


  • 中文名:蔡宴朋
  • 出生日期:1978年
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:加拿大里賈納大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


2. 2003年,北京師範大學,獲碩士學位;
3. 2009年,加拿大里賈納大學,獲博士學位。


1. 國家優青;
2. 中國國家教育部優秀自費留學生獎。


[1] Cai, YP, Cai, JY, Xu, LY et al. (2019). Integrated risk analysis of water-energy nexus systems based on systems dynamics, orthogonal design and copula analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 99 (2019) 125–137. (SCI IF =9.184)
[2] Xu, R.H., Cai, Y.P.*, Yang, Z.F., Tan, Q. et al. (2018). A simulation–optimization modeling approach for watershed-scale agricultural N2O emission mitigation under multi-level uncertainties. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment, (2018) 32:2683–2697.
[3] Li, C.C., Cai, Y. P.*, Qian, J. P. (2018). A multi-stage fuzzy stochastic programming method for water resources management with the consideration of ecological water demand. Ecological Indicators, 95, 930-939.
[4] Ur Rehman, S.A., Cai, Y.P.*, Mirjat, N.H., Das Walasai, G., Ali Shah, L., Ali, S. (2017). The future of sustainable energy production in Pakistan: a system dynamics-based approach for estimating Hubbert peaks. Energies, 10(11), 1858-1852.
[5] Wang, B.L, Cai, Y.P.*, Yin, X.A, Tan, Q., Hao, Y. (2017). An integrated approach of system dynamics, orthogonal experimental design and inexact optimization for supporting water resources management under uncertainty. Water Resources Management, 31(5), 1665-1694.
[6] Yue, W.C, Cai, Y,P.*, Xu, L., Yang, Z,F.*, Yin, X., Su, M. (2017). Industrial water resources management based on violation risk analysis of the total allowable target on wastewater discharge. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 5055, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04508-9.
[7] Wang, H., Cai, Y,P.*, Tan, Q., Zeng, Y. (2017). Evaluation of groundwater remediation technologies based on fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis approaches. Water, 9(6), 443-463.
[8] Sun, L., Li, C., Cai, Y,P.*, Wang, X. (2017). Interval optimization model considering terrestrial ecological impacts for water rights transfer from agriculture to industry in Ningxia, China. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 3465.
[9] Xu, Y., Cai, Y.P.*, Sun, T., Yin, X., Tan, Q. (2017). Development of an integrated indicator system to assess the impacts of reclamation engineering on a river estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin,119(2), 50-59.
[10] Xu, Y., Cai, Y,P.*, Sun, T., Tan, Q. (2017). A multi-scale integrated modeling framework to measure comprehensive impact of coastal reclamation activities in Yellow River Estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 122(1-2), 27-37.
[11] Cai, Y.P.*, Applegate, S., Yue, W.C., Cai, J.Y., Wang, X. Liu, G.Y., Li, C.H. (2016). A hybrid life cycle and multi-criteria decision analysis approach for identifying sustainable development strategies of Beijing's taxi fleet. Energy Policy (Elsevier). 100, 314-325.
[12] Cai, Y. P.*, Yue, W.C., Xu, L.Y., Yang, Z.F., Rong, Q.Q. (2016). Sustainable urban water resources management considering life-cycle environmental impacts of water utilization under uncertainty. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 108, 21-40.
[13] Rong, Q.Q., Lu, J.T., Cai, Y.P.* , Lu, Z.H, Zhao ,Z.Z.,Yue, W.C.,Xia, J.B. (2015). Leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of Tamarix chinensis Lour. in the Laizhou Bay coastal wetland, China. Ecological Engineering, 76: 57-65.
[14] Wang, X.W., Cai, Y.P.*, Xu, Y., Zhao, H.Z., Chen, J.J. (2014). Optimal strategies for carbon reduction at dual levels in China based on a hybrid nonlinear grey-prediction and quota-allocation model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 83: 185–193.
[15] Yang, Z.F., Cai, Y.P.*. (2014). Preface: Practice and strategies for managing water conflicts between human and ecosystems. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 3675–3679.
[16] Yue, W.C., Cai, Y.P.*, Rong, Q.Q., Li, C.H. (2014). A hybrid life-cycle and fuzzy-set-pair analyses approach for comprehensively evaluating impacts of industrial wastewater under uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production, 80: 57-68.
[17] Zeng, Y., Cai, Y.P.*, Jia, P., Mao, J.S. (2014). Development of a model-based flood emergency management system in Yujiang river basin, south China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 8(2): 231-241.
[18] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Yeh, S.C., Liu, L., Li, G.C. (2012). A modeling approach for investigating climate change impacts on renewable energy utilization at a community scale. International Journal of Energy Research, 36(6): 764-777.
[19] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Tan, Q., Yang, Z.F. (2011). An integrated approach for climate-change impact analysis and adaptation planning under multi-level uncertainties. Part I: Methodology. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), 2779-2790.
[20] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Tan, Q., Liu, L. (2011). An integrated approach for climate-change impact analysis and adaptation planning under multi-level uncertainties. Part II: Case study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), 3051-3073.
[21] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Tan, Q., Chen, B. (2010). Identification of optimal strategies for improving eco-resilience to floods in ecologically vulnerable regions of a wetland. Ecological Modelling, 222(2), 360-369.
[22] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Yang, Z.F., Lin, Q.G., Tan, Q. (2009). Community-scale energy management systems design under uncertainty - An interval chance-constrained programming approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(4), 721-735.
[23] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Lin, Q.G., Nie, X.H., Tan, Q. (2009). An optimization-model-based interactive decision support system for regional energy management systems planning under uncertainty. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2), 3470-3482.
[24] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Yang, Z.F., Lin, Q.G., Bass, B., Tan, Q. (2008). Development of an optimization model for energy systems planning in the Region of Waterloo. International Journal of Energy Research, 32(11), 988-1005.
[25] Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Nie, X.H., Li, Y.P., Tan, Q. (2007). Municipal solid waste management under uncertainty: A mixed interval parameter fuzzy-stochastic robust programming approach. Environmental Engineering Science, 24(3), 338-352.




