 (SSCI)
3. Hu, X.Y., Lee, G.T., Tsai Y.T., Yang, Y., Cai, S*. (2020). Comparing Computer-Assisted and Teacher-Implemented Visual Matching Instruction for Children with ASD and/or Other DD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 50(7), 2540-2555. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-019-03978-2 (SSCI)
4. Cai, S., Liu, E.R., Yang, Y., Liang, J-C. (2019). Tablet-based AR technology: Impacts on students’ conceptions and approaches to learning mathematics according to their self-efficacy. British Journal of Educational Technology. 50(1), 248-263. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12718 (SSCI)
5. Yang, Y., Liu, E.R., He, S.N., & Cai, S. (2019). A Contextual Learning Approach Based on Augmented Reality to Improve Students’ Scientific Literacy. Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication. 1(1):19-30. DOI: 10.34097/jeicom_1_1_2
6. Liu, E.R., Li, Y.T., Cai, S., Li, X.W. (2019). The Effect of Augmented Reality in Solid Geometry Class on Students’ Learning Performance and Attitudes. In: Auer M., Langmann R. (eds) Smart Industry & Smart Education. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 47. Springer, Cham. 549-558. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95678-7_61
7. Wu, Q., Wang, P.W., Liu, E.R., Fan, Y.Q., Duan, D.L., Wang, Z.W., & Cai, S. (2018). Design and Implementation of Learning Management Platform for Aviation Flight Training Based on SCORM/AICC Standard—A Case Study of K Airline Company Flight Training Learning Platform. Advanced Science Letters, 24(7), 5194-5198. DOI: 10.1166/asl.2018.11700
8. Cai, S., Zhu, G.X., Wu, Y-T., Liu, E.R., Hu, X.Y. (2018). A Case Study of Gesture-Based Games in Enhancing the Fine Motor Skills and Recognition of Children with Autism. Interactive Learning Environments. 26(8), 1039-1052. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2018.1437048 (SSCI)
9.Wang T., Zhang H., Xue X., Cai S. (2018) Augmented Reality-Based Interactive Simulation Application in Double-Slit Experiment. In: Auer M., Zutin D. (eds) Online Engineering & Internet of Things. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 22. Springer, Cham. 701-707. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-64352-6_66
10.蔡蘇,李毓檀,趙茜,聶猛. 增強現實技術探秘微觀細胞——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之十一[J]. 中國小信息技術教育, 2018(12):66-68.
11.蔡蘇,孫健,金鵬,李江旭. 數學相遇問題的虛實情境構建——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之十[J]. 中國小信息技術教育, 2018(11):67-69.
12.李昊霖, 鄭鋒士, 蔡蘇. 虛擬現實技術探究“三體運動”——虛擬現實在高中物理萬有引力定律學習中的套用[J]. 中國小信息技術教育, 2018(10): 74-76.
13.蔡蘇, 牛曉傑, 徐雪迎, 程露, 柳昌灝. 互動式AR單縫衍射實驗——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之九 [J]. 中國小信息技術教育, 2018(9): 68-70.
14.蔡蘇, 楊陽, 常珺婷, 朱高俠. 自然互動環境訓練自閉症兒童動作和認知能力——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之八[J]. 中國小信息技術教育, 2018(Z2): 150-152.
15.蔡蘇, 劉恩睿, 張鵬. 操作看得見的“場”——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之七[J]. 中國小信息技術教育, 2018(6): 72-74.
16.蔡蘇, 王濤, 徐珺岩. 增強現實一鑒開 雙縫光影共徘徊——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之六 [J]. 中國小信息技術教育, 2018(5): 65-67.
17.蔡蘇, 楊陽, 何思凝. 透過虛擬看成像——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之五[J]. 中國小信息技術教育. 2018(4):74-77.
18.蔡蘇, 吳超, 王沛文. 基於情境感知的校園導覽系統——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之四[J]. 中國小信息技術教育. 2018(2-3):118-120.
19.蔡蘇, 王濤, 蔡瑞衡. 增強現實技術探究化學微觀世界——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之三[J]. 中國小信息技術教育. 2018(2-3):115-117.
20.蔡蘇, 耿一敬, 何俊傑. 構建互動式臨場感語言學習環境——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之二[J]. 中國小信息技術教育. 2018(1):74-76. ISSN:1671-7384
21.蔡蘇, 劉恩睿, 吳超, 王宇華. 創造虛實結合的數學世界——增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的實證案例之一[J]. 中國小信息技術教育. 2017, 12:66-68
22.蔡蘇, 薛曉茹, 張晗. 增強現實(AR)在K-12教育的套用實踐[J]. 中國小信息技術教育. 2017, 11:71-75
23.蔡蘇,張晗. VR/AR教育套用案例及發展趨勢[J]. 數字教育,2017,3(03):1-10.
24.蔡蘇, 張晗, 薛曉茹, 王濤, 王沛文, 張澤. 增強現實(AR)在教學中的套用案例評述[J]. 中國電化教育, 2017, (3):1-9
25.蔡蘇,王沛文,楊陽,劉恩睿. 增強現實(AR)技術的教育套用綜述[J]. 遠程教育雜誌, 2016,05:27-40.
26.蔡蘇,王沛文. 美國STEM教育中社會組織的作用及對我國的啟示[J]. 中國電化教育, 2016,10:74-78.
27.Cai, S., Chiang, F.-K., Sun, Y., Lin, C., & Lee, J. J. (2017). Applications of Augmented Reality-based Natural Interactive Learning in Magnetic Field Instruction. Interactive Learning Environments. 25(6), 778-791. 10.1080/10494820.2016.1181094 (SSCI).
28.Chiang, F. K., Zhu, G., Wang, Q., Cui, Z., Cai, S., & Yu, S. (2016). Research and trends in mobile learning from 1976 to 2013: A content analysis of patents in selected databases. British Journal of Educational Technology. 47(6), 1006-1019. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12311 (SSCI).
29.朱高俠, 王琦, 江豐光, 蔡蘇, & 余勝泉. (2014). 國內外移動學習領域專利之內容分析. 現代遠距離教育(06), 21-31.
30.Cai S., Wang X., & Chiang F.K. (2014). A Case Study of Augmented Reality Simulation System Application in a Chemistry Course. Computers in Human Behavior. 37(8), 31-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.04.018 (SSCI)
31.Cai, S., Chiang, F.-K., & Wang, X. (2013). Using the augmented reality 3D technique for a convex imaging experiment in a physics course. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(4), 856-865. (SCI)
32.丁傑, 蔡蘇, 江豐光, 余勝泉. 科學、技術、工程與數學教育創新與跨學科研究[J]. 開放教育研究. 2013(19):2:41-48.
33.蔡蘇, 宋倩, 唐瑤. 增強現實學習環境的架構與實踐[J]. 中國電化教育. 2011(8):114-119
34.Zhao, X. and Cai, S(Corresponding author). (2011) ’Many to one’ mode of CSCL and further discussion, Int. J. Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.42–54.
35.Cai Su, Shen Xukun. Octree-based Robust Watermarking for 3D Model[J]. Journal of Multimedia, Vol 6, No 1 (2011), 83-90, Feb 2011
36.蔡蘇, 余勝泉. 從Sloodle看三維虛擬學習環境的發展趨勢[J]. 開放教育研究. 2010:16(2):98-104.
37.蔡蘇, 黃榮懷. 服務是數字校園新的需求[J]. 中國小信息技術教育. 2009(11):59-60.
38.Qi Y, Yang S, Cai S, et al. A method of 3D modeling and codec[J]. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES F-INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2009, 52(5): 758–769, doi: 10.1007/s11432-009-0090-0 (SCI)
39.齊越, 蔡蘇. 中國數字科技館——航空館[J]. 計算機教育. 2008(23):4-9.


40.Liu, Z.F., Jiao, X.Y., Cai, S. (2021). Effects of Augmented Reality on Students' Online Physics Learning. AERA Annual Meeting.
41.Jiao X.Y., Liu Z.F., Cai S. (2020). The Influence of Augmented Reality Embedding Cognitive Scaffolds on Elementary Students’ Scientific Learning. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. 360-369. Nomination for Best Overall Paper Award. https://apsce.net/icce/icce2020/index.html@p=1649.html
42.Liu C.H., Wu S., Wu S.M., Cai S. (2020). An AR-Based Case Study of Using Textual and Collaborative Scaffolding for Students with Different Self-Efficacy to Learn Lever Principle. 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), San Luis Obispo, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 9-15, DOI: 10.23919/iLRN47897.2020.9155197.
43.Zhang P., Li J.X., Chang J.T., Li S., Cai S. (2020). A Comparative Study of the Influence of Interactive AR-based Experiential Teaching on Cognitive Ability in a Chemical Electrolytic Cell Course. 6th International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET 2020). Bangkok, Thailand, 2020, pp.88-92, DOI: 10.1109/ISET49818.2020.00028
44.Wu, S.M., Liu, C.H., Shi, H.Y., Cai, S. (2019). Using Augmented Reality Technology to Learn Cube Expansion Diagram in Spatial Geometry of Elementary Mathematics. 2019 International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 453-458. DOI: 10.1109/TALE48000.2019.9225978
45.Xu, J.Y., He, S.N., Jiang, H.Z., Yang, Y. & Cai, S. (2019). Design and Implementation of an English Lesson Based on Handwriting Recognition and Augmented Reality in Primary School. International Conference e-Learning. Porto, Portugal. 171-178.
46.Yang, Y., Wu S.M., Wang D.T., Huang Y.H. & Cai, S. (2019). Effects of Learning Activities Based on Augmented Reality on Students’ Understanding and Expression in an English Class. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. 685-690.
47.Liu, E.R., Liu, C.H. & Cai S. (2018) The Hotspots and Trends on Augmented Reality Studies in Education: Based on CiteSpace. In Nishimori, T., Li, Z., Liu, J. C., Liu, L., Zhang, H. & Yin, C. (Eds.), International Joint Conference on Information, Media and Engineering. Oasaka, Japan. (pp. 282-287). DOI: 10.1109/ICIME.2018.00066
48.Liu, E.R., Liu, C.H., Yang, Y., Guo, S.S. & Cai, S. (2018) Design and Implementation of an Augmented Reality Application with an English Learning Lesson. In Nikolic, S. & Lee, M. J. W. (Eds.), 2018 International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering. Wollongong, NSW, Australia. (pp. 494-499). DOI: 10.1109/TALE.2018.8615384
49.Niu, X.J., Xu, X.Y., Cheng, L. & Cai, S. (2018). A Comparative Study on Achievement Degree of Teaching Objectives based on an Interactive AR Physical-Simulation Experimental Procedure. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education. Philippines: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. 434-439.
50.Sun J., Li H., Liu Z.H., Cai S., Li X.W. (2017). An Empirical Case on Integration of Immersive Virtual Environment into Primary School Science Class. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education. New Zealand: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. 566-575. Nomination for Best Technical Design Paper Award. https://apsce.net/icce/icce2017/
51.Wang T., Jia S., Dai J.R., Lu M.L., Xue X.R., Cai S., Chiang F.K. (2017). A Case Study of Evaluation of Learners’Acceptance of AR_H2O2 System. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education. New Zealand: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. 558-565
52.Wang T, Zhang H., Xue X.R., Cai S. (2017). Augmented Reality-based interactive simulation application in double-slit interferometer experiment. 14th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation.(257-263). 15-17 March 2017, New York, USA: Springer.
53.Li S.H., Shen Y.H., Wang P.W., Liu E.R., Cai S. (2016). A case study of teaching probability using augmented reality in secondary school. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education. (pp.340-344). India: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
54.Kan Y.Y., Cai S., Xie Z.R. (2015). Application and Practice of Maker Teaching Method Joint with Task-driven Method in Interactive Media Technology Courses. In The 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (pp.725-732). Taiwan.
55.Zhu G.X., Cai S., Ma Y.Y., Liu E.R. (2015). A series of Leap Motion-based Matching Games for Enhancing the Fine Motor Skills of Children with Autism. IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. (430-431). Taiwan.
56.Wang P.W., Ouyang S.X., Zhang X., Zu R.J., Cai S. (2014). A Study on Campus Cultural Learning and Navigation System Using Mobile Augmented Reality and Location Based Services. Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp.2011-2016). New Orleans, USA.
57.Zhu G.X., Cai S.*, & Kan Y.Y. (2014). Color-Ball: A Gesture-Based Vocabulary Game to Promote Children’s Study. In 3rd International STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Education Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
58.Shi P.F., Cai S.*, Yuan Q.Q., & Wang P.W. (2014). Campus Service Application based on Augmented Reality and Location Awareness. In 3rd International STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Education Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
59.He J.J., Ren J. L., Zhu G.X., Cai S.*, Chen G. (2014). Mobile-Based AR Application Helps to Promote EFL Children’s Vocabulary Study. The 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT2014 (pp.431-433). Athens, Greece.
60.王琦, 朱高俠, 崔振鋒, 江豐光, 蔡蘇. (2014). 基於AR的凸透鏡成像對中學生學習效果影響之個案研究. 第十八屆全球華人計算機套用大會. 上海. 111-118
61.Pei, L. S., Cai, S., & Shi, P. F. (2013). Mobile Campus Touring System based on AR and GPS: a Case Study of Campus Cultural Activity. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 518-526). Indonesia. Nominees of Best Paper Awards http://www.apsce.net/icce/icce2013/best-paper-awards/
62.Wang, X., Cai, S. (Corresponding author), & Chiang, F.-K. (2013). Using Inquiry-based Augmented Reality Tool to Explore Chemistry Micro Worlds. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 151-156). Indonesia.
63.Sun, Y. C., Lin, C. L., Li, Q. H., Cai, S., & Chiang, F.-K. (2013). "TESTINGRESISTANCE" Experiment Courseware based on FlashAR. In 11th International Conference for Media in Education (pp. 81). Japan.
64.Zheng, J., Cai, S. & Chiang, F.K. (2013). Project-based Learning and Problem-based Learning in the Multimedia Design Course for Improving Critical Thinking Performance. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1020-1024). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
65.Cai Su, Chiang Fengkuang, Wang Xu. Using the Augmented Reality for Convex Imaging Experiment. 2nd International STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Education Conference. 2012. pp265-272 (Best Paper Award, selected to journals)
66.Wang Junguo, Cai Su. An Explore Study on the Application of Somatosensory Technique to Virtual Experiment. 2nd International STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Education Conference. 2012. pp340-343
67.Cai Su, Wang Xu, Gao Mengnan, Yu Shengquan. Simulation Teaching in 3D Augmented Reality Environment. IIAI International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments. Fukuoka, Japan. IEEE computer society. 2012. pp83-88
68.蔡蘇, 宋倩, 吳娟, 孫羽辰. 虛實融合學習環境及案例. 第十六屆全球華人計算機套用大會. 台灣. 2012. pp361-364
69.Cai Su, Song Qian. AR-based Remote Video Learning System. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile& Ubiquitous Technologies in Education(WMUTE2012). Kagawa, Japan. 2012. pp322-324.
70.Cai Su, Yao Yuechun. i3DVLE: A Case for 3D Virtual Learning Environment. The 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2011). IEEE computer society. 2011. pp.616-620.
71.Cai Su, Liu Qiang, Li Luyi. A Case for Web-based Interactive 3D Game Using Motion Capture Data. Edutainment 2010, LNCS 6249, Springer. pp. 541–549.
72.Cai Su, Shen Xukun. OTP-W: Octree Partition-based 3D Mesh Watermarking. The 2nd International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS 2010). IEEE computer society. 2010. pp.19-22.
73.趙興龍, 蔡蘇. 計算機支持的體驗式協作學習在高校課堂教學中的套用. 第十四屆全球華人計算機教育套用大會, 新加坡. 2010. (優秀論文).
74.劉媛, 蔡蘇, 余勝泉. 網路教學平台的公式編輯器設計. 第十四屆全球華人計算機教育套用大會, 新加坡. 2010.
75.Cai Su, Yu Shengquan. Post-Forecast OT: A Novel Method of 3D Model Compression. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE2009). IEEE computer society. 2009 pp1-4.


1. Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Glahn, C. & Cai, S. (2019). Seamless Learning Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3071-1
2. Cai S. (2018) Case Studies of Augmented Reality Applications for Authentic Learning. In: Chang TW., Huang R., Kinshuk (eds) Authentic Learning Through Advances in Technologies. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore. 115-134. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5930-8_8
3. 蔡蘇. 三維網際網路開發與套用. 高等教育出版社. ISBN: 978-7-04-035137-8. 2013年3月


1. 蔡蘇, 王濤, 楊陽, 劉恩睿, 柳昌灝. 一種光電效應實驗的虛實結合展示系統及方法. 國家發明專利,申請號201810693843.2
2. 蔡蘇, 楊陽, 王濤, 胡曉毅, 任媛. 一種運用精細手勢識別裝置輔助自閉症兒童配對訓練的系統及方法. 發明專利號ZL201710265310.X. 授權日2020.10.30. 證書號第4064394
3. 蔡蘇, 余勝泉, 林成龍. 一種磁場可視化及互動方法. 專利號ZL201410027617.2. 授權日2016.1.4,證書號第2329644號
4. 余勝泉, 蔡蘇, 王琦. 一種社會化的作業批閱記錄系統及方法. 專利號ZL 201410226210.2, 授權日2016.6.1
5. 余勝泉, 汪曉鳳, 萬海鵬, 蔡蘇. 一種融合電子備課系統及方法. 專利號ZL 201410448646.6, 授權日2016.6.3
6. 蔡蘇, 余勝泉, 高夢楠, 王偉, 吳娟. 一種凸透鏡成像虛擬實驗製作方法. 專利號ZL201110385549.3, 授權日2013.9.25, 證書號第1279963號
7. 蔡蘇, 余勝泉. 一種基於Quardtree的三維模型紋理壓縮編解碼方法. 專利號ZL200810240404.2, 授權日2011.01.19, 證書號第729007號
8. 趙沁平, 齊越, 沈旭昆, 蔡蘇. 一種基於Octree的三維模型壓縮編/解碼方法. 專利號200610114098.9, 授權日2010.05.12, 證書號第616152號


