



  • 中文名:蔡永春
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院研究生院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:視覺、認知、行為、神經
  • 就職院校:浙江大學


主要從事腦與認知研究,採用心理物理學、腦電、功能磁共振等研究手幾重灑碑段,探索人類視覺信息加工機制譽講酷、視覺注意與視覺意識等認知過程,受到中國博士後科學基金(一等腿敬境資助、特別資助)、國家自然科學基金、浙江省自然科學基金、中央高校基腳頁簽本科研業務費等項目的資助。研究成果發表在Journal of Vision, Experimental Brain Research, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Consciousness and Cognition等國際著名期刊之上。





Liu-Fang Zhou, Simona Buetti, Shena Lu,Yong-chun Cai* (2018).Attentional effect on contrast appearance: from enhancement to attenuation.Journal of Experimental Psychology: HumanPerception and Performance.
Yong-chun Cai,Ci Wang, Chao Song, Zhi Li* (2017). Connectedness underlies the underestimation of the horizontal vertical illusion in L-Shaped configurations.Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.79(4): 1217-1226.
Yanliang Sun,Yongchun Cai*, Shena Lu* (2015).Hemispheric asymmetry in the influence of language on visual perception.Consciousness and Cognition.
Yong-chun Cai*, Shuang-xia Li (2015). Small number preference in guiding attention.Experimental Brain Research.
Shena Lu, Wei Wang,Yongchun Cai*(2015). Temporal expectancy modulates phasic alerting in both detection and discrimination tasks.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Shuang-xia Li,Yong-chun Cai*(2014). The effect of numerical magnitude on the perceptual processing speed of a digit.Journal of Vision.
Shena Lu*,Yongchun Cai, Mowei Shen, Ying Zhou, & Shihui Han. (2012). Alerting and orienting of attention without visual awareness.Consciousness and Cognition,(Co-first author)
Yong-chun Cai*, Shena Lu, & Chaoyi Li. (2012). Interactions between surround suppression and interocular suppression in human vision.PLoS ONE, 7(5)
Yongchun Cai*,Tiangang Zhou, & Lin Chen (2008). Effects of binocular suppression on surround suppression.Journal of Vision
Yongchun Cai, Dezhong Yao* (2003) A method to calculate source potential in realistic head model and its effectiveness. 電子科技大學學報, (in Chinese)




Yongchun Cai, Ziyue Liang, Yihui He.Attention improves the perceived contrast of a uniform patch.Vision Sciences Society, Florida USA, 2017.Poster.
Liufang Zhou, Simona Buetti, Shena Lu,Yongchun Cai.Attentional Effect On Perceived Contrast: From Enhancement To Attenuation.Vision Sciences Society, Florida USA, 2017. Poster.
Liufang Zhou, Shena Lu,Yongchun Cai. Attention enhances perceived contrast by attenuating the surround suppression. The 31st International Congress of Psychology. Yokohama Japan. 2016. Talk.
Shena Lu, Shuangxia Li,Yongchun Cai. Semantic processing in the absence of visual awareness induced by interocular suppression. The 31th International congress of psychology. Yokohama Japan. 2016., Poster.
Liufang Zhou, Shena Lu,Yongchun Cai. Covert Attention Impairs Perceived Contrast at High-contrast Levels. 17th International Multisensory Research Forum, Suzhou China, 2016.Poster.
李雙俠,盧舍那,蔡永春.數字-空間聯結的空間表征和言語概念表征.浙江省心理學會第十六屆第二次學術交流大會, page 52,浙江寧波, 2015.報告。
Liufang Zhou,Yongchun Cai, Shena Lu. Attentional modulation of surround suppression. in Academic Conference of Psychology of Zhejiang Province,Ningbo, China,2015.Talk.
Yongchun Cai& Shuangxia Li. A temporal advantage for numerically small digits. Vision Sciences Society, Florida USA, 2014. Poster.
李雙俠,蔡永春.小數字的時間加工優勢.浙江省心理學會第十六屆第一次代表大會暨學術交流會, page 50,浙江台州, 2013.報告。
Shuangxia Li, Yongchun Cai& Shena Lu. Semantic priming effect during binocular suppression. APCV (第9屆亞太視覺會議), Page 34, Suzhou China, 2013.Poster.
Yongchun Cai.Influences of contextual modulation on dichoptic masking. National Academic Congress of Psychology. Xi'an China, 2011.10.15, Poster.
蔡永春,周天罡,(2006)周邊抑制可影響雙眼競爭過程中的抑制階段。生物物理學報,22. (桂林,2006.11)
Cai Yongchun,Zhou Tiangang (2005) Investigation of the asymmetry of alerting effect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Suppl. S.


Shena Lu, Wei Wang,Yongchun Cai*(2015). Temporal expectancy modulates phasic alerting in both detection and discrimination tasks.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Shuang-xia Li,Yong-chun Cai*(2014). The effect of numerical magnitude on the perceptual processing speed of a digit.Journal of Vision.
Shena Lu*,Yongchun Cai, Mowei Shen, Ying Zhou, & Shihui Han. (2012). Alerting and orienting of attention without visual awareness.Consciousness and Cognition,(Co-first author)
Yong-chun Cai*, Shena Lu, & Chaoyi Li. (2012). Interactions between surround suppression and interocular suppression in human vision.PLoS ONE, 7(5)
Yongchun Cai*,Tiangang Zhou, & Lin Chen (2008). Effects of binocular suppression on surround suppression.Journal of Vision
Yongchun Cai, Dezhong Yao* (2003) A method to calculate source potential in realistic head model and its effectiveness. 電子科技大學學報, (in Chinese)




Yongchun Cai, Ziyue Liang, Yihui He.Attention improves the perceived contrast of a uniform patch.Vision Sciences Society, Florida USA, 2017.Poster.
Liufang Zhou, Simona Buetti, Shena Lu,Yongchun Cai.Attentional Effect On Perceived Contrast: From Enhancement To Attenuation.Vision Sciences Society, Florida USA, 2017. Poster.
Liufang Zhou, Shena Lu,Yongchun Cai. Attention enhances perceived contrast by attenuating the surround suppression. The 31st International Congress of Psychology. Yokohama Japan. 2016. Talk.
Shena Lu, Shuangxia Li,Yongchun Cai. Semantic processing in the absence of visual awareness induced by interocular suppression. The 31th International congress of psychology. Yokohama Japan. 2016., Poster.
Liufang Zhou, Shena Lu,Yongchun Cai. Covert Attention Impairs Perceived Contrast at High-contrast Levels. 17th International Multisensory Research Forum, Suzhou China, 2016.Poster.
李雙俠,盧舍那,蔡永春.數字-空間聯結的空間表征和言語概念表征.浙江省心理學會第十六屆第二次學術交流大會, page 52,浙江寧波, 2015.報告。
Liufang Zhou,Yongchun Cai, Shena Lu. Attentional modulation of surround suppression. in Academic Conference of Psychology of Zhejiang Province,Ningbo, China,2015.Talk.
Yongchun Cai& Shuangxia Li. A temporal advantage for numerically small digits. Vision Sciences Society, Florida USA, 2014. Poster.
李雙俠,蔡永春.小數字的時間加工優勢.浙江省心理學會第十六屆第一次代表大會暨學術交流會, page 50,浙江台州, 2013.報告。
Shuangxia Li, Yongchun Cai& Shena Lu. Semantic priming effect during binocular suppression. APCV (第9屆亞太視覺會議), Page 34, Suzhou China, 2013.Poster.
Yongchun Cai.Influences of contextual modulation on dichoptic masking. National Academic Congress of Psychology. Xi'an China, 2011.10.15, Poster.
蔡永春,周天罡,(2006)周邊抑制可影響雙眼競爭過程中的抑制階段。生物物理學報,22. (桂林,2006.11)
Cai Yongchun,Zhou Tiangang (2005) Investigation of the asymmetry of alerting effect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Suppl. S.




