



  • 中文名:蔡洪能
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:西安交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師


(1)金屬材料加工(焊接), (2)高性能複合材料強度理論, (3)熱障塗層力學性能


(1) 1986年8月留校西安交通大學機械工程學院焊接研究所(現歸屬材料科學與工程學院)工作;
(2) 1999年2月到1999年4月國家公派留學新加坡南洋理工大學交換訪問學者;
(3) 2000年10月到2001年9月國家公派留學烏克蘭國立科技大學和巴東焊接研究所訪問學者;
(4) 2002年6月到2004年3月,及2006年10月到2008年9月期間兩次在日本金澤工業大學做合作研究


(1) 國際合作項目,主持,粘接複合材料修復的鋼結構疲勞試驗,2008-2009
(2) 國際合作項目, 主持,碳纖維增強複合材料層合板長期疲勞壽命加速試驗,2009-2010
(3) 國際合作項目,主持,碳纖維增強複合材料層合板長期疲勞壽命加速試驗可靠性,2010-2011
(4) 企業項目,主持,高溫氣冷堆壓力容器熱處理工藝最佳化及變形控制技術研究,2010-2011
(5) 企業項目,主持,壓力容器接管焊接殘餘變形和殘餘應力分析研究,2010-2011
(6) 國際合作項目,主持,碳纖維增強複合材料層合板期疲勞壽命加速試驗,2011-2012
(7) 前沿新興交叉學科類項目 (中央高校基本科研業務費項目),主持,基於失效機理的複合材料疲勞壽命宏微觀最佳化設計理論,2010年9月-2012年10月,2010-2012
(8) 國家自然科學基金,主持,碳纖維增強高分子複合材料疲勞失效與微觀演化機理(61079011),2011年1月-2013年12月
(9) 國家自然科學基金,參與,三體磨損過程的離散元模型(51075318),2011年1月-2013年12月
(10) 企業項目,主持,大直徑筒體和封頭熱處理應力應變分析,2011.6-2012.3
(11) 973項目,參加,高溫功能塗層製備科學與界面基礎研究,2012.1-2016.8


(1)W. Li, H. Cai*, C. Li, Micro-mechanics of failure for fatigue strength prediction of bolted joint structures of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, Vol. 124, No.6, No. ,pp.345-356 ,2015
(2)W. Li, H. Cai*, C. Li, K. W. Fang, Progressive Failure of Laminated Composites with a Hole under Compressive Loading Based on Micro-Mechanics, Advanced Composite Materials, 2014, 23 (5-6): 477-490
(3)W. Li, H. Cai, J. Zhen, Characterization of Strength of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Based on Micromechanics, Journal of Polymer and Polymer Composites Vol.22, No.2, pp.105-116. SCI ISI: 000333442700004
(4)W. Li, H. Cai, C. Li, Static Compressive Strength Prediction of Open-Hole Structure Based on Non-linear Shear Behavior and Micro-Mechanics, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, 2014, 18 (4): 643-662.(DOI 10.1007 / s11043 – 012 – 9206 - 9).
(5)H. Cai, M. Nakada, and Y. Miyano, Simplified Determination of Long-Term Viscoelastic Behavior of Amorphous Resin, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol.17, No.1, pp.137-14(DOI 10.1007/s11043-012-9174-0). SCI
(6)M. Nakada, Y. Miyano and, H. Cai, Prediction of long-term viscoelastic behavior of amorphous resin based on the time-temperature superposition principle, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Vol.15,No. 3, pp.309-316, 2011. SCI ISI: 000293911800006
(7)K Iwai, H. Cai, M. Nakada, and Y. Miyano, Prediction of Long-term Fatigue Strength of Quasi-isotropic CFRP Laminates With a Hole Under Compressive Loading, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol.17, No.4, pp.227-241, 2010. SCI ISI:000285817400008
(8)Y. Miyano, and M. Nakada, H. Cai, Accelerated testing methodology for long-term fatigue life prediction of polymer composites, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol.17, No.4, pp.313-319, 2010. SCI ISI:000285817400008
(9)H. Cai , Y. Miyano, and M. Nakada, Prediction of long term flexural fatigue strength of honeycomb sandwich composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.29,No.1, pp.266-277, 2010. SCI ISI:000274445300011.
(10)H. Cai, Y. Miyano, and M. Nakada, Long-term open-hole compression strength of CFRP laminates based on strain invariant failure theory, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol.22,No.1, pp.63-81, 2009. SCI ISI:000261947700005.
(11)H. Cai, Y. Miyano, and M. Nakada, and SK Ha, Long-term fatigue strength prediction of CFRP structure based on micromechanics of failure, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.42,No.8, pp.825-844 , 2008. SCI ISI:000255749900005.
(12)H. Cai, Y. Miyano, and M. Nakada,Master curves of residual creep and fatigue strengths for damaged CFRP composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.29, No.7, pp. 1009-1019, 2010 SCI ISI: 000276405200007.
(13)Y. Miyano, and M. Nakada, H. Cai, Formulation of long-term creep and fatigue strengths of polymer composites based on accelerated testing methodology, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.42, No.18, pp.1897-1919, 2008 SCI ISI:000258534000005.
(14)Y. Wang, H. Cai, Q. Zhang and H. Qu, Fuzzy control of carbon dioxide short circuit transfer welding based on reducing dependence of operating skills, China Welding, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2002, pp.46-50.
(15)H. Cai, G. Zhang, Y. Wang, Characteristics of reflected ultrasonic signal from the weld pool, Progress in Nature Science, Vol.11 Supplement, 2001, pp194-198.
(16)H. Cai, T. Shao, L. Zhou, Y. Yang, Study of fatigue properties for welded heat affected zone (HAZ) of EH36MOD steel, China Welding, Vol. 5, No.1, 1996, pp.71-80.
(17) 李望南,蔡洪能,李超,王開信.基於微觀力學失效理論的複合材料單釘螺栓連線結構拉伸行為預測[J].複合材料學報,2013,30 (增刊):240-246.
(18) 李望南,蔡洪能,鄭傑,基於宏微觀分析的碳纖維增強高分子複合材料強度性能表征,, 複合材料學報, 30(1), 2013, pp.244-251.
(19) 蔡洪能,王雅生,張占偉,楊宏偉,汽車用鋼板電阻點焊工藝參數最佳化選擇方法,材料工程, Vol.51, No.S1,2006,pp.304-306,309.
(20) 蔡洪能,陸玉姣,王雅生,並木宏德,FRP補強疲勞損傷鋼結構裂紋擴展研究,材料工程, Vol.51, No.S1,2006,pp.378-381.
(21) 蔡洪能,宮野靖,中田政之,溝谷,玻璃纖維增強樹脂基複合材料彎曲強度時間溫度相關性,複合材料學報, Vol.22 ,No.5, 2005,pp.178-183.


